Gardening Club: An unexpected surprise.....
By oddbillie
Well, I was in work today awaiting a BIG visit from my MD, when Ali text me asking me to ring her.
I duly did this, as any serving hubby-to-be would do, and was pleasantly surpried and pleased to hear what she had to say.
As most of you will be aware, since coming in to this whole_gardening thing_, I have found it hard to resist the – and I quote from Lily – Temples of Temptation when visiting them. One of our localish Garden Centres is a Wyevale and some will know about the Gardening Club Card they started a while back. Well, we have spent a fair old bit their over the past 3 months in pursuit of our ‘garden paradise’ and today, out of the blue, we received vouchers totalling £24 to spend in-store along with an offer of a free Viola in a terracotta pot when you spend over £10 and £1 off gardener’s World magazine for October!!!
So, no prizes for guessing where we shall be going in the next week or so but I’m worried as I don’t know if I’ll be able to spend them all or indeed, spend enough to get the free Viola………..WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!
17 Sep, 2009
Previous post: My lords, ladies & gentlemen.....the meerkats have chosen!!
Next post: Dan & Ali's delightful day out at Dyffryn gardens #1.......
I belong to that Gardening Club too and got similar deals etc. They're quite worthwhile aren't they ?
I know Spritz will have got hers too because she' a member aswell.
She was using hers when we met up recently at the garden centre halfway between her and me (see her blog).
17 Sep, 2009
You shouldn't have any trouble spending £24. If you do any one of us will help you do just that. One bush here will cost that much.
17 Sep, 2009
Well OB, funnily enough the 'Temple of Temptation' I bought the pansies in the other day was also Wyevale. Such a pity my vouchers arrived the following day, now I will just have to go back again and buy something else (no not more pansies!) in order to claim my violas too. Actually my vouchers were a measly 75p but I don't often shop there as, although they are the nearest, I find them a bit expensive. These offers are very good though. I'm sure you'll have NO trouble spending the required £10 - enjoy the trip!
17 Sep, 2009
Im a member of the same gardening club OB. I got Nowt today lol, I dont go very often to that GC because i find it really Expensive compared to others :) But well done you..Happy spending..
17 Sep, 2009
great Dan happy spending :o)
Dee i will only say this once 2-1 lol
17 Sep, 2009
Not spend £24???????? Sorry, dont get that concept!!
17 Sep, 2009
I'm in that club my vouchers today as well :)))....I will have no problem spending
17 Sep, 2009
Yes, so did I!!! Hooray! There are lots of things I need, so off to Wyevale ASAP....Louise - we'll have to spend our vouchers together!
17 Sep, 2009
how do i join this club? think we have wyevale here to
17 Sep, 2009
Just go in and ask to join their GC card scheme....seeemples!
It can be a little expensive but we've had some great bargains there and I feel it's cheaper than B&Q etc.
Def worth a visit San.
AND, for the record, I've already bagged the vouchers for more tubs and plants for the tubs!!!!
17 Sep, 2009
no can do Dan, my closest one is 14 miles away so would cost me more than its worth in petrol, no worries
17 Sep, 2009
Ah well. Never mind. If you ever do go there though, just ask and they'll give you the card and a leaflet to complete with your details.
17 Sep, 2009
okidoki lol
17 Sep, 2009! Not another visit to the ole GC. How will we manage!!
How's Uni been Marie? Settling in now?
17 Sep, 2009
I'm pleased to say that I'm definitely NOT in the club........ But I wouldn't mind joining. :~))
17 Sep, 2009
Could be worth a fortune if 'you were' tough Digs!
I'd be your manager....
17 Sep, 2009
No fear mate....... :~))
17 Sep, 2009
Well OB, I've got 75p to spend haven't I ! Actually I confess I have been conned by a tray of sweet little violas sitting outside our local hardware shop. It was sitting there with all it's brothers and sisters, nodding their heads in the breeze, saying 'me,me,me'.....Well it would have been rude to ignore them so I did the decent thing and took the prettiest one home to make friends with all the pansies...LOL. I'm still off to Wyevale though for my 'free' ones :o)))
18 Sep, 2009
Happy spending:o)))
18 Sep, 2009
Lucky s@& happy spending mate. :o)))
18 Sep, 2009
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Oooohhh how lovely! If you can't manage to spend them all OB, I could willingly offer to help out, lol. Just imagine all the bulbs you could buy....sigh...
17 Sep, 2009