self portait at last
By noseypotter
i know its beanctriversil and maybe ir doent belong here,ive just had a terrible time over winter and i reay feal i ned the spring,you will love it or hate it.
21 Feb, 2009
Previous post: just a few pictures that i liked.
Next post: my fish
Clever artwork here NP.
The snowdrops and daffodils are coming into bloom, so spring is here, and I hope 2009 will be a happy year for you. :o)
21 Feb, 2009
Hi Leigh,
Great photos of your studies and self portraits. Can I see that you have used pastels or is it mixed media?
I love pastels and water colours as a combination.
Congratulations, and all best wishes. Take care, and hope things look brighter for you when the weather improves. It's certainly been a gloomy winter so far.
21 Feb, 2009
Here's looking forward to a lovely spring. The portrait is brill.
21 Feb, 2009
thank you so much bring on the spring yippee
21 Feb, 2009
The artwork is just fantastic Leigh, i wish i could paint like this,
Like you i crave the spring, so role it on,
21 Feb, 2009
yep Looking good
21 Feb, 2009
You have such a talent, Leigh - I hope doing this brought you through the winter and that spring will 'lift' you even more! Sorry you have been feeling so low.
21 Feb, 2009
Great work. It must have taken a lot of time and skill.
Don't worry about the spring, there are signs all around that it is here. Can't wait to see you next work.
21 Feb, 2009
ne either
21 Feb, 2009
Great photos like everyone says spring is just round the corner, hope you feel better soon.
21 Feb, 2009
very good Mr.Noseypotter, real talent shines out, keep smiling :0)
21 Feb, 2009
so do i lil
21 Feb, 2009
or is that kill lol
21 Feb, 2009
As everyone else has said Spring is coming Np which means more daylight,more times outside with your beloved dogs,bound to bring a smile or two,awaiting another portrait with a big cheesy grin.....
21 Feb, 2009
Fabulous artwork Np.....dont worry spring is nearing and the days getting longer and longer !
21 Feb, 2009
Wow, now that's amazing! I really envy your art skills nosey, I so wish I could draw and paint well. I can only do those pictures where you can't really tell what it's supposed to be!
I hope you had the sunshine we had here today, it's so lovely to feel the warmth again. Not long now til spring :-)
21 Feb, 2009
yip yip yip yipppppppeeeeee and thanx
21 Feb, 2009
now outside and enjoy the sunshine today :-))
22 Feb, 2009
Well done with the finished portrait Leigh , hopefully it will have drawn a lot of sadness and madness out of you , the worst of the winter has gone , there,s only one way to go now and thats up.. turn your face to the spring sunshine it wont be long , can,t wait to see your next project .. :o)
22 Feb, 2009
thanx everyone im like sampson but you only got to cut the sun out to stop me.bring on the spring yippee
22 Feb, 2009
You seem to have lost a lot of weight according to your first photo..NP..not been eating enough of those bangers n mash?...Get on out in the sunshine and go pick up some of those Fish & Chips out on the shore somewhere...take some deep breaths of salt air and be glad..force a smile even when you don't want releases chemicals that make you feel happy..force for a full minute if you have to...I love and am jealous of your already know that..thank you for the blog of your progression of your self is more spring than winter all the time....hugs to you & your fur family....cannot wait to see more grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt work... ~Cat
1 Mar, 2009
i am lucky i cant put on weight.and stay about 160 pounds what ever i do .thanx for that cat it lifted me .you shouldnt be jealous though ive practissed lots it was a gift.i cant help it lol .theres a place here on the south coast called holt.its a chip shop on the front right next door to another one but its got 2 big fish tanks in it.the fish and chips are sublime i highl recomend it.though i feal a traiter looking in the fish tanks while im eating fish lol
1 Mar, 2009
Yeah...I would feel a bit of a traitor myself..I think..rather look at the always feel bad for the lobster in tanks at fish stores too...never have been able to cook a live crab..hated watching the seagulls pulling them apart a leg at a time before they are done with is a wonder I am not a vegetarian..but I do love meat..and am grateful for it. I am glad you can eat what ever you want. and that you are feeling less blue these days..yay!!! Spring is will be on your new project in no time now!
2 Mar, 2009
today i hope cat and ive got to draw my faverite, a bull elephant for amy of of here.i found a lovley bull its on a blog with my bangers and mash.things are on the up.i can thank quite a few people and my dogs for helping.notice i didnt say my a realist cat i used to slaughter pigs but i was never cruel i cant stand cruelty or bullying.nature mite be cruel but at least its honest.anyway thanx again enough of my ramblings take care bye for now
2 Mar, 2009
Good!...I am so glad to hear you are able to get out and get started! Makes me feel like doing a dance or fun...bye for now!
2 Mar, 2009
just went and baught some ofthe stuff and start tomorrow.i cant weight though i feal realy unfit lol take care cat bye for now .ow if you feal like dancing then dance girl lol
2 Mar, 2009
and I
you will be feeling fit again in no time...take care..and have fun...
3 Mar, 2009
ow thank you so much i will.supposed to be nasty old weather again which isnt good ?
3 Mar, 2009
Hmmm - it's diddling it down over here NP! Ah well, it's the rain that makes things grow ;-) Thanks for posting the finished portrait - it's great as always :-) Maybe Cat can put some of that sticky toffee pud icecream in the post to you to cheer you up - do you think that'll work ?!
3 Mar, 2009
it just mite not look the same bye the time it gets here is all sid .im glad you like my portraite thanx lol
3 Mar, 2009
Ummm..Sid..icecream melts I think is what NP is saying here..and I don't see why he cannot put on his wellies and get on with it anyway...he is not going to melt...he is not ice cream....and I just don't think he is all that sugary somehow either...rather a bit more on the tart and salty side....perhaps....tart and salty can handle rain the way..makes em even more tart n salty...good for your type..Leigh...I can hear it now...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlol
3 Mar, 2009
tart and salty who you calling a sweaty tart lol
3 Mar, 2009
Sweaty tart? Who? (wispers: NP is she talking about me or you? shhhh, she's coming back now....)
3 Mar, 2009
me im afraid im not a tart snivel
3 Mar, 2009
Stomp...STomp Stomp...who's been talking around here about what I said.....hmmmmm?
no snivelin...get out there in the rain and get on with your work...
cannot say a single thing but what eveyone turns it all around...haven't I got enough to do....arrrgh.
4 Mar, 2009
you cant cement in the rain.more importantly im not anyway lol.poxy weather lol keep ya hair on lol
4 Mar, 2009
Oo 'eck ...I'm gunna keep me head down I think....... snowed here for a few minutes today - what's the weather up to?!
4 Mar, 2009
its clear and a bit cold im keeping my fingers crossed lol
4 Mar, 2009
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5 Feb, 2009
Well done NP. The self portrait looks great. I like the photo of the back of your head with the hat on. LOL.
Sorry you have been having such a hard time. Things will look up soon. The spring will bring new life for the garden and for you.
21 Feb, 2009