Oops - I'm in trouble
By new_at_this
Sooooo….it appears that I have upset somebody.
This morning I received a private message from a member saying they felt I was using the site inappropriately and that my blogs would be better suited to Facebook or twitter.
Apparently I don’t talk about plants or gardening enough and I am ‘littering’ this site with ‘nonsense and self absorbed ramblings’
I know I’m a shocker for going off on a tangent and I probably shouldn’t of put the picture of my teenagers on here but in my defence I was so pleased that they where out looking at woods with me that I got carried away.
I know I’m not great at this and I ask daft questions but I’m learning and I try not to repeat stupid questions if possible.
I don’t know any of the names of the plants (apart from dahlias) but I am trying.
I hope that I haven’t upset any of you but if you did feel I’d be better elsewhere of course I’d go….I’ve met some smashing lovelies, cottagekaren, steragram, hywel, eirlys, greenfingers honeysuckle and of course the insanely knowledgable bamboo…..just to mention a few of you but I’d be mortified if I drove you potty.
Anyway….I’m off to weed and dead head….see I do mention gardening
:) x
5 Aug, 2017
1 like
Previous post: Last day holiday blues....
Next post: Finally caught up (genuine gardening blog I promise)
THank you. X
5 Aug, 2017
You're welcome :) x
5 Aug, 2017
OK, we all ramble sometimes, me possibly worse than most. I do try to stick to the subject but something springs to mind and I'm off on a tangent too!
Don't let anyone upset you and please don't leave, we enjoy your blogs, perhaps a few need all blogs to be only full of scientific names and plant problems, but many of the members don't get out much (no offence intended) and treat this site as full of friends and enjoy some of the 'background' to the plants and gardens they see.
5 Aug, 2017
Eh? What on earth? What nonsense. You have become a valued contributor to our community NAT. And what is more, you express a new found joy in gardening, growing, enjoying your outdoor space, and a new-found appreciation for the natural environment. For me, that is a real breath of fresh air. Please try not to let this person upset you. We are so enjoying watching you grow, encouraging you and joining in with your excitement. Flag the message if it's abusive. I'm shocked and disappointed by this kind of criticism. Its unkind and unwarranted, and not what GoY is about. Come on friends....its our job to encourage, offer helpful advice, and enjoy new contributors.
5 Aug, 2017
Oh...and you can put news on here about your teenagers as well. Most of us do that from time to time. Its about sharing positives in life. Nobody 'has' to read anything. If I don't like it, I don't read it. Sorry you've been targeted Nat. :(
5 Aug, 2017
well I am incensed on your behalf. many of us mention our partners kids/grandkids, pets etc. and if we don't want to comment on someone's blog we don't, if we do we usually add good things. there are options to label the different blogs and wildlife ie walking in the woods certainly fits into that one.
my last blog was really about my pond and the death of 2 trees was added to add a bit of plant info. but really!
your blogs are great and the only way you will gain knowledge is by asking/reading and sharing.
some of us share sights from holidays and where we live and it certainly helps to see the environment people live in. I don't think it upsets people.
DO NOT let the member put you off they don't have to read them.
5 Aug, 2017
A very belated welcome to GoY from me NAT ... I have to admit to only just looking at your photos/blogs/questions and can see nothing about them that shouldn't be on this site.
We all had to start gardening at some point ... for myself it was when I had my first house with a tiny patch of garden ... many years ago!
I have made friends on this helpful, informative and (on the whole) friendly gardening site ... have met up with a few 'in the flesh' so to speak.
I don't use Facebook or Twitter ... just this one forum and really enjoy it for seeing plants in the UK and also around the world ... not to mention the knowledge I have gained from it.
Do NOT be put off by one negative PM from a member ... it happens from time to time ... think positive and enjoy your gardening ... :o))
5 Aug, 2017
I enjoy your blogs Nat,and I loved photos of your family,please don't stop being you,you are a breath of fresh air.
5 Aug, 2017
I am fuming that someone would say those things to you!
