my fish
By noseypotter
well if you look at my profile and photos youl see ive shown you many aspects of my life but ive never shown you my fish
this my nile puffer a very agressive fish and hes got a bolt cropper for a mouth.its a bit like a parrots beak i can keep tiny fish with him as there to small to interest him.i love him though.hes going in a nice new tank im designing soonish.
these pottery heads are made for the tank or there other things that blew up in my kiln and just didnt want to through away
i hope you like them any questions about fish ill do my best to answer them or pottery
1 Mar, 2009
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no there fresh water tropical and though puffer fish are renowned for being tropical marine (salty) theres quite a few fresh and brackish (a bit salty) kinds lol including my nile as inriver nile puffer or fahaka my tanks 6` x 30" x 30" and i have one the same hight and width but half the length for the puffer to grow his full and dangerous 18" .i would bolt the lid if i had kids.if you see him destroy a cockle,mussel etc you can probably imagine what he`d do to your finger .ive had fish tanks all my 48 years next week .if not my mum had a tank.puffers and spiders share one thing.there bothe all poisonas though some spiders havnt got much venom and you have to eat a puffer for it to make you real ill or worse.i hope that answerd your question take care bye for now
1 Mar, 2009
Thank you Nosey I keep tropical fish the tank is no where near as large as yours. I have had this tank for about 10 years .I have a red tailed shark a couple of leopard cat fish angels and a few others
1 Mar, 2009
there so relaxing i think if you look close you can see a red fin shark in the third picture from the bottem and thank you.
1 Mar, 2009
The only thing I have right now is 1 African Cichlid NP and the fish in my outside water barrel..The Cichlid is alone because she stressed the others out and they died..had a Maui cichlid that held his own very well but when he was the only target he died too...did not realize it was Berta doing the damage..thot it was Mango the Maui...but then when he died..knew it was Berta..she is a beauty but likes to hide most of the time..not sure what I can ever put in with her..I am new at this or would have recognised who the agressor was I suppose...
1 Mar, 2009
malawis and chiclids are very agressive and they have terratory and if another fish is in it they want to kick them out.easy in a river but not in a tank.if you only have one fish and your inexperianced may i suggest no disrespect that you trade it in and get some comunity fish like guppies.neons ,tetras etc then when you learn a bit more about fish management you could go back to chiclids.i hope ive bean helpfull cat ,take care bye for now
1 Mar, 2009
I would hate to give up Berta but...with my life in upheaval at this time in my not start another tank of community fish although I would love one, as I am not sure who will want to take Berta of my children..may have to give her to the local pet fish shop like you suggested maybe get some fish for my grand daughter who has a goldfish tank she is learning with..that is a good suggestion..had not thought of it..will stop in and talk to them. Thanks NP
1 Mar, 2009
Thanks for this blog the way you used the rejects from your kiln...very effective in the aquarium !
1 Mar, 2009
I like that too BB..great items he has in there...very as you say effective...his art shows every where he is...
1 Mar, 2009
Yes Cat...its recycling at its very best !
1 Mar, 2009
stop it lol glad you like it lol.
1 Mar, 2009
Fish are very relaxing to watch, aren't they??
1 Mar, 2009
Thanks for the blog Nosey. Very informative and I loved the pics of your fish. You sure you didn't steal the ornaments from Easter Island?
1 Mar, 2009
ermm lol no toto what gave you that idea lol.ow spritz turn the lights down low,telly of music on and just watch them intereact just so calming i swear its goodfor ya
1 Mar, 2009
I guess you already know Nosey, but in Japan chefs need a licence to prepare the puffer for the table. They make exquisite patterns from the flesh on the plate. Apparently it is the liver which contains the poison and a few people every year actually die from badly prepared fish.
1 Mar, 2009
Well you certainly know all there is to know about fish NP .
I haven,t a clue about them except perhaps a goldfish .. LOL .. I like the way you have used your leftover /broken pottery , it isn,t wasted !
