some of my best friends
By noseypotter
heres bye populer demand the blog i wrote and dumped of the dogs ive not going to do the writing.youl have to ask me if you want to mite not be so upsetting.look out for my garden before i did it behind my sharpi cross and his mum.the dad get this is the stburnard.i had a 2 tear garden and you can probably imagine the rest lol.
theres a couple of pictures of the bones of my shows how ive worked the dog run into the pond more clearl.
i do hope you enjoy the burnese mountain dog and the basset wernt mine but i rescued the basset believe it or not .take care bye for now
12 Feb, 2009
Previous post: sorry
Next post: just a few pictures that i liked.
ow and the 2 dogs in the picture second from the top are merkins son and daughter.there a year old now.the fish is a opheremas gourami i had for 12 years and the jack door found my son.when i moved some friendly sole let him out in high winds.i know this as he landed on my fence the next summer and said on your head lol and flew of.i guess they were trying to steal him.his name is/was winston
12 Feb, 2009
thanx blodyn i think they deserve a mention as they helped make me the persen i am now
12 Feb, 2009
Beautiful Leigh..I will look through these any time I need some cheering up...such a lot of love here..thank you..~Cj
12 Feb, 2009
its a pleasure cat thanx
12 Feb, 2009
I'm glad you posted these pics Leigh. All of them are lovely, well loved dogs. Thank you for sharing.
13 Feb, 2009
i love all your doggies. had terriers lurchersa collie a deerhound and back to terriers. they all are so different but they all need and give sooooo much love. thanks for the photos. :-))
13 Feb, 2009
Your photos all show how very much you love your dogs.
I'm glad you put this blog back on GoY again. :o)
13 Feb, 2009
Hi Leigh , it,s lovely to see all the dogs that you have had , I was trying to count them but I lost count perhaps you should put them on one at a time with it,s history ...
I love them all .. those little pups are adorable so cuddly ..
The fish lived to a great age .
my son when he was young bought home a ring necked dove that had fallen from it,s nest ,it was very tiny with no feathers , we fed it on porridge and stuff , and left the door open so it was free to go if it wanted , it reached the stage where it would fly off for the day into the garden and then back indoors at night , one late summer evening it came to sit on my knee in the garden the next day it was gone .. we hope that it immigrated but we will never know !
I enjoyed your blog Leigh , thankyou for sharing it with us .... :o)
13 Feb, 2009
I really Enjoyed seeing All Your Past & Present Dog Photos NP , My Sons friend had a Bassett Hound but sadly Only Had a short Life ! Lovely Dogs :)
13 Feb, 2009
~hi Leigh
lovely pics of all your dogs but particularly loved the St Bernard!
When I was young the local butcher had the most massive St Bernard you ever saw~the size of a horse!
He used to take him for walks every evening and they went at snails pace because everyone stopped to chat and pat!
He was lovely!
13 Feb, 2009
hello marq most of the dogs were mine apart from 4 of them.i just take it uppon myself to help especialy when its one of my faverite animals.the basset i rescued ,it cost £600 15 years ago and they were being horrible to him.i lost a few young and like i said ive had dogs all my life and im nearly 48.i dont keep dogs on there own or did my mum.the picture of the 2 alsations ,one is my mums and they bothe didnt live very long.ive rescued a bulldog,belgian shepherds ,alsations.everyone just started bringing dogs to me lol.the chocolate sharpi and his son are in my garden b4 i did anything to it .the stburnard is the dad.the little white puppy with the black ear is little butler,merkins son who i lost last year 5 months old bless him.sausage ,merkin and jerry i still have.second from the top are merkins son and daughter who my nephew never know wear you stand with humans even people you consider friends but i always know wear i stand with a dog even if its trying to eat me lol.butlers dad is an old time bulldog with a little bit of rotty in him.i like so many breeds im going to try as many as i can.just not at the same time or id have hundreds now lol.i worm my dogs when they have worms,not when the vet sais so,the same with fleas etc.merkins bean wormed 3 times and shes had pups .jerry is nearly 10 years old and he has bean wormed twice.they cost me about £10 a fortnight to feed and thats with treats.what ive got is a washing up bowl full of the very cheapest complete dry dog food.i think its about £7.99 a bag from jollies.they dont love this food so they dont stuff it down them.well initialy they do.i get just another flaver dog food for treats for a couple of quid to .done and i dont have to be home to feed them.ive bean doing this for about 25 years and ive never had an overweight dog or had to worry about it.springers are greedy bye nature and having him desexed doesnt can see all my dogs look in good nick.i love my dogs i know what id rather be on a desrt island with lol .thats jerry my springer lol whos wearing that.he didnt get his tail docked as such.he got a cyst on the end.baring in mind wagginig and the tip would be bald the vet said hes just going to do the tip.i sain no chance he will just damage it so cut it all of.he did but he did it wrong.he cut the skin and bone the same length and stretched the skin round and sewed it up.jerry was wating to have is stitches out ,banged it and you could see the bone so they operated again for nothing.phew i hope that answerd all your questions lol
13 Feb, 2009
your right sandra but there not all so different bye breed perticuly .my spellings another way all dogs whatever the breed fully understand the rules just the same weather it be pit bull,stburnard ,yorkshire terrier etc.breeds have there own trates i guess.