Sounds to me like THEY are the one that should go elsewhere!
As others have said no-one has to read anything that doesn't interest them.
I have heard of a member being nasty & encouraging people to leave - I'm so sorry you were targeted in this way.
I have learnt so much from the generous helpful folk here & am only too happy to help anyone in the same way.
FLAG that person & take absolutely no notice of their mean words!
5 Aug, 2017
Thank you everyone....I'm so relieved to have you all in my corner. I don't like Facebook very much, I don't like drama at all. I was just so surprised to be honest
If this person is being mean to me then they aren't being mean to anyone else.
:) x
5 Aug, 2017
I doubt that, Nat, mean people are not selective & there will be others that perhaps just quietly leave or stop blogging or are just upset & say nothing - so no-one knows.
5 Aug, 2017
I just think it's a shame when we are all on here because we have something in common
5 Aug, 2017
My nan had a saying Nat, "ignore them, it hurts them all the more". I go off on one too, remembering where I bought a plant or some such nonsense. I'll never understand why people feel the need.
Whoever it was - If you can't say something nice about someone then don't say nothing at all!
5 Aug, 2017
Thank you lovelies. Stiff upper lip. Back in place :)
5 Aug, 2017
Only just seen this and agree with everything said above.
I've really enjoyed coming with you on your gardening discovery journey. Though we don't usually meet Goyers in the flesh we grow to feel they are friends and are happy to see their personal pictures occasionally. Take no notice.
5 Aug, 2017
I have only just seen this too,and like Shirley,I have only just checked out your blogs,photo's etc..I agree with all the others....ignore,and flag if you get any more nasty comments..we don't want people like this on here..maybe they get a kick out of seeing your reaction,Nat..how sad is that ??? Anyway,you seem as though you have moved on..it's time that person did too..off GOY ! x
6 Aug, 2017
Thank you :)
6 Aug, 2017
I have only just seen this and am shocked that someone has sent you this message. Your blogs have been a breath of fresh air and your changing hair colour always put a smile on my face :-). As the others have said, I really don't know how anyone could class any of them not appropriate to this site. I'm more of a sinner for that, this time last year I posted a picture of my daughter licking out her birthday cake mixture from the bowl!!!! Glad that it sounds like you are going to ingore and keep writing your blogs just the way you have been as we would miss them if you didn't! Jen x
6 Aug, 2017
Thank you Jen. I'm a chatterbox and it spills into my blogs.
6 Aug, 2017
That's just being human :)
6 Aug, 2017
Hello, as Hywel said at the start, we've sadly lost some lovely members due to spiteful people on here and yes, we all know it's a gardening forum but if there are blogs/photos that don't interest us, just don't read, skip by and live and let live :)
6 Aug, 2017
Well I'm not leaving...I love being part of this community. Apart from this individual I've had nothing but help guidance and friendship offered to me and I would be a big woose to leave over it. Thank you for all your lovely support. Means oodles to me x
6 Aug, 2017
What the ....!!! Thank goodness yiu brought this out in the open, I can only agree with everything that has been said above, the only requirement I reckon, which is needed for goy is an interest in gardening. And your passion and enthusiasm for all things garden related is just dripping from your pages. I love to see what you're doing and how your garden will develop. Stay girl stay! Oh and ignore this person.
6 Aug, 2017
Well to be honest with you all....I had another message and it wasn't nice BUT I have flagged it now.
6 Aug, 2017
Oh my goodness I am so sorry to read this Nat, I didn't realise we still had anyone on here capable of such an underhand trick as that, we've had them in the past, I think its cowardly to send a PM of that nature, I can assure you that if whomsoever it was that sent it, had done that on the blogs then they would be the one being told to go, you can probably tell that by the amount of members backing you up, I haven't actually commented on your blogs, I had a few problems my end and still playing catchup ,( long story) no-one has said it but if you get anymore then name and shame them. Not s'posed to say that to you as its considered wrong and normally I wouldn't but I'm biddy angry on your behalf.....
