my dogs and me
By noseypotter
just a few pictures of my hounds .the oldest is jerry (springer) whos 10 this year.then theres merkin my staffy/american bulldog who is the best natured dog i ever had and last but not least is sausage my 6-7 month old sharpi .
the ugly bald dog is me lol
luckily enough we have the biggest man made forest in england rapped right rond wear i live and some great wildlife and walks.
dogs are never the problem its always the human factor
blanche is a little fire cracker not the easyist dog to bring up though shes the smallest.i mite add she jumped in me planter and chewed all me plants fault i guess.she isnt all pug theres a bit of jack russel in her.
these garden make over shows dont ever realy consider dogs when they make them over.i built my garden ie dog run around my dogs and pond.i think weve all sean what just dog wee does to a lawn.i run my dogs on concrete and touch wood i havnt trimmed jerries nails ever and like i say hes nearly 10.i have a garden within a garden that the dogs cant get to unless im there.
excuse the filming i did it with my phone and wasnt sure how to hold it lol
ive had dogs all my life and i draw dogs but theres a program on telly called the dog whisperer .he filled in all the bits of old school training that didnt make sense and the missing bits i just never knew.i know this is a gardening site and i fully understand if you dont except it but i think i gave some relevent information and even if ive helped one person then it`s worth it i think.i hope you enjoy it
9 Feb, 2009
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Cesar Milan i am a fan of his, he talks such sense and when he explains it you think 'oh yeah of course!' my daughter is desperate for a dog but with my Menieres and her being at school not sure its practical at the moment, hubby doesn't want one!! :(
9 Feb, 2009
Lovely Photos Mr Potter You are a big softy. Your dogs look great and so happy and healthy. I need a hand with my chickens can you have a look at my last blog Thank you
9 Feb, 2009
if hubby doesnt want one then maybe you shouldnt as you all have to help a new dog settle in and become part of your pack including your husband.its a shame i love dogs .the pug cross we had was spoilt and not braught up properly bye the kids and shes a little devil dog.she wouldnt be if she lived with me.i had a look at your blog donnah i think ive helped but ill let you be the judge of that.i cant knit to save my life but i can sew.when i was a biker i used to take my own jeans in bye hand or with me mums sewing machine lol.cesar has studied dogs all his life and id like to shake him bye the hand .realy basicly if you are the leader of your pack you can get any dog to do what you want.people just give dogs human atributes and that is so wrong .
9 Feb, 2009
your dogs are lovely. where would we be without them?
the dog whisperer and similar programes are great to watch and learn from. we live on a farm and are pretty much hermits in the winter months. our dogs dont see many people intil the summer. they are terrible for barking when someone comes. we are trying the pebbles in the bottle method they use on the programe. it has improved them a bit but theres more work ahead.
9 Feb, 2009
its partly a dogs nature to a lot of cases thats part of why there got in the first place.what you need to do is get someone perpasly to drive up and a bit of the dog whisperer to make it a good experiance and reinforce your domminance and it will work.i do ask myself as your in the middle of nowear do you want to lose your gard dogs ? i couldnt get bye without them i dont think.not very happily anyway.i a 100% love and trust all the dogs ive got to know and most that i dont.i couldnt possibly say that about people.tell me you can and no disrespect id have to call you a lyer
9 Feb, 2009
that sounds rude not ment to sorry
9 Feb, 2009
thats ok . i hear what your saying... :-))
i like the car diving up and down idea will give it a go when this weather improves....
9 Feb, 2009
Your dogs are lovely NP , I love the photos of them snuggled up they really look as though they love being together which i,m sure they do :o)
9 Feb, 2009
Oh Np..have to say..just as well youre so will never get a seat in your house. No way are they giving up their comfort .LOL
9 Feb, 2009
i agree np about giving dogs human attributes...they are not going to become people and it is not fair to expect it of them...the need respect for the magnificent creations that they are...i choose to try to become truly is not a bad world to live in...
9 Feb, 2009
its worth a try sure it will work.ill keep my fingers crossed dont move your dog away from the problem.far from it it`s the only way of solving it i think.i want to come back as a dog with the right owner.not that i believe in that lol but just in case lol.ow dont worry about that im the boss for a start.most important and dogs are about 6 dgrees hotter than us so they make a great living water bottle lol.thanx amy they do enjoy each other but realy its only natural and i insist on them getting on lol
9 Feb, 2009
Oh Nosey, they are beautiful and what a lovely set of photos. Yes you are very lucky to have the forest for them to run in. Many was the time when my children were smal, that we used to take them to Thetford forest or Brandon, my sister still lives there. We even saw a husky team being trained there once. I miss those walks..your very lucky...........
