Thank you all and I'm hooked!
By numbaten
Gosh this site is so addictive!
Having had the dreaded lurgy that has been going round for the last few days today I am officially ‘shaking my feathers’ as my mum says and getting on with the many things I have to do, well…that is the plan…but this site just doesn’t help with my love of procrastination! So this morning I am determined to get on with my soul destroying job hunt #sigh# and send off another bulkload of CV’s and applications :( Who ever said that the world was your oyster after university was a fool!
But after that if the weather stays dry (for the first day in a while) I can get back on with the garden, following all the wonderful advice you guys have given me :) including pruning my slightly ‘leggy’ roses and I’ll be having a very enthusiastic deweed where all the nasties have popped up!
I must say that this really doesn’t feel like a novice’s garden, it is huge and until now I just didn’t know where to start but thanks to everyone on GoY I can name half of the plants here (which is a big deal for someone that can probably name more types of hay than tree!) and what I can name, I can learn how to handle :) So thank you all for being so welcoming and tireless in your comments :)
As for what I will being doing after my gardening? Well I have still have a lot of your comments on photos to reply to and more photo’s to take and post! Looks like the OH will be cooking his own tea again!
Thanks again to all you lovely, helpful GoYers :D
Elle x
27 Oct, 2009
you are more than welcome. and remember an oyster lives in a very small shell that shuts up at the first sign of danger. so if that is an oysters world it can keep it. :o)
hope you get out in the garden soon. prevents going stir crazy.
27 Oct, 2009
Good luck with the job hunt, Numbaten and i hope the sunshines this afternoon and you can get outside :-)))
27 Oct, 2009
I hope you feel better each day, and have more energy.
The right job will come along...:o)
27 Oct, 2009
I have just read your homepage, Elle, and you have inherited a super garden. Enjoy it and I hope the job hunting goes well.
27 Oct, 2009
You do have a wonderful garden there Elle and we will do our best to help you learn how to look after the plants
27 Oct, 2009
Poor you! Get well soon. We never mind answering questions - there's always someone who can find an answer!
Good luck with your CVs.
27 Oct, 2009
Hope you are better soon good luck with the job hunt may take a while but it will happen!
27 Oct, 2009
Good luck with the job hunt I hope the right one comes along soon.In the mean time enjoy that lovely garden. and get better soon.
. xxx
27 Oct, 2009
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Welcome Elle glad you are enjoying the site... We aim to please - lol!
27 Oct, 2009