Apples and Pears and Ponds !
By new_at_this
Busy busy today…after feeling a bit forlorn as my garden seems to be readying itself for autumn I decided that what I needed was a good project.
My much loved pondlette that has caused me so much hassle this year has had a makeover. Gone is the plastic preformed pond and the badly placed turf (what was i thinking when I turfed round a pond in a raised bed !) and in comes the full big grown up pond liner ! The water is settling at the moment then tomorrow I will fit the pump and screw the edging down and make it pretty. I feel like I am being proactive again and thats made me happy :)
Now its not often that I get to share a tip with you all as you are all so clever but today I have a good one !
I discovered today when I was clearing up the fallen fruit under the apple and pear trees that it was a BAD IDEA to throw the fruit into the compost bin, that more times I would miss the bin completely, and that rotten fruit either splats all over the place or smashes into a million bits when it lands. Its is a BAD IDEA to think that I am a basketball superstar, that I couldn’t hit a barn door if i tried let alone a bin 10ft away…its a BAD IDEA.
All I did was create more jobs. So tip of the day from my garden is…..don’t throw fruit at bins no matter how tempted you may be.
:) x
19 Aug, 2017
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I bought one of those but left it in the garden and now its full of very green water...
Thank you for the tip NAT. If we are every lucky enough to have any tree fruits I'll remember not to use the bin for target practice!
19 Aug, 2017
Cant wait to see your new big pond hope it goes well for you. Wish I had fallen apples I would throw them over the church yard by their doors which has trees next to it for the birds to eat then can mess all over their path instead of mine from their over lapping trees into my garden..
19 Aug, 2017
A very practical tip! :-)
Would love to see your pond. We're putting one in, too as soon as we get the little shed cleared and taken down.
20 Aug, 2017
Gaia if you click on the letter P at the bottom of the page and scroll down you'll find lots of stuff on ponds that might be interesting for you.
20 Aug, 2017
I was going to suggest hiring a donkey to clear up the fruit then wondered whether one should feed apples to a donkey. Find different theories. Some say, "Yes"; others say "No to fermenting fruit". So no wiser.
You could always hire a child . I used to give my neighbour's little girl 1p for every pine cone she collected from the lawn. Oh dear! Was that slave labour? She, and I, used to be pleased at the end of a session. So there!
20 Aug, 2017
lol :D I do like your tip, thanks for that. I must say I am also guilty of doing things that create more work than I want ! and I end up laughing at how daft I am sometimes :D
Good luck with your pond ... I hope it attracts lots of wildlife for you :)
21 Aug, 2017
If I ever come up with a sensible tip I'll let you all know :)
21 Aug, 2017
Eirlys - Children these days would charge a call out fee to even look at the job, then charge £1 per apple and £2 per pear, take selfies whilst pouting into the camera and then post about how unfair it all is on social media :D
21 Aug, 2017
NAT: Love that!! :O)
21 Aug, 2017
The sad thing is you're probably not too far off the truth too.
21 Aug, 2017
Glad you are enjoying redesigning your pond.
I am lucky to know some very nice children around here. My neighbour's granddaughter (12 yr old) has been enjoying volunteering to water the garden for me during the last week while she was visiting nanna. And 2 little boys at church (10 and 8 yrs old) that like to be helpful, and they make cards for people and write them nice letters and so on.... as well as some younger ones that I can see growing into the same kind of nice, kind ones that the older ones are.
3 Sep, 2017
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Tip for you I have a number of plastic Trugs dotted around the garden and keep one close to where i am occupied that saves my legs
the type I refer to are available in garden centres and supermarkets usually brightly coloured with two loop handles About £3.00 to £5.00 each
good bit is I don't have to empty them !!
19 Aug, 2017