Poor Hostas
By nanjo
Well my lovely Hostas are being shredded no matter what I do ,although the ones on the left side of the bed aren’t being damaged as much, yet…..I’ve lost count of the tiny snails and slugs I have removed from them as well as an assortment of other sized ones . I have tried putting an organic gel around them as a barrier as well as slug pellets as a last resort. I know the beggars climb up other plants / walls / fences then launch themselves at the Hostas like Kamikaze fighters to avoid the traps laid for them !
7 Jun, 2014
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Only chance might be in pots with copper tape round, or standing on a concrete or shingle area that deters slugs and snails - doesn't stop them but there are fewer.
7 Jun, 2014
I'm now trying to use plants that slugs/snails are not interested in and this has meant sadly no more Dahlias which I love. I found the only thing that did work was the slug pellets, but I really don't want to use them, so I will just have to resign myself to admiring other peoples Dahlias and appreciating the hard work they have they have put into them.
7 Jun, 2014
The only thing that really does work is the pellets and Lijemc says. The secret to using those is to get them down on 14th of February and it gets rid of the early ones that appear and not putting down too many. 4 or 5 per plant is adequate, otherwise you attract them from miles around.
I love when my neighbour puts in her bedding plants, she smothers the ground with them and they all migrate to her garden ;
7 Jun, 2014
I too gave up on Dahlias as the slugs did not give them a chance though they leave my large Hosta alone
Might I suggest you try keeping them dryer and never water them after 10am which sounds daft as its been so wet this last year.
7 Jun, 2014
Well thank you all for the advice, tho' Drc I must admit that I rarely water them as they are in shade and don't seem to dry out. I originally had all of them in pots Stera but the copper tape didn't seem to work either. Lijemc - it must be difficult finding plants that they don't like.. I have so many plants in the garden that are being eaten it's a wonder there are any left ! When I next go to the GC I'm looking for some 'Slug Clear' to see if that works .. Terra what an awful thought - flying slugs & snails, doesn't bear thinking about. I must remember your advice for next year Scottish and make an early start on them.
7 Jun, 2014
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Hi Nancy ...
That's such a pity ...... attacks from flying snails !
I've never tried to grow hostas ... a waste of time, effort and money .. because in my gardens they would be chewed to pieces ..
7 Jun, 2014