6 Aug, 2017
I thought about naming and shaming but to be honest I feel a bit sorry for this person. How sad and lovely must you be to pick on people on a site thats totally aimed at people who love beautiful things. Flowers and plants and the fruit a veg we all grow are supposed to bring us together as a community. I just think she can't have much to be happy about off she wants to bring that down x
6 Aug, 2017
I've got over my tantrum bit Nat, its called calming down, I don't usually react as badly as that but although I haven't commented on your blogs I have read them and honestly cannot for the life of me understand what the heck said member is on about, whoever it is should apologize to you, your blogs are all about the garden, okay so you told us about your holiday, we've most of us done that and we talk about family and pets as well, so you colour your hair , no different than someone painting the garden furniture, someone is seeking attention methinks, you are probably right, whoever it is does sound sad and needing an outlet, possibly thought you were an easy target to wind up...
I'm just pleased you haven't let it drive you away, you did right to flag them, if you do get anymore, don't be afraid to tell someone and we'll all jump on the flag wagon with you....
6 Aug, 2017
Hear hear,to the latest comments from Goy friends,and at least we now know it was a 'she '.. some species of which are known as Bitches..!.definitely name and shame if you get anymore ,Nat..so we can flag and hopefully get rid of this person..Somehow,I think she will have got the message now,and crawled back under her stone ,where she belongs ...strong words,but I think that's how we all feel ...xx
7 Aug, 2017
its such a shame to be honest,
I do love being on here, I love talking to you all, and I love reading what your all upto and how to implement different things in my garden.
Thank you for all your support, it really does mean alot :)
7 Aug, 2017
Hi Nat,
Only takes one bad apple !! but as you can see from all the reply's from genuine nice people that gives us hope.
If me I would of cut and pasted for all to see and turned that into a blog !!
I know of two on here I wouldn't touch with a bamboo cane (gardening term lol) and I bet the others are thinking the same ...
Just carry on as usual Nat ....
7 Aug, 2017
Ok the bamboo cane comment made me laugh out loud.
Thank you GG
:D x
7 Aug, 2017
I just want to reiterate what the others have said. I don't often comment or post blogs (too busy at the mo) but I have read all of your blogs. I see nothing wrong with them, and have enjoyed all of them. I hope you won't let this change what you post.
It seems to me that you've attracted the attention of a childish, nasty person who frankly doesn't belong on such a nice site. I'm glad to read you've flagged them and sincerely hope they've got the message that they aren't welcome here if they are going to behave like that.
7 Aug, 2017
Thank you :)
7 Aug, 2017
I can't believe they have sent you another message. Glad you flagged it. Sounds like they are just as you say a sad, lonely person but that is no reason to be nasty. Think they are probably jealous as you come across as a warm, friendly person and so people response to your comments and blogs. You started this blog saying sorry, not in naming and shaming them, but worried you had upset more of the members. The fact that so many of us have come out in supporting you, hopefully will send the message to her loud and clear!!!!!
7 Aug, 2017
Yes, jealousy I'd say.
7 Aug, 2017
Thank you lovely ladies xx
7 Aug, 2017
There you go Nat you have all our support, we don't get riled very often but when we do the fat hits the fan and we stand together, lol......
7 Aug, 2017
Sandra say it like it is why don't you, LOL....My own thoughts as well.....Do wish people would realise that just because we're not posting blogs it doesn't mean we've deserted the ship, we still watch peoples backs and take care of each other...
7 Aug, 2017
I'm a bit overwhelmed to be honest lol
7 Aug, 2017
Lol,Sue,and I always do..I see you are your ever tactful self with your comment too.ha ha..Well,us Northern lasses are living up to our reputation of being outspoken,and calling a spade,a spade..or a shovel..whatever ! :o) x
7 Aug, 2017
7 Aug, 2017
Sandra if it was face to face I would use different words, I am a believer in saying what I think, especially if someone has got my back up, I don't hold back either...I've educated myself to not swear on here.....
