'Come Name the Meerkats.com!!!'
By oddbillie
Okay you crazy bunch, it’s time to make a startling revelation which I have only just become aware of. It seems that the 4 meerkats that frequent our abode may have entered the country illegally…..I know, frightening isn’t it?
After the untimely death of Neil, and a period of mourning, which saw a large outpouring of grief within the garden community here at Corner Cottage HQ – it’s a bit like Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s River Cottage but there’s no river….but it is a corner plot….but it’s not actually a cottage per see, more a semi-detached, corner plot…but Semi-detached, Corner Plot HQ doesn’t sound so cosy does it? I mean, I could call it that if you all want me to be totally PC about the whole thing but……
Ooops, sorry!
Anyway, after the period of mourning came to a gradual demise and life started to pick up here at Corner…..SDCP HQ, I decided it was time to broach the subject of introducing the Meerkats to GoY. So, I have been down to converse with them and only spoke to the parents as the kids were off playing in the amongst the conifers….that’s a point, shouldn’t they be back at school today?
Anyway,speaking to the father, it transpires that the family, in their desperate bid for a better life, decided to hop on a lorry driving through the kalahari desert and see where it took them. Several weeks, nee months, later, they arrived here on that very same Tesco lorry – well, Every Little Helps and you know what Tesco are like, trying to take over the world an all that! Think they were looking to open a small express store over there…..
So, having arrived in this country and not knowing their whereabouts, they hopped on to a milk float, or as Dad put it, ‘a meeelk float’ and eventually arrived at my house….don’t ask me why because we don’t even have milk delivered! As we were in work, no surprise there then, they decided to burrow into our garden in order to take stock of the situation. What was meant to be a night or two bedding down with his family, actually turned into full-time residency. Apparently, the mother liked what we were doing to the garden and urged the father to stay a little longer to see what shape the garden would take and here they still are!
The dad also explained why they are called Meerkats. Apparently, they have so many of them in a ‘mob’, ‘gang’ or ‘clan’ – approximately 20 although some ‘Super clans’ can have as many as 50 in them – it is very difficult to remember all the names so, early in Meerkat history, one of the founder Merkats used to point at a kat, as they were then called, and shout: ‘Come eer kat!!’. Over time, this was deemed easier than trying to name everyone individually and has worked well for thousands of years. A rather intelligent member amongst the kats soon pointed out that there was already a ‘kat’ in existence – the ‘cat’ – and that being called ‘kats’ would only serve to confuse the rest of the living world – I must point out that this particular member was far advanced beyond his years. A meeting was called during which, the founder noticed one of the elders not taking notice. He called to him, ‘Come eer kat!!’ and EUREKA! Everyone agreed wholeheartedly, that Meerkat was a great name for them and the rest is history!!
However, recently, an online comparison site has made things a tad difficult for these humble creatures and without names, people find it quite difficult to Compare the Meerkat, so, the father has handed me a great honour which I am now passing over to my fellow GoYers. We have agreed that they can stay in the garden subject to a few little rules and regs, as it were, and they in return, would like to have proper names!
That honour, of naming them, has, as mentioned, been given to moi and I am now asking all of you to give me your suggestions for the following family members:
So, put your thinking caps on, look at their faces and fire away with your suggestions……
All you have to do is suggest a name for each of the family and I will pass on all names to them and allow them to choose before introducing them all officially to you……Seeemples!
3 Sep, 2009
Previous post: '......I'm just sitting, watching Flowers in the Rain......!'
Next post: Little man.......BIG THOUGHTS!!
(thats me)
x x x
3 Sep, 2009
lol jen, im sandmeer hehe,
3 Sep, 2009
Father = Pop Sicle
Mother = Mew Sicle
Son = Whim Sicle
Daughter = Fizz Sicle
I presumed that, to fit in with present society and to feel really at home, they would need a surname too :)
3 Sep, 2009
Great blog Dan love the comparison thingy!
how about
Pa kat
Ma kat
kid kat
kit kat
3 Sep, 2009
Love the family my contribution:
Pop corn
Mama mia
Master card
Miss take - missy for short
3 Sep, 2009
3 Sep, 2009
I eat them regularily? but have changed it to another one
3 Sep, 2009
sorry if trying to help upset you so i have taken off my comment Drc
3 Sep, 2009
3 Sep, 2009
I'll need to think about this for a bit, can you hear the cogs going?.............
3 Sep, 2009
Some great names so far and YES, Marie, I hear those cogs!!!!!
3 Sep, 2009
Father...Rooster Cogburn (well he looks like John Wayne to me!
Mother...Ma Cogburn (of course)
Sister...Hiawatha (dunno!)
3 Sep, 2009
Hiawatha was abloke M. pocahontas was the girlie!
3 Sep, 2009
Been trying to remember what names they had in meerkat manor on tv, i'm usless at thinking up names.
