Quick Update
By nana_d
Hi I haven’t been on the site as much in recent weeks decorating and busy working but having been popping on to the site and having a quick look to see what everyone is up to. Still waiting for my biopsy results should hear tomorrow hospital apparently sent them on the 15th but they got lost in the post…..most probably along with that cheque lol.
My son has had Bells Palsy for the last three weeks but called today to say he could now shut his eye and has slight movement in his mouth so that is good news. Will post pics of bedroom soon but just waiting for a few finishing touches before revealing the end product.
Just started a mosaic a xmas pressie for my daughters boyfriend who has a large pond in his garden full of Koi carp so I am doing a couple of Koi looking like they are kissing and calling it ….A Coy Kiss:)
Start of the mosaic… the template
Using glass this time for the whole mosaic so before starting this I have been having a few practice sessions with the glass cutter. Not quite mastered it but getting better.
Gluing the fish tomorrow, then hopefully the background Thursday. This hobby certainly keeps me occupied in the evenings during the winter. By the way my cosmos is still flowering unbelievable!
Take Care Everyone:)
22 Nov, 2011
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Wishing you and your son better health ...
The beginnings of your Koi Kiss - Coy kiss - Lol ...
look really good...
I'm adding to GoYpedia Mosaics. :o)
22 Nov, 2011
Thanks Pixi and Terra:)
22 Nov, 2011
Wishing you all the best Nana d for both you and your son (Bells palsy is just a temporary thing and doesn't normally last too long). Your mosaic's looking good, it's gonna be great! Best wishes S. x
22 Nov, 2011
Well done with the mosaic Nana`d and I hope things continue to improve healthwise for you and your son...
22 Nov, 2011
That's a fab start, Nana, it's going to look fantastic! Will you take some more pics so we can watch your progress? Fingers crossed for your biopsy results tomorrow, and I hope your son recovers soon, a friend of ours had it, and he was only off work a few weeks, he would have been back sooner, but he's a lecturer, and he was a wee bit difficult to understand, but he's grand now!
23 Nov, 2011
Looking good Deb!! Can't wait to see the finished result. Lucky bf!!!
Wishing you and your son excellent health!
23 Nov, 2011
Wishing you & your son the best of health, life can be difficult enough without bad health. Your mosaic is looking great, I'd love to see it finished. All the best.
23 Nov, 2011
Hope all news is good news. Best wishes.
23 Nov, 2011
I hope your son improves again, and that you're better too.
The carp look great. They'll make a lovely gift.
23 Nov, 2011
Hi Nana I hope all goes well with the hospital and your son improves too:))))))))))) Your mosiac is great really nice gift :))))))))))
23 Nov, 2011
What an amazing gift...he will be thrilled...absolutely beautiful Nana....love it! Hope you get good news on your health soon :))
23 Nov, 2011
Mosaic looks fab, wishing you all the best.
23 Nov, 2011
Hi everyone thank you for all your lovely comments it really is wonderful to have such support and encouragement from so many of you lovely Goyers:)
Consultant called me today to say that the results of the biopsy's were inconclusive so back to the drawing board. I am now waiting for an appointment to see her again and see where we go from here will keep you posted.
23 Nov, 2011
Oh, that's so annoying and leaves you back to where you were before.....hope it goes well at the appointment. x
23 Nov, 2011
That must be so frustrating for you, keep your spirits up and hope you don`t have to wait too long..
23 Nov, 2011
I hope they soon let you know Nana - hope it all comes good for you :))))))))))))))))))
23 Nov, 2011
Thanks Karen/Paul and Linclass yes I am back to the start again but hey at least it is nothing sinister:)
23 Nov, 2011
yes that is good Nana - just take care :)))))))))))))))))))
23 Nov, 2011
Oh dear, Nana, well, at least you're not totally back to square one, but I'm sure you'd be more settled if you'd got some answers! Just look after yourself!
23 Nov, 2011
If it's not bad news first time it could mean it's not so bad. Sending you healing anyway, may they never find anything bad. They once remove something from my back, said it was cancer and they weren't sure if it had spread but second biopsy they weren't sure what they were dealing with, they never did find any more tumors, growths or anting like that. Heard a woman tell her friend on the way out of the Hosp. Dr said I had cancer a few months ago but there is nothing there now, it must have gone away. Yeah right! Maybe she never had any.
Tell your self;
My body serves me well, I am healthy and strong and all impurities are removed from my body daily.
24 Nov, 2011
Thanks Libet I will and thank you too Angie:)
24 Nov, 2011
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Looks great Nana xx
22 Nov, 2011