13 Feb, 2009
my stburnard lived till i he was 12 on the diet mentioned above.thats quite an achievment.he tended to be a bit on the lean side but the years speak volumes i think.he was a lovley dog .he could dribble for england lol
13 Feb, 2009
im giving all my tips away lol i dont buy puppy food either.when you buy a pup you should wean them from there food to what you use.sausage i picked up quite late at night so she had just bean fed.i have a dog flap and an open washing up bowl of food.she must of bean munching my dogs food over night.when i went to feed her what the previous owners gave me she turned her nose up .wolves dont bring home special puppy food they just chew the deer or what ever up.i just buy the same dog food just smaller for puppies.touch wood i havnt cut a dog nail or had a problem with food or overweight or underweight dogs in 25 years.
13 Feb, 2009
bassets do suffer with there backs and all sorts.they were fitter when they were used for there job which you wont believe is hair coursing
13 Feb, 2009
the last one is the jewel in the crown.she looks like a pit bull but she is a staff cross american bulldog thats merkin.youl have to go on google to find out what merkin means lol dont if your easily ofended lol
13 Feb, 2009
Yes if your dogs have pavement or concrete of some sort to walk on they do not need their nails trimmed..I get surprised at people who will never give table scraps though as that is all we fed our dog we had as a child growing up...he ate breakfast lunch and dinner that dad thought it was ridiculous to buy dogfood...Rinny had a beautiful coat and lived to be 13 years old..
13 Feb, 2009
well there arnt many scraps from just me but i wouldnt through food away and its another treat for them.sausage and jerry love raw spud peal lol
13 Feb, 2009
im glad i havnt changed much lol
13 Feb, 2009
Thanks for these wonderful photos,which reflect the huge impact they have had and still do have on your life.Cant for the life of me see how anyone could have been upset at those.Was that a rook perched on your shoulder ?
13 Feb, 2009
Sorry...ignore the question...just read back..a jackdaw !
13 Feb, 2009
13 Feb, 2009
Didnt realise it was your son...thought at first it was a younger you Lol
13 Feb, 2009
lol people always say that but hes realy my step son lol
13 Feb, 2009
I used to work with a woman who had never had a pet of any sort and when I and the other staff chatted about our pets she would pull faces - she just didn't understand what the attraction was......I mentioned one day that Birtie (my moggs) would come over and bite me on the toes sometimes, just playing of course, and she was absolutely shocked that I thought it was sweet when Birts did that - she couldn't understand how I could allow an animal in my house that, you know, DID stuff!! She was actually a really unpleasant person to be around - mouthy and spiteful...maybe if she had had animals in her life, she would have been a softer and nicer person...and maybe happier too.....?
13 Feb, 2009
probably not sid i think.horrible people dont mix with anytthing well realy.i know plenty of people who think its disgusting my dogs licking my face. ive never come to any harm.they obviously dont understand wear the real germs are.i mean think what ya average hand doe every day or imagine what germs ya average public hand rail has on it .im not botherd just amazed realy how much miss information and lack of commen sense there is lol
13 Feb, 2009
it took me longer to write it lol.thats because you know how to ask a question or two lol .whats a kelpie ? is that a first cross ? im quite up on dog types.that reminds me of a story.when i was with my ex at first she lived in a little you know im heavily tattood and pierced.well i get some good old looks from lots of people in my home ton lol let alone this little village.anyway i went to the local shop in the i came out there was a well to do oldish gentlemen outside with a dog.well he looked me up and down in disgust like id just fell out of his bottem.i said nice dog mat like i always do to anyone with a nice dog funnily enough.he replied in a snobby im inteligent you cant be clever as you look like a thug type of a way ,i bet you dont know what it is do you.i replied instantly and im going to spell this wrong as well lol chessick peak bay retriever i believe.with that hes just marched of with th right hump quickly and mumbling.i chuckled to myself very good.all i said was thats a lovley dog.what a crazy world.if hed of bean a computer hed of crashed.he didnt expext that i can assure you buy dogs that do live a long time as there small.if you think of a wolf all dogs have come from an animal that pretty much is that size,type etc.ive found as a general rule of thumb.dogs smaller live longer than 12 years and bigger one like mastives die younger though my stburnard lived 12 years.i find little dogs though they live longer suffer with sight.hearing,skin natures way of saying you shouldnt be that probably talking rubbish lol.dogs all listern to the same leader in the same way like soldiers.they have different traites like dog breeds do to lol take care bye for now.
