dog portraits and glass paint
By noseypotter
heres some dog portraits ive done with the photos o took next to them for anyone who just mite be interested .also heres my best glass painting up to date of a koi carp.ow and a few shall i say golden oldies lol just to prove i havnt always bean bald lol.i hope you enjoy them take care bye for now
prince naseem mite be the best human ive drawn.a tattooist baught it of me.i said do you like this boxer.he said not realy i just love the art work.he still has it i believe.i take that as a bit of a complement.i hope you dont mind me putting these on here . i just know a lot of you think i only do skulls maybe.also i know a lot of you are pet owners and these pictures realy show how close i got the art to the never know you just mite want my services one day.
10 Sep, 2009
Previous post: amy`s framed elly
Next post: glass painting and frames
lol thanx lily hope your good xx
10 Sep, 2009
why on earth would we mind NP, whether it be skulls, or winnie the pooh its all fab and we love to see it
you ole dafty!!
you still havent told me whether you have a studio where people can visit?
if not you should, could be a potential gold mine!!
x x x
10 Sep, 2009
creative genius cannot be contained...let it flow freely Lee, we love seeing your creations . Thanks for sharing x
10 Sep, 2009
We all like to see your work progressing Leigh , your portraits are amazing ... as is all your work ...
It's in your finger tips , we could see it when you were in my house .. you ran your fingers over the shapes and structures , we could see you absorbing it soaking it up , it was almost as though we could see an electric current going from finger tips to the brain storing it for furure reference , A genius .. Yes ..x
10 Sep, 2009
lol i just like touching things amy did you like the long hair lol.i guess that could be the artist in me .i think i know what im going to do with your going to bury it in the ground at the back of my pond .im gonna frame it and make it look like a human figure ish lol is holding going to paint the pisces fish as 2 koi carp on it and the back light will be spot lights that are the humanoids eyes .maybe a robot just a fruit cake i think lol xx take care amy thank you so much you have lovley words amy an art in itself
10 Sep, 2009
Leigh, is that you in the photo with the lovely head of hair? what a handsome chap. great work as always.
10 Sep, 2009
yes it is doc lol thanx hope your well mate bean lovley weather
10 Sep, 2009
as always i enjoy seeing your work, even the ones ive already seen, great stuff leigh :o)
10 Sep, 2009
Lee your talent is a gift to be proud of and we are honored to share it
10 Sep, 2009
I do like the long hair Leigh , it reminded me of my hippy days except that you haven't got the beads and Flowers in your hair ... LOL..
10 Sep, 2009
You know what i think of your art, its fantastic, I LOVE the photo of your dogs LOL! one on top of the other :o)
10 Sep, 2009
Naseem is brilliant , I like the boxing but I can see why he bought it just for the art. brilliant as always leigh .
10 Sep, 2009
thanks so much everyone
10 Sep, 2009
I love the dogs ones brilliant, were you a hippy then
10 Sep, 2009
a biker lol same meat different gravy lol
11 Sep, 2009
Brilliant phrase Leigh! Love the pics (always do!) but the cat is just beautiful!
11 Sep, 2009
Were you a hells angle then
11 Sep, 2009
no im a good old boy just someone who liked motorbikes and long hair.i dare say id still have long hair if i hadnt started balding and im going to get another motorbike lol
11 Sep, 2009
thanx mad this was the only picture this woman had of her`s very typical almost like they feal guilty about not taking enough photos in life and they want me to work miricals with the tiny picture they have left but hay ho so is life lol xx
11 Sep, 2009
And, as usual, you did!
11 Sep, 2009
well i guess thats wear i come in so is life lol
11 Sep, 2009
11 Sep, 2009
cool xx
11 Sep, 2009
Love the glass painting and your art work you are sooooo talented Your art is meant to be shared and admired so keep sharing and we'll keep admiring!
:o)) fab
11 Sep, 2009
thank you neellan you can rest assured that i will do egsactly that.i hate showing of but i like people admiring my work and i put a lot of heart,soul and passion so if its showing of so be it .its just my fix lol if you like.ive got to sell my orangutan unframed and im gutted i cant see it at its best but not to worry its going to a good home and some money will go to help the poar orangutans who need it thanx to us good old humans.anyway glad you liked it.ill stop running on lol bye for now xx
12 Sep, 2009
bye the way neellan ive never herd of your shire before but geography was never a strong point at school in fact school was never a strong point lol .im dyslexic and my writing skills are terrible .your lucky i can type lol or you would see the true extent of how bad i am lol.i was highly peanalised for this so didnt like school period apart from art.ive learnt and become more interested since i left school .anyway take care bye for now again lol
12 Sep, 2009
You're not showing off you are right to be proud of your artwork
dyslexia is suffered by many famous people often artistic people too and when we were young it wasn't recognized as such so I sympathise
Oh lucky person who bought your Orangutan framed or not he is beautiful x
12 Sep, 2009
Showing off my A***!!!!!
You have an extremely special talent, & it NEEDS to be seen! I for one feel priveleged to be allowed to see your work!
Just think Leigh, you might not have concentrated on art as much & become such a s***hot artist as you are if you HADNT been dyslexic!
Now I'LL shut up!
12 Sep, 2009
Exactly X
Marie put it so much better!!!
12 Sep, 2009
And I meant every word!
12 Sep, 2009
well what can i say watch this space thanx for that xx
12 Sep, 2009
no problem
12 Sep, 2009
12 Sep, 2009
You're Welcome! :~))))))
13 Sep, 2009
can't believe that I've been on this site since August and have not found you until now ! Your work is just fabulous !! To be able to do what you do, as well as you do it, is a gift ! I'm off to look at everything else ! lol
6 Oct, 2009
thank you so much sue xx
6 Oct, 2009
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Your pictures are superb as ever NP and we know you are a big softie really under that tough exterior!
10 Sep, 2009