Early summer chez nous...
How lovely to enjoy some sunny weather! I am finally feeling that the garden is – sort of – under control again, after a somewhat neglected 2015. I’ve not been without distractions, though.
Daughter and grandson (here enjoying his younger cousin’s toys) have just returned home after nearly a fortnight’s stay while s-i-l completed several diy projects at home. It was a great time and the house seems very empty just now (swings and roundabouts!?)
Granddaughter still enjoyed her Thursdays
and passed me a substantial cold, but never mind – I tell myself it is adding to my immunity!
In the garden, I am gearing up for the annual container filling. I shall enjoy a visit or two (or three – who knows?) to the local nursery.
There are lots of old faithfuls reappearing : the crab apple blossom is lovely this year, the wisteria is pretty and these aquilegias are beautiful. I particularly love the white doves!
Enjoy your garden!
22 May, 2016
Previous post: Aahhh!
Next post: Spending spree
Lovely Susanne. I took a photo today of the white Aquilegia which you so kindly gave me, so it should be appearing here very soon. Great to see the grand babies!
22 May, 2016
Thank you Barbara and Sheila. Everything is growing so fast - in and out of the garden!
Hope the plant does its thing this year, Sheila. Mine are good this year. I had some very ordinary self-seeded ones many years ago, but they gradually disappeared. These ones are much taller and sturdier. I wonder if they'll interbreed - they sometimes do, and produce variously coloured offspring. There's no sign of that yet, though.
22 May, 2016
Yes, the white Aquilegia are in flower Julia . . . I meant that they will soon appear on GoY, and they have!
22 May, 2016
Gorgeous aquilegias. I am particularly enjoying them this year!
22 May, 2016
Yes it seems to be a good year for them. Most of mine now are reverted and have small flowers, but a variety of colours. Yours are fabulous,can't possible choose a favourite! Sorry to hear you have a cold - hope it soon clears up.
22 May, 2016
It does seems to be a good year for them, Karen - in my garden, at any rate, and in Stera's!
Thanks, Stera - they have reached maturity after about three years, I think. I am quite surprised how tall they are this year. I hope they last, and perhaps spread. My cold is abating, I'm glad to say. It did that sly trick of subsiding after about four days, then returning to bite me on the bum, but a few days later is definitely retreating!
I may take myself off to buy some bedding plants tomorrow, to put in containers. I never used to go before June 1, but if I leave it much longer, there'll be nothing left! I shall post a blog about my purchases if/when I get them. (Read "when", not "if"!)
23 May, 2016
Yes, Aquilegias are one of the highlights at this time of year. I have planted up most of my pots/baskets this weekend and I've even left them out unprotected tonight.
It will soon be time to just sit back and enjoy the garden!
23 May, 2016
Well, Paul, you certainly deserve to do that!
Bedding is pretty safe now by the third week of May, but we are very sheltered here. A lot of my pots have one or two "returners" in them. A basket on the house wall at the back has a million bells plant from last year which has just come back into flower. It's a bit leggy, but I so admire them when they do that, so I'll have to keep it, enrich the compost, and plant around it!
23 May, 2016
Crikey, that is lucky.....I didn't have any tender lants come back from last year!
23 May, 2016
It's in a basket against the house at the back, where we are in a lovely warm zone - sometimes opening the side gate is like entering Narnia!
24 May, 2016
Ha ha..... No witches, I hope!
25 May, 2016
25 May, 2016
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lovely and so much happening in your life and garden, time is definitely not standing still for you :O) love your distractions :O)
22 May, 2016