1 Mar, 2009
it would be a shae o through it and i think it loks ok.the fish love it is the mane thing.puffer is called fugu and even done right it makes ya lips go numb anyway . its just a bad idea trying it.paying to foolish lol
1 Mar, 2009
I have never ustand that game of Russian Roulette that is plyed with Puffers...must be an ego thing...they are so beautiful..they are not meant to be eaten..they should just let them be..plenty of other fish to eat...I am sure Puffers have their place in the scheme of is just not as food for us.
2 Mar, 2009
well nature is a fine balance and every living thing fits somewear apart from us humans maybe lol.
2 Mar, 2009
The only thing that is wrong with us humans is that we have tried and have been too sucessful at seperating ourselves from nature..we are not seperate..and should understand that we are not..we would be better off and so would nature...everything we do to harm nature we do to ourselves...We should consider nature first...but most of us are not very good at it...shouldn't be this way but it is ..and I believe it is for us to learn eventually that we are all one and that includes the mud you use to make your pottery treat it lovingly and see what comes of it?
2 Mar, 2009
hell yes your right it just mite be the ultimat in learning the hard way and we just mite take the plannet with us.its a shame but hay ho
2 Mar, 2009
Very true Cat, we are but greedy, self serving animals that have used everything to our advantage. Don't see how that makes us better. Worse I can understand but not better. We should treasure nature, not abuse it.
That's my soapbox bit for today Cat. Sorry to use your lovely blog to sound off on Nosey.
2 Mar, 2009
LOL..that is just it Toto..we are better than nothing else..and nothing is better than us..we are all in this together..we are one..we do not understand that..I found it hard to realize that a fly is only 2 chromosones different than were given a brain to be caretakers, loving, caring slaves to mother earth...but we have run amok..serving ourselves, mother earth will see to it that we do not totally destroy her..but we may destroy ourselves yes, at the very least we will be diminshed in numbers for our folly....
2 Mar, 2009
thats quite allright toto i tolaly agree lol BBBBbbbbBbbbbBBBbbbzZzzzzzZ|zzzZZzzzZzZzZz
weve changed the planet for ever allready
2 Mar, 2009
I see you and the fly are much closer in chromosone ...and you can talk too...very are quite special...ok...bbbBBBbbBbBBBbbzzzzzzzthe planet will destroy us before we can destroy her...bbbbzzzztttt...will be all we can say...after she is done with us.....
3 Mar, 2009
did you know that if you took 2 blue bottles and gave them optimum condititions with no prediters in a year there would be a ball of them the size of the plannet so they are on lots of beasties menu.i cant stand the things hence liking spiders but imagine the amount of dead things lying about with out them
3 Mar, 2009
Glad to hear your opinions Cat. We bothe share the same soapbox I think.
Whatever you do Nosey; don't put two blubottles together and give them optimum conditions or I'll have to send the council round.
3 Mar, 2009
ow i couldnt but your robin would suffer without them. i look at them butchers you get on markets in the summer .flies and wasps everywear no chance yak
3 Mar, 2009
And they charge extra for them too.
3 Mar, 2009
Yes flies are important..they use the maggots for cleaning wounds that will not heal in hospitals...
3 Mar, 2009
like i say everything has a place or it wouldnt be here.the maggots only eat the bad stuff dont they.they use leeches in hospital to .nice lol
3 Mar, 2009
I do love the heads..... :-)
The earth is like a big fish tank....we're busy filthying it up and it's where we live and there's nowhere else to go! We just end up swimming around in our own filth.....
3 Mar, 2009
and its not getting any better either ow well sid not to worry lol
3 Mar, 2009
Yes Nosey we will all be dead shortly and the sooner the better.
3 Mar, 2009
its horrible to say and a shame but so it seams
3 Mar, 2009
mite as well make the most of what weve got.
3 Mar, 2009
Oh dear - is Toto having a bad day then?! LOL
3 Mar, 2009
no i dont think so its just the way it is hay toto
3 Mar, 2009
I'm seriously thinking of building an eco-house out of straw bales..................
3 Mar, 2009
have you seen that program grand designs wear the bloke makes a house out of old tires its brilliant
3 Mar, 2009
Sorry I'm late to your blog NP. Lovely blog. Do you have Pirannahs in there too?