7 Aug, 2017
I'm glad I've got my northern ladies on my side lol
7 Aug, 2017
Now we know its a she I think we can all guess who it is.
Being another outspoken northerner I try hard to control my sharp tongue but there are limits.
7 Aug, 2017
But we can be restrained when we need to be,Stera :o)
7 Aug, 2017
It is terrible to think someone out there thinks they have the right to dictate how we should chat to one another. I imagine they wouldn't try this with older members. You can see by our response that this person doesn't represent GOY members. We love your blogs.
7 Aug, 2017
I'm fully aware that my blogs are a mish mash of dahlias, wanting to look like Hywels fuschias and a few daft questions but I have always liked the fun in life, I have managed this way for 44 years and I don't suppose I'll change now :)
My main concern was not what this individual thought of me BUT more that you all felt I was serious enough about my garden to belong here...everyone's made me feel so welcome and I would want any of you to feel like I disrespect what this site is for. From the amazing support I've had I know I don't have to worry and that's great.
So, we all have much more loveliness to talk about so I going to declare the matter closed. I have had such heart warming response from you all that I won't give this lady anymore internet time.
My final thought;
I love my garden. I love this site....and if you don't like me then that's just fine by me :D x
7 Aug, 2017
I agree,Nat.we have all had our say..now let's move on.we shall.look forward to seeing your blogs and photo's,whatever they are about..There is a category for other things as well as gardening,which a lot of us use for different topics...I must remember to click on the right one in future :o) x
8 Aug, 2017
Well I haven't a clue who this nasty lady might be but it doesn't look as though she's been brave enough to post here.
8 Aug, 2017
nope lol
8 Aug, 2017
NAT: Well! If you've had a PM I reckon I am next on the list.
As I have confessed I am not a "real" gardener. Our garden is too established; we are now too old to change;
my OH is the gardener .I am a garden-admirer; I like making "suggestions" regarding the garden: I love reading the posts on GOY.
I am also "self-absorbed" as I mention my cat, my fish, my heron,(curse him), my squirrel, my OH, my shed, my health, my old age, my neighbours............
(Actually I blame all you "other" posters. You are so friendly, so helpful, and sometimes you make me laugh.)
Now, Nat, you are young; you have a new garden; you ask questions that are of interest to expert and novice gardeners; You are FUN!
I suggest we all follow the words of a certain orange-hued President and respond with force and fury!!
Meantime I'm off to make a clay figure of that critic., and it's clay from the garden, of course!
9 Aug, 2017
P.S. I don't know how I came not to see your post earlier!
9 Aug, 2017
No trouble at all... New to this.
You go girl!
One of the nicest parts of gardening is the learning, and anyone who thinks they have the right to chastise someone who is enthusiastically learning should find themselves another site to blog. One of the best things about GoY..(and there are many) is that all of us started out as newbies and made friends and learned the ropes with the help of fellow members. Take your time and enjoy all the great stuff that gardening brings to your life and all the things that enrich it too...and post it on GoY:
I'll read them. ;-)
11 Aug, 2017
11 Aug, 2017
Having read every comment, you have nothing to fear. It is all gibberish. your picture is so alluring that maybe someone is threatened by you. And their answer is to try to undo you. Stupid... I love the photo, and just because you
are very glamorous, there is no reason to be cruel!
17 Jan, 2018
Thank you :)
17 Jan, 2018
Glad to see you're still around, Nat.
19 Jan, 2018
Hiya ! Yep I am am back and feeling oodles better thank you x
19 Jan, 2018
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- Finally caught up (genuine gardening blog I promise)
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Gardening with friends since
26 Feb, 2008
I'm sorry someone has upset you. There are some nasty people on here.
Take no notice. You'll always have people who don't agree with what you do or say. Ignore them.
You carry on writing your blogs just the way you do.
And make sure you don't leave. Too many have done that in the past because of bullies. You have to stand up to bullies and that's what that person is. You are so much better than that.
If you think the message is rude or hurtful I would flag it.
5 Aug, 2017