Crystal The American Bulldog
By nana_d
Since I started doing mosaics my daughter Laura and her boyfriend have been asking me to do one of Crystal their lovely dog but I kept saying no because I thought it would be very difficult to capture my lovely grand dogters character. But after much badgering I decided to give it a go:)
This is our lovely Crystal….delicate little thing isn’t she lol!
My mosaic attempt of trying to capture a bit of Crystal
Still got to finish background gluing and grouting, I thought it would be difficult and I wasn’t wrong and I don’t think I will be doing another pet for awhile! Should finish it at the weekend.
1 Dec, 2011
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I think that has come together very well Nana, it's hard enough to capture the character of a pet with paints, let alone glass! Well done!
2 Dec, 2011
That is going to be lovely,Nana d..and something to keep forever..I really admire your creative art..well done.:o)
2 Dec, 2011
Looking great nana! :)
2 Dec, 2011
spot-on capture Nana, & your right, she's delicate just like my Staffy LOL
2 Dec, 2011
that is so good Nana its spot on well done.
2 Dec, 2011
i like it dont stop . you should always challange yourself as an artist . it makes you better . youvecaptured her nicely . my bitch is a staffy x american bulldog and she looks like a pitbull but has an amazingly soft natureshes called merkin . im anartist to . i got 8 other dogs at the mop . jerry (springer) the springer lol sausage my wrinkly sharpei and her 5 pups that are lovly and a one eyed black pug called sid . i like it youve captured her with very few pieces realy .
2 Dec, 2011
That's going to be brilliant Nana and as NP says, the challenge is very good for us! And also as Libet says, to capture an animal in paint (unless you are called Noseypotter!) is hard enough but glass......Am SO looking forward to seeing it finished.
I can't believe that I am missing my own show, I am so narked off, putting it very politely!
2 Dec, 2011
Thanks for all your lovely comments and words of encouragement really has helped me explore my artistic side after not doing anything since leaving school many many lots of many years ago lol:) Sounds like you have got a housefull NP:) Oh Lulu I m so disappointed for you can someone video it for you?? Can you not do a little DVD intro to play at the exhibit beforehand?
2 Dec, 2011
No way Nana!! Will get people to take photographs of how it all looks! The good thing is that the 2 who will run it always put my prices up!! I did intend to let them get on with it whilst I stayed in the beer tent!!
2 Dec, 2011
Ha ha like the idea of staying in the beer tent are you feeling any better or getting any energy back? Glad you have got two people who love your work and who will get you a good price:)x
2 Dec, 2011
me too Nana!
Took pups for decent walk today, time for a kip now!
2 Dec, 2011
I think it's brilliant Nana d :o) And what a lovely name - suits her down to the ground lol :D
2 Dec, 2011
Hi Hywel, Ha ha she is such a madam but gorgeous and she loves coming to see nana_d mainly cos she knows she get cheese and lots of cuddles lol:)
2 Dec, 2011
cheese is Pru, Sluggy and Jazz's favourite treat too!
2 Dec, 2011
It's brilliant Nana....really big challenge and you've pulled it off! :))
2 Dec, 2011
Ah Lulu I really think she loves cheese more than me:( Thanks Karen looking forward to finishing it and getting my kitchen table back lol! Lisa my daughter in London has requested one next but I am going to have a rest for a week then I have some time off work and will do it then in between xmas shopping!.
2 Dec, 2011
How is it now!!!? Grouted yet?
2 Dec, 2011
Hi Lulu nope not grouted but glued and because I ran out of off-white glass so I have got to saw a few inches of the bottom tomorrow morning when the glue has dried then put the last bits of glass at the bottom and glue. Might grout tomorrow night cos I am taking my grand daughter to see Happy Feet 2 with my daughter in the afternoon. But a bit nervous about mixing grout in false light gonna mix a bit of sandstone grout in with white grout to get an off-whitish colour, think white would be too stark and grey would loose Crystal's features ......keep your fingers x'd for me with the grouting:) How you feeling after your long walk this morning did you manage to have a nap?
2 Dec, 2011
Looking good so far.
2 Dec, 2011
I've never heard of a dog eating cheese lol. I'm sure she enjoys it, and you can spoil her if you're her nana ;o))
2 Dec, 2011
Thanks Alex have the council come round to take pictures yet of your lovely garden?? Hi Hywel apparently they all love it Crystal also likes cucumber but I think the after affects are pretty grim lol!:)
2 Dec, 2011
2 Dec, 2011
Oh Nana, hope the sawing goes ok!
3 Dec, 2011
thank you lulu nana x x
i have got a housefull and im never happier to watch these dogs interract with each other when you have a very good mum which means agression apart from with me thow you could tell itw was only my dominance that aloud me that privalidge that the rest of my dogs didnt get . its not easy livcing in a house with 2 sets of dogs ya love because theyl fight . it took 2 weeks to get them together lol .
3 Dec, 2011
Lulu went fine with sawing and finished ready for grout tomorrow and taking 3.5 Livvy to cinema was hysterical will not take her again until she is at least 4.5 my daughter and I were cracking up at her comments ..her boredom eating popcorn like it was going out of fashion I wish I had a video of her demanding back scratches why nobody would speak to her just wonderful but I need to see the film again ON MY OWN:) Oh Noseypotter just looked at your website absolutely flicking amazing(like the music too:)) Feel I have missed out alot with art over the years your canvasses are amazing and sculptures love em.
3 Dec, 2011
I could just imagine the scene at the cinema Nana, how funny.
I took a 2 year old, Lily, to see Father Christmas. We stood in the queue for what seemed like well over an hour and as we got closer to Santa's grotto, Lily said to me
"Lulu, bit scared".
Nah I said,
"Yes" she said "Lulu I am a bit frightened"
Well, we finally got to Santa whereupon Lil wailed like a banshee and we had to make a very quick exit! After waiting in the queue all that time, I felt a bit miffed as I had never been to Santa's grotto!
We went again another year and she remembered and pretended to be scared, with a glint in her eye!!
4 Dec, 2011
Lulu that made me chuckle they are so funny and come out with so many priceless things just going to mix the grout....make or break time!.
4 Dec, 2011
most dogs love cheese its miceand rats who arnt to keen . they like peanut butter more . thanx nana glad you like it xx .
4 Dec, 2011
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looking great Nana and so nice to do it - a wonderful talent to have !! I can imagine the mess I'd make :D
1 Dec, 2011