Overly enthusiastic?????
By pamazon
Was it Elvis Costello who sang ’It’s a good year for the Roses’? He was quite right, I have never had so many buds and such huge flowers on my bushes before, no doubt you have seen my many pics, have camera will keep on snapping LOL. Down came the rain yesterday, much needed, but does it have to come down with such force……….please!!! We needed it, but now any of my plants who dare to have grown above 12" are horizontally inclined at the moment and all Roses have severe headaches, hanging them in pain!! I need the sun back now.
I really love Weigela Shrubs and the one I had for years had shrivelled up and died for some reason. I decided to go online and find some more. I searched and found three which I decided would look good in a block of tubs……Bristol Ruby, Florida Variegata and Florida Pupurea. Showed lovely photos of the Shrubs and said I would get one Shrub of each. I gaily trotted off to Poundland …..since my retirement in January of this year and being on my own with the ‘Zoo’ to feed, I can no longer indulge in real tubs, I have to go for the cheaper plastic ones :o( …….I struggled on the bus home with 3 tubs, 3 bags of compost, some fertiliser and almost broken wrists! Happily awaiting arrival of my shrubs, all prepared. They came the next day! No labels on them, so I have to guess at which variety is which until they flower! Did I say shrubs!! Here they are.
Tubs all ready
Tubs with Shrubs
Oh well, hope I stay around long enough to see them in their full glory LOL.
27 Jun, 2009
Next post: Budgies - Especially for Terra.
Pamazon, it was indeed Elvis Costello that sang that, i liked it :))
Your shopping trip was a good one, i'm amazed that you could carry that lot back with you.
You need one of those trolleys on wheels for your next trip !!!!!
27 Jun, 2009
Well done on your first blog :o)
I would like the rain for my water butts, but, as you say, falling gently please, so as not to damage the flowers..:o)
27 Jun, 2009
Hope they come on well for you
27 Jun, 2009
Good grief! How did you manage to get on the bus with that lot? You deserve a medal! As Bob says, your Weigela will soon grow.
Sorry about your roses and tall plants, butI do envy you the rain, and I agree with Tt, falling gently. Our weather forecast said rain Thurs. evening and all day Friday. Huh! I think they got the forecast for Cornwall out of last years Christmas crackers. We had one pathetic little shower, not enough for the spots to join up, and that was it. Like Tt, my barrels are getting low.
27 Jun, 2009
Louise, I've always said that the day I have to succumb to a wheelie thingy will be the day I give up LOL, so hard to get on the bus with and a pest to other people. I guess they will grow quickly once their roots get a grip. We do need the rain, but it comes down so heavily everything just goes flat. I could ask for a portion to fall over you TT and BBB if you like, specifically suggesting 'gentle rain'. It is lovely now, but we have been promised heavy showers again this afternoon :o(
27 Jun, 2009
We had perfect rain yesterday Pamazon and today .... it's just the most beautiful day.
Actually, the sun is searingly hot here.
Believe it or not, in my front garden it is 36 degrees out in the sun.
27 Jun, 2009
Welcome to GoY Pamazon. Our rain didn't materialise yesterday either except for a few spots and my water butts are also getting low but at least there's no hosepipe ban......yet and my plants are not horizontal........yet! I've been disappointed with mail order plants on the few occasions I've done that, like you say they are very small but you will enjoy seeing them grow. Maybe you could plant some annuals round them while you're waiting.
27 Jun, 2009
I think I shall go and get some more pots for them Lily, £1 a pot won't break the bank will it LOL. I have roses coming at the end of the year!
27 Jun, 2009
It's gone really hot again here Louise, I hope if the showers materliase, they will be less then they were yesterday
27 Jun, 2009
We are supposed to get rain today tomorrow and Mon, Tuesday, none yet just hot and sticky!! you did well to get that lot home!! Welcome to GOY!!
27 Jun, 2009
Hello and thank you. At the moment there are ominous rumbles of thunder and grey clouds, very warm though into the 70's. I have to go and get three more tubs on Monday, may as well while they have them. At least they are not heavy, just awkward LOL
27 Jun, 2009
Hi Pamazon.Pouring down here all day but warm.Very apt song,and remember it well ! Lots of our flowers been flattened by heavy rain,but just watch everything shoot when the sun comes back out !
27 Jun, 2009
Hi B, well it must have landed on you up there...sorry! It never rained despite the thunder and dark skies, so the plants have recovered. I always think how much greener everything looks after rain, it's just not the same with a hosepipe is it?
28 Jun, 2009
lol. :o) I had to laugh. Hope you don't mind. The thought of you on the bus with all that stuff, and then the last photo :o)
I grew a wisteria once. It grew very fast. I hope you don't have to wait too long for the flowers. They are beautiful aren't they ?
I like your tubs though :o)
29 Jun, 2009
I know Hywel, I was a bit bundled up and then the midgets arrived LOL. I have just been back to Poundland got four more tubs but square ones this time, £1 each is nothing is it?
29 Jun, 2009
That's good, - worth it even if they don't last very long.
29 Jun, 2009
Recent posts by pamazon
- A big OT plea for help
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- Budgies - Especially for Terra.
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You'll be surprised how fast the Weigla grow.
27 Jun, 2009