14 Feb, 2009
there are dog people and there are cat people i'm defo a dog person.
who else greets you like that every day :-))
who else will always love you :-))
most of my dogs have been terriers. but i have had a large lurcher called Oscar he lived till he was thirteen. we rescued him and he was wounderful. we also had a deerhound Dylan. the most laid back dog ever. when we brought ruby home as a tiny pup it amazed us how (after getting over the sulking stage) he loved her. they played together loads but he was always so gentle with her. he would pick her up in is giant mouth but never hurt her.
we now have our little family of terriers and an old lurcher Harry who found us 8 years ago.
14 Feb, 2009
thats realy nice story.they say if you want a gaurd dog dont get a giant breed.its because they are generaly to sausage is a good gaurd dod because she barks.shes a little snob lol.jerry is agresive but doesnt realy bark and merkin likes everybody so doesnt feal the need.shes got a hrrible bark.goes right through ya.
14 Feb, 2009
Sandra - if I could I'd have both! But I don't have the time to look after a dog and keep it properly walked and everything, so I just have a mogs instead :-)
NP - what you were saying about little dogs living longer, reminds me of something. When I was little (I mean about 5 or 6) my mum used to keep an eye on a disabled lady and visit her. I always remember hating to go with her to see this lady because she had a 'big' dog called Sparky that always jumped up at me - this dog was as big as me and had sharp claws and could push me over, so I was quite scared of him. Many, many years later, after I'd been to college and come home again, my mum asked me to run her over to her friend (the disabled lady) in my car. I took her round and watched her to the door, and I couldn't believe my eyes! The door opened and out came this dog that I remembered from my childhood! He was, in fact, only a Jack Russell - he had just seemed big coz I was little! Well, this dog looked like a ghost - he looked so skinny and fragile and his fur was so long and whispey, like an old man's beard. I was just blown away that he was still alive after all that time. I believe he was something like 24 when he eventually died.
15 Feb, 2009
wow thats the same as the world record i believe but its right up there.i bet you were blown away lol imagine how big you would of thaught the dog was if it had bean a giant breed lol nice story.i remember helping the milkman for a bit of pocket money about 3000000 years ago lol.i leaned over this old womans fence to put her milk down.with that her little jack russels ran out and bit more shocked than hurt.just after that the woman came out to pay saying dont worry love he dont bight lol
15 Feb, 2009
Certainly agree with you. People today seem to want to live in a sanitised world where they never come into contact with anything they see as unclean. I don't believe that there is anything wrong with a dog licking you face. I have been allowing, not only my own but other peoples dogs to do just that for most of my life and I'm nearly sixty one and still breathing. I firmly believe that people are becoming so paranoid about disinfecting everything they touch that they're not building up their immune systems the way we have in the past. To much old cobblers talked by the keep it clean brigade.
15 Feb, 2009
its just of old money making rubbish generated bye people who want there pound of flesh just like womans products and mens now i guess .ive bean told i have good skin but i never wear soap and buy the cheapest shower gel possible and im a bit of a soap dodger to as it goes but i always clean my teeth. people go fishing with maggots then eat there samwiches.i doubt theres much more germy than that me still kicking.why the hell do you need a silly pattern on toilet paper realy lol.i remember going to this party and it was in quite a well of area.i wanted to use the toilet but someone was in there.they said use the other one became apparent they had an on suit excuse my spelling bathroom ,toilet etc.bearing in mind id used the downstairs dawned on me they had plain loo roll downstairs and more expensive stuff upstairs.i chuckled to myself.then i wonder what there mind set is.the mind boggles lol
15 Feb, 2009
I'm with yo NP. The world has been conned by big business trying to sell us rubbish we don't need. As for the maggots, Ive eaten a few as when we were kids my mate and I used to hide a few in each others sandwiches. Nowadays hospitals use them to clean wounds.
