some of what ive done and doing
By noseypotter
this my first ever sculpture I did in 05 but looks much older because I mixed some fertilizer in with the last layer of cement . notice the eyes and teeth arnt clean as they were made indoors and I wanted them to stand out .
the last one is uplit bye a solor light .
a lion im drawing right now that I love as it fills the whole picture with its main . im going to have this one blown up and keep it .
tree man with new dark green bark as I didn’t like it so pale . I mixed the last layer on just the bark with biodegradable liquid and old rain water and rubbed soil on all of it . the face wear the bark isn’t I left with just cement .
I had to change the pictures to the right way up and I added a few . been up since 4am starting the black and white man . the lion is off to be framed .
22 Dec, 2014
Previous post: amy,tony and me
Next post: hat ive ben doing over xmas
They are miraculous rotating Kon-Tiki sculptures, lol. Hi, Noseypotter, I wonder, how did you make that head to be covered by moss since the summer. Is it because of the fertiliser which you added to the superficial cement layer? I think your heads of a Green Man would be suitable to parks, did you ever offer them to those intrigue makers at the ´Town Hall?
Merry Christmas to you.
22 Dec, 2014
yes it is Katarina and yes I have and there not interested . red tape or more likely they don't like my tattoos lol . merry xmas to you too x .
22 Dec, 2014
Hey Np..great to see how your creations are developing. Love the way you have kept the teeth and eyes clean. Might copy u again and do the same with our effort...merry Christmas xxx
22 Dec, 2014
Great blog.
I love,in particular, the plants cascading from the sculpture by the front door!!
22 Dec, 2014
wow you are very talented.
22 Dec, 2014
I like the first head. And, I think I remember, when you were working on it. It´s a pity, transportation of that head to Slovakia would be rather complicated :-)
22 Dec, 2014
Ha HA, the faces are back in place. All of your work is so clever. Not a slave to prettiness either. Your very quirky sculptured fence is a real tour de force.
22 Dec, 2014
I love the tree man he will look even better when hes aged a bit . yes it would be a tad expensive rapping up the head and getting it threw your letter box Katarina let alone the postage lol . there are ways of making it cheaper for sending though . you use vermiculite instead of sand and leave a hole in the top and keep it hollow . when you get it you just get someone to mix up cement make a funnel and fill it up in place . the vermiculite makes the structure half the weight of normal cent . everyone likes that fence . im going to make another one near the back door but in different size squares with glass in the middle so the dogs cant get through .up the house end from the gate . you get copying Sandra but instead of what I usd use rain water and wee and or liquid fertilizer instead . I think that would work out better .
22 Dec, 2014
Lovely to see your Sculptures and Art work again ,Leigh..I think the fence is my favourite too,and your Lion is brilliant..Happy Christmas,and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work in 2015..
22 Dec, 2014
thank you bloomer and baaaaa humbug in the best possible taste lol .
22 Dec, 2014
I was going to say baaaa humbug to you too,but you got there first :o)
22 Dec, 2014
great minds bloomer lol take care .
22 Dec, 2014
Lol,you too.:o)
23 Dec, 2014
23 Dec, 2014
Happy Christmas Leigh or Baaa humbug whichever you like LOL... your Lion is coming along brilliantly you know I like all your work I can't wait to see the Black & White man xxx
23 Dec, 2014
I like the green bark, but best for me is the study of the face. Its odd, you have managed to make it appear to have the same texture as your scuptures - was that intentional? The bee looks good framed and on the wall.
23 Dec, 2014
Lots of talent there.
Merry Christmas.
23 Dec, 2014
erm no sg but it looks different to that now anyway and ill keep you updated baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa humbug lol .
23 Dec, 2014
I used to love humbugs in the days when sweets came in paper bags filled from glass jars. . You never see them now.
24 Dec, 2014
me too sg just about . one of my sharpie boys is called humbug and hes about 3 years old just over baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa humbug lol .
24 Dec, 2014
merry Christmas Leigh.
Know what you mean about tattoo's. My eldest girl's partner is a tattooist and as you can imagine he is heavily designed. He is one of the gentlest lads one could wish for. He is really into 3d naturalistic designs, insects being a speciality.
Hope you have a wonderful happy and healthy 2015.
25 Dec, 2014
thank you seaburngirl I hope you had a reat one too . tattoos are only ink x
25 Dec, 2014
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sorry about the pictures as I did rotate them but they seam to have un rotated themselves .
22 Dec, 2014