My lords, ladies & gentlemen.....the meerkats have chosen!!
By oddbillie
Hi all!
After much hushed discussion amongst my meerkay family, down by the pond, a discussion I might add that I was asked to leave as it had to be a ‘family’ thing, the squatters have chosen the names they would like.
So, with a HUUUUUUUUUGE thank you to all those who offered up suggestions for names – there is no prize for names chosen just the thought that you are all as barmy as me…comforting thought eh! – please allow me to introduce them.
Father: AMIR KAT….
Son: (Apparently suffers with flatulence) WINDY MEER…
Daughter: KAM MEER
So, there you have it all. The meerkats would like to be known by their chosen names when referring to them in any future correspondence and they look forward to a long and SEEEEMPLES life, here at CC HQ.
Oh, nearly forgot, someone else who hasn’t been introduced yet is this little fella which was bought for me for my birthday by TerrorJACdyl…..
WINDY THE MOO COW – also named by said TerrorJACdyl!!
Incidentally Madperth, Ali asked Jac about the flowers and how they’re made and he actually did know!!! He’s getting too clever now!!
12 Sep, 2009
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How nice to meet you all properly at last, Kat family!
Well, Dan, did you put it in Jac's blog how the flowers were made?
12 Sep, 2009
Can you grow some peppermint for windy meer?
12 Sep, 2009
They are soooo cute.
13 Sep, 2009
Great names OB...they'll be happy meerkats now they all know who they're talking to!
13 Sep, 2009
well done and love the new names Dan
13 Sep, 2009
I supppose they'll all want passports now and be flying home to visit their rellies twice a year!
14 Sep, 2009
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Nice one :o))))
12 Sep, 2009