orangutan rajang
By noseypotter
hello everyone hope your good.i was chatting earlier and thaught id right this blog to you .im guessing theres some animal lovers on here infact i know there is.my names leigh and im an artist for those who dont know.ive got a web site at www.noseypotter.com for those who like art ,animals etc.about two years ago a friend asked me to do a prezzy for another friend without her knowing what i was doing.
the prezzy was a half size african elephant.quite shocking id never done anything that big then.i have only bean doing concrete work for about 3 years now though i did an evening class with a friend making pottery.
my faverite animal on this plannet is an elephant just bye luck.anyway i thaught id better go and study an african elephant so of i trotted to colchester zoo.the only place with a good size african bull elephant.i thaught i better know my subject as well as i can.
which as you can see i did.i asked on the ofchance could i take some nice close ups of the bull and then use them for the sculpture ,then frame it up and do an elephant picture for charity.the woman said know hes in must and if you get close he will kill you.that means hes ready to breed and real grumpy.i hasten to add i didnt but had a nice day.i took some pictures of the females.its then the woman liz i believe mentioned about there orangutan rajang turning 40 and getting a new inclosier for him and his girl friend next year.last year now but building and red tape have taken longer than expected.we came up with th idea of me drawing hin which ive done .the drawing resides at colchester till the official opening day.though i believe hes in his new home already.
i hope you enjoy my work if nothing else.im afraid to say you will have to look at my web site to see the actual drawing and pastel work i did of rajang.take care bye for now
1 Feb, 2009
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Next post: winters not all bad
Fab work, the one i realy like is the self portait of your head with the grass for hair, lol,
2 Feb, 2009
shux thanx gilli and funky .thats not me i snarl more than that lol
2 Feb, 2009
I've seen your work before, but it's no less impressive on second viewing, Leigh!
2 Feb, 2009
Wonderful sculpture of the elephant. It looked real.
2 Feb, 2009
thank you so much.no bids on rajang then yet lol
2 Feb, 2009
Nosey...you are a true craftsman. What brilliant sculptures..Its nice of you to show us all.. Thankyou....
2 Feb, 2009
thank you milky your welcome my friend
2 Feb, 2009
Love your work Nosey, you are such a talented guy. I especially love the elephant, they too are my favourite...after dogs! Such impressive, gentle and emotional creatures.
2 Feb, 2009
nice one potty nearly the same name to lol
2 Feb, 2009
And I can be a nosey pottygardener!! :-)
2 Feb, 2009
ofcourse or you probably wouldnt be a gardener.i find being a bit nutty helps lol
2 Feb, 2009
I love the Elephant NP they are my favourite as well , I had a copy of a David Shepherd one which got scratch and spoilt in a move ...
Let us know if you do an Elly picture ! .. I could put in a bid ....
2 Feb, 2009
ok i will but i just mite want to keep that.ive not drawn an elephant since school lol.i dont draw my own dogs eith.the last one i was drawing died nine years old real close to the picture id half done.i was beside myself and couldnt even take it of my drawing board.my mum ended up doing it.i put it away but it got ruined.i just get real personal and id probably snivel like a girly and soak it lol.you get to know a face awfully well when your 8" away from it studying it for 30-40 hours.essentialy im wating for the perfect elephant picture that will never come along.i got all my inspiration from david shepherd he is the man. people are surprised i dont know many famous artists at all.my answer is ,why would i .i got no formal training and my mum had a picture bye david shepherd on her living room wall from a very early age.i had everything i needed.i hope that answerd your question lol amy
2 Feb, 2009
Yes thanks Leigh , you say your mum finished it .. do you mean the drawing .. did you inherit your talent from her ?
The picture I had was Elephants over Amberceli , it,s still rolled up in a tube I think somewhere in the loft LOL
2 Feb, 2009
ow no my mum took it of my drawing board as i just couldnt bear to look at it .my mistake.my mum cant draw a thing.i think my dad could.
2 Feb, 2009
Great work Leigh, and many thanks for posting up the photos of your fantastic new projects. It's also lovely to see all the research you have undertaken through your sketches and photos as well.The elephant sculpture is really exciting, and, I agree with you- they also happen to be my favourite creatures on this planet, and I think they are so graceful and majestic along with my other favourites which are Gorillas and Chimpanzees.
All best wishes and congratulations again.
2 Feb, 2009
thanx grenville theres plenty of animals i like .a bit like my music easier to say what i dont like.i like orangutans.gorrillas.chimpanzees not so much.i see us horrible humans in them though everything belongs including slugs and snails.its us humans who put things wear they shouldnt be.i love big cats theres plenty of others.i just keep comming back to apes.im drawn to the drawings of apes the same as i am skull tattoos and i dont know why.elephants are like girrafe they seam to run quite quick but in slow motion if that makes any sense.i always do research id be mad not to with a computer though i would anyway.im not called nosey potter 4 nothing lol
2 Feb, 2009
Sorry NP. I'm a bit late in finding this.
Good blog. Lovely photos :o)
3 Feb, 2009
no problem terra thanx anyway
3 Feb, 2009
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Leigh, as always, your work is outstanding. Excellent job on the elephant. It's wonderful. Well done.
I especially love your drawing of the dog which is your first photo. It is truely beautiful. You have such talent. :o)
2 Feb, 2009