9 Feb, 2009
My Henry is part of the family - but he is a dog and we try to meet his needs, part of which is love of course, and he gives back to us with love and devotion - and guards 'his' territory, too.
Usually, I enjoy our walks, but it's been a bit difficult in the last few days, to be honest!
Your dogs look very happy and well-cared for, Np.
9 Feb, 2009
thank you milky i believe the biggest team of huskies in england are in thetford forest.and thank you spritz it only cost me about £5 a week to feed them to lol
9 Feb, 2009
Hello NP ~
Your dogs look very contented :o)
You are so right about garden designers not always thinking enough about any dogs which might use the garden. You've obviously considered your dogs' needs very much in the way you've built your garden.
Is the fountain a definite plan for this summer ?
10 Feb, 2009
Hi NP where would we be without our Dogs? My Summer is My Pal & i cant imagine my life without her, She is so Loveing & Careing &some how knows when i need that Lick/Cuddle :) Great 2 see all the Pics uv loaded in2 your Blog :)Hope your all well Jacx
10 Feb, 2009
I am having to give thought as to what to do with my dogs and cats since I will be leasing out my home here to tourists...I cannot really haul them all around with am giving each consideration as to where and who they would be the happiest with...Phoebe and the cats have got to stay together..Sofie can go on her own to the ones I have in mind for her..they have the heart to care for her with her bad back legs and a house with no stairs to deal with like she has here..I have to carry her up and down most times to the living room..Jasper belongs to my past boarder and am not sure what will happen with him..but I will not let him go to a shelter, that is for sure...he is a love ...I have a couple more months to figure it all out...not something I like thinking about really...but ...I know the right answers will come....
10 Feb, 2009
nothing is definate but i am doing it.i dont know what ill be doing this summer.but i will be doing it and you know ill keep you updated.i think the amount of pet dogs yellow patches in lawns justifies it realy.the best ive sean was a dog sand pit in the general garden.rediculas.excuse my spelling.i couldnt be without mums 76 and still got an alsation.i was litteraly baught up with them.even in my house the settee is leather with ceramic tiles.just dirt and flea raised pond and planters are an integral part of the dog run.poar little butler
10 Feb, 2009
So sorry, Cat, that you're having to consider new homes for your pets. As you say, you have a couple of months to make the right decisions.
I'm looking forward to NP's garden designs with dogs in mind.
Interesting that your Mum has an Alsatian. Very intelligent dogs. Jacque's dog, Summer, is lovely. :o)
10 Feb, 2009
all dogs are lovley realy terra ya just choose those the ones that you like the look of best.alsations are a good general perpus dog .the american airforce have started using belgian shepherds because of the hip problems bread into alsations.dobermans are no good in a cold country and huskies are no good in a hot one .alsations are only called that because english people after the war didnt want to use the word german.its kind of petty in retrospect or seams it.i wasnt there so i cant comment.i had one called za but i had to put him down at 3 because of a desease alsations are susseptable to in there anal glands.i couldnt possibly spell it.anal confrunculoses i think lol.i like loads of sorts that i cant have all at once or id have about 40 dogs lol.i have baught another sharpi though.there realy snobby,realy intelegent and the most importent one very clean.i had another sharpi called darling and she took about a week to house trane.this sharpi i baught as a pup and i swear she hasnt made not one mistake.i dont think id have one with realy young children myself.anyway ill shut up lol
10 Feb, 2009
Like that you are making your yard for your dogs NP....they are some lucky dogs... :-)
10 Feb, 2009
im going to live with dogs all my life there more importent than my garden bye far . you must of built a stable etc for your horses .they are lucky dogs .theres a hell of a lot of unlucky dogs .im lmt to 40` x 20` garden and thats it .keeps there claws down.dogs and gardens dont realy mix very well.ive just done a blog on dogs i used to have.if you find it upsetting ill get rid of guessing you wouldnt keep ya horse on your garden either lol
10 Feb, 2009
Lovely blog NP. Your dogs are all lovely and obviously well loved. The Dog Whisperer is a great show and he works wonders with some very badly behaved dogs. I've been trying to train Susie and I think I've made a difference but the going is slow. She is actually Murray's family's dog so I inherited her with Murray!! LOL. She has been badly spoiled due to the kids and their Mother but is slowly coming around - at least with me.
11 Feb, 2009
NP I will be glad to see your blog on the dogs you have had...if you want to share that of course you should...your gardens and dogs seem to be tied together as it were...and love your pictures you have shared with us much love in their eyes for you...
Gilli...your Suzie is full Sheba Inu right? She is I am sure quite smart and knows it...Phoebe still thinks she is smarter than me and runs off instead of listening...every now and again ....having been raised by kids for the most part..I am sure your Suzi has been let to believe she is wonder she is badly behaved...make her stay low...she will climb onto the back of a chair right?..none of that, this is a sign of alpha for have to be higher than her.