3 Sep, 2009
Yeah...buuuut...she might favour blokes' names...Dan?...how d'u know she's a girl...I can't see any ladybumps...
3 Sep, 2009
I think
Father, Amir Katt
Mother, Abir Katt
Son Karir Katt (he's going to go far you know)
Sister Adir Katt (expensive tastes!)
3 Sep, 2009
Sorry I could not resist:
Dad -Compare
Son -Theo
Mum - Market
Daughter - Dot com
4 Sep, 2009
4 Sep, 2009
M. surely the mum should be
Anne another- mir katt
whos from the another clan of meerkats and kept her maiden name, to hand down to her kids
the son
Andy rs another- mir katt
sandy rs another- mir katt
4 Sep, 2009
Have you decide on the names yet Dan?
Sue birmingham has kidnapped them & chained them to a light fitting!!
8 Sep, 2009
yes come on Dan your keeping us in suspence here, lol
8 Sep, 2009
Good evening Dan.
I really do feel that I must stand up for myself here as that wee Scottish Lassy is in a stirring mood !!!!
MY meerkats arrived from said Kalahari desert on an ASDA truck in 2008 ! They started, as yours, with a lonely four but my God they have been VERY busy since then ! They now number 10 ..... and ..... there are another two in the garage keeping warm until next Summer !!!!
So may I convey the very best wishes of the Birmingham branch of the family to their Welsh relatives, and say that I would not and could not kidnap any of the little darlings, because at the speed that they procreate, I simply don't have the room !!!! ; - ) ) ) )
8 Sep, 2009
8 Sep, 2009
Yeah Ive had to put mesh on me computer screen to stop the litttle blighters from gettin through and infesting this area Sue!
9 Sep, 2009
They are not blighters Mr. Indypendant !!!
They are booooooooootiful little creatures !! :- ))) lol !
9 Sep, 2009
I have been in the garden today and managed to speak to the father and gave him your suggestions for names.
He has passed these names on to the family and they are in the process of choosing their own names as I type, so watch out for the 'decision' blog!!
Sue: Don't listen to Indy, he's still 'hurting' over the loss of one said pond rhino....well, 2 actually....so it's hard to come to terms with having other anils around his gaff!!
Feeling the pain Indy, feeling the pain...:0(
9 Sep, 2009
Well said Mr. OB !!!! I hope the Welsh branch are in good humour today ?? ; - )))
9 Sep, 2009
That should read !ANIMALS around his gaff'!
9 Sep, 2009
Though you'd just made up a new name for the mammalian race Mr. OB !! LMAO
9 Sep, 2009
Some of the peeps about a better name would be Anals.....:0)
9 Sep, 2009
Talking about Indy again ...... ? tee hee hee ; - )))
9 Sep, 2009
NOT !!! lol :-)))
10 Sep, 2009
Thank you OB we know the pain of tragic rhinoloss and how hard it is to transfer out affections at such a time!
10 Sep, 2009
But they're SOOOOO cute Indy !!! ;-))) They could dig the holes for yer tatties !!
10 Sep, 2009
Guess it's what they refer to as a Rhinoceraloss, Indy!!!
10 Sep, 2009
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OB, LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11 Sep, 2009
11 Sep, 2009
11 Sep, 2009
Why not?
Remember the neighbour who started all this with the 'pints of vodka' that night we went over?
11 Sep, 2009
11 Sep, 2009
She brought some cheesecake over for us last week.....strawberry and vodka topping.........!!!!
Home made of course!!
11 Sep, 2009
Sounds yummy! Did you save me a bit?????
11 Sep, 2009
Yes we did but.........the meerkats asked for some and, well, they looked so 'needy' I could not say no!!
11 Sep, 2009
Huh! A likely story! LOL!
11 Sep, 2009
Thought meerkats would have preffered Advokat!
11 Sep, 2009
Liking it Indy!!
Great stuff that. You can drop the bottle and it all stays in one piece!!!
12 Sep, 2009
Mr O.B ! Chopped down a load of perennials today and discovered that the Birmingham branch have been really busy !!! It's now 14 (without the ones asleep in the garage) !!
Be careful my friend....very careful !!!!! LOL
12 Sep, 2009
Lol! Would be interested to see your 14 so as to show the Welsh lot they're long lost cousins.......
Their formal introduction this weekend as they have chosen their names.....
12 Sep, 2009
Funny you should say that Mr. OB ............ just happened to have the Samsung handy this afternoon !!! LOL
We await their introduction with bated breath ! :-)))))))
12 Sep, 2009
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great blog Dan, well i think Danmeer and Alimeer for the parents and the kids not sure what your kids are called and wheather their names fit the bill, so what about Todmeer for the lad and Bellameer for the sister :o)
3 Sep, 2009