16 Feb, 2009
the only maggots ive ever eaten were in a bottle of tequiela lol
16 Feb, 2009
a maggot is a maggot but i doubt theres anything that can survive glad you selt that sandra lol.well unless your a very clever ghost toto your still with the living .me to lol.seriously though you got to read between the lines with these products and bacteria yoghurt rubbish.weve managed for the last 2 million years.and if you think of life how can you actualy avoid totaly i always dirty germ wise apart litteraly when you are washing it.everyone is after there pound of flesh.when are yhey going to get nappies the right shape and will mars bars ever be 6` feet long lol
16 Feb, 2009
spelt sorry sandra lol
16 Feb, 2009
6 foot marsbars????? i'd take one on...might be bitting off more than i can chew though. how about a giant cadburys cream egg. my kids were gutted years ago when they realised there cream egg easter eggs were
16 Feb, 2009
lol very good sandra sounds to me like you stitched them up lol
16 Feb, 2009
the best one was when i put huge goose eggs into our little chikens nesting box. when the kids went to fetch the eggs they couldnt believe it. they honestly decided that the chicken was turning into an
16 Feb, 2009
i dont mind a practicle joke myself and children are bye nature very nieve in a lot of ways.pitty you couldnt get an ostrich egg lol.i remember an ex girlfriend of mine had a little girl about 4 years old.she lived in the country so a city in itself was another planet to her.we went in a big lift that started in the multi storye and ended up in icland the shop.on the way down i told the little girl that this room we were in could take us to different parts of the planet.i ofcourse told her we were going shopping in should of sean her face when the doors opend lol
16 Feb, 2009
mine would go up and down on the escalators and lifts...we dont have any down here
16 Feb, 2009
perhaps you could pull the same stunt if there young enough lol
16 Feb, 2009
Wow - NP - I had no idea 24 was nearly the record....I wonder if his owner knew that?
I'm with you about the hygene thing - the advert that really annoys me is the one where they say, "Did you know there are millions of germs on your kitchen floor?" accompanied by the sinister music. Well, I don't care if there are germs on my kitchen floor! What do they think I do on my kitchen floor that I should be worried about germs down there?! Honestly! We used to have cats, dogs, chickens and us kids running in and out through the back door into the kitchen - it's a miricle any of us are still alive!!!
BTW can I have one of those giant mars bars please? ;-)
17 Feb, 2009
your not a floor licker are you sid lol its just rubbish so theycan bye more stuff.its a shame but nearly everything revolves around money.even ive got to wear blinkers a bit.i think if you baught all the things you apparantly need youd need another house to fit them in but youd spend so long putting them in,on or around lol that you wouldnt be able to fford or have time to you would starve.i cant imagine what cave men did without yacult bacteria yoghurt.they must of bean beside there selves just wating for it to be invented.just wate another tenyears for a few more % bigger and the mars bar will actualy grow into your house from the shop lol.dont touch the bottem bit its bean near your nasty old floor lol.heres a bit of useless information.ever wonderd what upper crust came from.years ago before microwaves lol the oven would be run realy bye a fire at the bottem with a metal plate above shelves so bread was cooked strate on the plate.the bottem bit got burnt and was given to the servents/slaves and they ate the top unburnt bit ie the upper crust.
17 Feb, 2009
personaly i like the over cooked crusty bits lol
17 Feb, 2009
Hmmm - faskinating ;-)
18 Feb, 2009
18 Feb, 2009
Yeah NP..I am a bottom feeder too...crusty is
18 Feb, 2009
19 Feb, 2009
Don't you mean fasnibaking Sid?
19 Feb, 2009
you cant beat crusty bread .mmmmm with lots of butter.mmm
19 Feb, 2009
stop sandra i guess you mean warm out the oven
19 Feb, 2009
Fresh baked warm out of the oven..oh have not had it like that in a millenium it seems...arrrgh...middle of the night and no bread to bake ..may have to make some toast now!
19 Feb, 2009
mmmmmmmmmmm me to i feal a sausage sandwich comming on.i hope she doesnt make to much noise and wake the neighbers lol
19 Feb, 2009
Oh poor Sausage..she must be terrified!
Run.... Sausage..... run.. for yer Life...!!!!
20 Feb, 2009
i got her with a quick throat bight lol quite fury but quite nice lol
20 Feb, 2009
Awwww - poor ol' Sausage...Daddy being mean to you sweetie? Naughty NP ;-)
20 Feb, 2009
she seams to be getting round with 3 getting hungry so maybe she can do pawsstands lol
21 Feb, 2009
LOL..reminds me of a joke about a pig..
farmer has a 3 legged pig and a visitor asks about the says that's a great pig..saved my whole family by letting us know our house was on fire...
the visitor asked "did the pig lose it's leg in the fire?"
Farmer says.." you know...Ya don't want to eat a pig like that ..all at once."
21 Feb, 2009
very gd lol
21 Feb, 2009
Oh you two.....tut tut.
Reminds me of a joke - one of Tommy Cooper's I think?
Man in a restaurant orders a duck. When the duck arrives it only has one leg. He complains to the waiter: this duck only has one leg! And the waiter says: Well, what do you want to do - eat it or dance with it?
21 Feb, 2009
very drole
21 Feb, 2009 hearing you guys comment on the jokes..makes me chuckle...thanks..xx...been a long day...needed that..
22 Feb, 2009
bloke goes into a pub with a duck under his are
barmen sais what you doing with that pig
the bloke replies its a duck mate
the barmen replies i was talking to the duck lol
22 Feb, 2009
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5 Feb, 2009
You had some beautiful dogs and you loved them all ,Thanks for showing photos of them I wasn't upset by them and I don't know how anyone could be.
12 Feb, 2009