11 Feb, 2009
Cat ~ Susie is a full Sheba Inu and very stubbon which apparently is typical of the species. That's a good tip about the staying low. She does climb onto the back of the couch....mostly to look out the window but she does like to sleep up there too. I have got her to the point of not growling at me whenever I move her off the chair or couch. She still does with everyone else but not me so I'm taking that as a sign of improvement.
11 Feb, 2009
oh dear...she is being defiant..phoebe only gave me a problem once when she was young...she was let know in no uncertain terms that it was not allowed and she never tried it again...she has everyone buffaloed...they think she is smarter that them because she says so!...LOL..that is the benefit from raising one from a pup..but it is not too late...Np..what would you do about a mishandled gal like Suzi?
11 Feb, 2009
i did share it cat and put the pictures and a few seamed to be upsetting people so i took it of myself.that was not what i wanted to do and i do apologise to anyone i did upset.well cats right shes dominating you .hight to a dog is know at a curb when there sitting.sometimes it seams like they axidently step on your toe or when your playing they put there paw over your arm.its know accident .its dominent.again cats right.hight is everything about all must be part of the pack and have some basic understanding of dogs nature.i couldnt spell sycolagy lol sorry.thats why dogs cock there legs to get there wee high and hopefully be more dominant than the next dog that comes along.theres a wild dog in india called a look at it looks more like a big ferrit ie short legs.these dogs push there intire back end up the trunk to wee higher its that importent.being on your settee is alright if you ask them up but not if there making the desissions to do it.i could tell you how to sort it out but ceaser millan the dog whisperer does it far better than i do.the mans got 48 rescue dogs including power breeds.all rescue dogs including about 10 ex fighting piy bulls the strongest pound for pound dog on the planet.i advise buy his dvd or watch lol of programs gilli.dogs dont work like that you shouldnt of nearly got her of the settee you should just get her of strate away with know hesitation.dogs feal your fear or what ever your fealing.after all top wolf cant talk to another wolf so they comunicate from the inside with there fealings.i hope that helped you gilli nice one cat
11 Feb, 2009
shibu enos are bye nature quite a dominant powerfull aloof dog bye the way
11 Feb, 2009
Yes they are...and Besenji is no slouch is a great dog for me now...she is like my personal ever she hears me tell others she enforces...and is a great cat herder..she is second in command reads my mind all the time...have to be careful what I am thinking around her.
11 Feb, 2009
ofcourse you do.i can put my jacket on as many times as i like but the time im actualy going out they all know.sausage hasnt quite understould but shes only about 6 months old.besenjis dont bark or moult as such do they .they yodal staffy mix yodals when shes playing.she is such a good natured dog .she is scared of puppies.i even think if a dog attacked her she would run sausage has grown up she loves merkin.shes licking her can learn a lot bye having more than one dog and watching them intereact.i have more than one dog partly for that.partly because there great company but partly so when i leave them at home there still not on there own.only mainly because there pack animals so i think they should always be in a pack.that is just my fealings about it.if your not the boss the dog is and you probably cant walk it .if you are the boss you can take care of and walk as many as you like
11 Feb, 2009
LOL...Phoebe yodels and freaks some people out...but she does moult, because of the Sheba Enu...oh my goodness she is beginning to look like a buffalo hide now..! patches of fur gone...she does this 2 or 3 times through out the spring summer and fall...I will finally take her out on the deck after it warms a bit more and brush her out really well ... until then I let it take it's time and just brush little bits to keep the fall out to a minimum..but it still gets all over...Sofie only sheds once in horse will be shedding before long too...lots of brushing to be doing soon!
11 Feb, 2009
my sharpi makes some mad little grunts and noises.shes very cat like and so was my other one.if you want to see my older dogs i can send them bye e-mail if you email is or its on my web site if ya will keep you fit with the animals you love .got to be better than an exercise bike lol.i just took the dogs out in a local wood . sausage ran in front of merkin full tilt.she kind of tripped and smacked her knee on a realy thick beech tree stump.she didnt even fact i reaqly dont think she was even botherd.she is very powerfull but all dogs are.i remember taking my springer over some commen land.he was wanting me to through something.all i could find was quite a thick log.he expected me to through it as far as a thinner stick.he ended up running into it end on with the other end in the ground.again not even a last sharpi had know under coat so when she moulted it fell out in patches looked like mainge excuse my spelling.
11 Feb, 2009
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the little white pup in the last photo is merkins pup .i lost the little fella last year at 4 months definatly can never replace a dog type and expect the same as you had last time.i didnt replace him with sausage as you just prepared myself for a pup in my mind and gone through the hole proses from mating.i just needed something to focus on and i love dogs so there you go
9 Feb, 2009