I'm totally in agreement with the soapbox....There are a few humans who are clued in to what is happening but I think the majority don't understand or don't care and will cause the end of all of us.
This world is too much a slave to the almighty dollar (or pound or rupee or whatever). We can't do this or that or the giant corporations won't have their $3 billion dollar profits.....Someone won't be making $10 million a year anymore and will have to give up their private jet or their 10th car....Money, money money.....Some people just can't get enough.....Well, that's my soapbox....sorry.
4 Mar, 2009
Glad you agree Gilli. You will never convince the haves that they have enough. Greed is everywhere, sharing is taboo, money before people, business before love,. There has to be an alternative but, somehow money and or power always ruins any that arise.
4 Mar, 2009
greed begets jealasy money does make the world go round im afraid. im always up for helping someone and they help you if ya like.2 carrats for a turnip kind of gilli there not pirannahs but your on the right track the relatives called silver dollers.i hate to state the obvious but pirannahs dont tend to keep other kinds of fish as tank mates for very long.your right as a general not enough people care enough.its alright saying dont cut down the rain forest but if you lived there and you could either cut down a tree or starve or shoot an elephant or starve.same thing.its the consumer got to stop all over the plannet.dont you think its ludicras that one part of the plannet kids are starving to death bye the hundred because there hungry.yet in another part of the world theres top surgeons taking hours a thousands of pounds to perhaps save one persen.if every couple on the plannet had 1 child surely in one generation we would halve the population.its a mad world wear did i put them blinkers on.i watched a program and the asian countries are using 6,000,000 tons of sea horses a year .just discusting.havnt they herd of viagra
4 Mar, 2009
Nothing wrong with using what you need to to survive but it's not the locals who make the millions. It's big business which exploits the locals that make the money. If you need to kill to eat, that is one thing but if you kill to make a fortune or for fun that is something else.
I don't ahve a problem with the surgeon who makes good money from saving a life but his services should be more widely available to those peoples who cannot afford his treatment. Again money talks, even surgeons, for whom I have the greatest respect and admiration, chase the big bucks. The proof of this is all around us. How many surgeons prefer to work privately rather than for our health service. How many surgeons give their services free to the poor in this or any other country. I'll bet that the number is miniscule compared with the number of surgeons there are.
Please don't think that I am picking on one group of people, I am not. This is only an example off common practice among all of humanity. We look after number one with little regard for others.
I take my hat off to those who give of their time and energies to help others and the world would be a better place if we all followed their example.
Sorry Nosey but I do feel very strongly on this subject.
4 Mar, 2009
me to i totaly agree with you as a race we are do i .ive bean operated on your right but im not wrong
4 Mar, 2009
Definitely Your are not wrong. In fact I believe we are saying exactly the same thing, just in different ways. You already said that you would help anyone and I would like to think that I would too. I think you'll agree that it's a great feeling you get when you have successfully helped someone and I think that more people should try it.
4 Mar, 2009
i believe your right lol be nice if pople could manage to smile t would help
4 Mar, 2009
So true. It's one of the things I like about GOY. Everyone seems so friendly and are willing to share a joke.
4 Mar, 2009
yes me to real people
4 Mar, 2009
Best kind.
4 Mar, 2009
apserlootly toto
4 Mar, 2009
No, I haven't seen that tyres Grand Designs (actually it's on now but I'm only interested in the last 15minutes when you see the finished house lol) I want to build mine out of straw bales.......kinda timber framed with bale infill and rendered all over with a breathable lime plaster...... Just can't afford to buy a house in this area....Herefordshire is one of the lowest-earnings places in England but has one of the highest property prices....mostly I think due to rich folk taking early retirement in the big cities and buying up property here and also holiday homes all pushing the prices up :-(
4 Mar, 2009
well this bloke had done it in france as it only cost him 17,000 for the land and 70,000 to build was brilliant
4 Mar, 2009
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Love this blog. Great photos of your fish Nosey. Are thet marine fish? They look very large also healthy
1 Mar, 2009