HI, I´m a balcony-gardener, far away in Germany,...
By nelke
and I found Your webside while searching information on “Dianthus amurensis”, which I sawed recently.
My “garden” is tiny, about 1.50 × 1.80 meters, half of it in the shadow of the roof, in an old house´s 4th. floor and 5 minutes from the heart of the city. Now, this garden is containing nearly 70 – 8o different plants in most shallow pots! They stay outside in winter. Most of them are saxifraga´s, sedum´s and dianthus´s, and other stonegarden-plants. By growing in pots it is easy to divide them into those, who love lime and others loving sour earth. Most of the pots I can make myself by pottery, so I have irregular forms, not being conspiceous.
Between all those little ones, I love white Lilies, mixed with big pinks.
I try to imitate little biotops; the next one: To do a new pottery about 43 × 34 cm, standing half in shadow, to join all my plants from the wood which grow on lime: Anemone sylvatica, Anemone nemorosa, Allium ursinum, Galium odoratum, Cynanchum vincetoxicum (I took seeds from the wood, they seem to come…), and Viola odorata. All of them sprouting.
Right now, after a pretty cold german winter, the Pulsatilla vernalis in white, comes out, and beside it, a little Adonis vernalis, to whom I look forward with great joy. The lillies show their first points.
I often regret not to live in England – mild & fair – because of it´s Gardens and it´s lovely landscapes. And other beauties. Nelke.Photos later.
5 Apr, 2009
More blog posts by nelke
Next post: the doves and me...
Welcome. You will find you like it here. Just as Sewingkilla states looking forward to the photos
5 Apr, 2009
Welcome to GOY.
5 Apr, 2009
Two balcony gardeners on one day! - remarkable. Welcome to Goy, I'm sure you will enjoy it. Look forward to photos of your 'Alpines'.
5 Apr, 2009
Welcome to Goy. :o)
7 Apr, 2009
Welcome from me too.
Looking forward to the photos of your garden.
We are not so far away, maybe you will be able to visit England on holiday. Germany is beautiful too, I have good memories of holidays there.
7 Apr, 2009
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Welcome to GOY!! your garden sounds very interesting, looking forward to seeing some photos!!
5 Apr, 2009