Three Flower Competion
By pamd
Our Hardy Plant Society runs a competion for seven months of the year, when our meetings are held in a village hall. During the Summer months we visit other interesting gardens, or members gardens.
Anyhow, those participating in the competion pick three flowers from their garden, either three the same or three different. Sometimes I have posted one of my entries i.e. below.
I think this was November’s one. I haven’t always taken a monthly photo, but I will try to do so in future.
It isn’t always that you come first, it’s based on a points system 1st. 2nd & 3rd. In fact I think I have only come first once, apart from this month, which is the start of this year again. Will show pictures at end.
The good news for me last night, I had won the overall amount of points & a much appreciated garden token for £20.00.
Below is my entry for February 2013 which came 1st.
7 Feb, 2013
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Very pretty Pam, well done, now comes the difficult part, "what to choose when spending the voucher".........
7 Feb, 2013
Thank you TT
Do you know Linclass for once I can't think of anything, Water Lilies? :o) :o) better wait for the weather to improve. Just rain, rain & more rain here.
7 Feb, 2013
Congratulations !
Anything that gives pleasure in this life is well worth supporting.
7 Feb, 2013
They are lovely. Such a bonus at this time of year when there is so little else of any size.
7 Feb, 2013
congrats, what a lovely idea. Which regional HPS group do you belong to? I'm in the East yorkshire one. Infact just got back from our feb meeting and we had Vivienne McGhee talk to us about her plant success and failures .
We do 11 indoor meetings and try to squeeze in 3 garden visits [2 in spring, one summer] and another garden visit in june combining a garden with a bring and share supper. We have august off. Do you have a members plant stall? We nearly always do and recently we have done a book stall too to raise funds for the group.
I think I will suggest this as an alternative activity to the committee.
7 Feb, 2013
I'm in the Cornwall HPS Sg. so being right down here we have to pay a lot for speakers, but we do now & then have some excellent ones. I believe Roy Lancaster was quite expensive but I think he would be anywhere. John Massey the hellebore nurseryman.
Sometimes we have a three or four day garden holiday, one year we went up to Saville Gns, Hampton Court, Christopher Lloyds Gn. & on the way home Kew. This year some are going over to France & the Loir valley area, not me:o(( Last year it was Britanny.
We also sell plants at meeting 10% goes to the club, also a lecture, a raffle very good money earner for the club & this 3 flower comp. which last year was the first one. It's lovely, rows & rows of little vases on the edge of the stage. And judged at the end of the meeting, so while sitting listening to the speaker, wafts of lovely perfume in the room.
Last but not least, a big grand plant sale in May, held at a huge cattle market which 100's attend. Plenty of parking. We have nursery's as well as some of us "back garden" propagaters selling.
8 Feb, 2013
Gosh just 10% we donate 33% at our members table. We take a stall at the Burton Agnes Plant fair which is a good money earner for us too. All the plants are grown by members and we staff it too over the weekend. June 8th I think this year. Yes the raffle is good income generator for the group. We had the norfolk group come see us 2 years ago, they didnt half buy a lot of plants.
We try to have speakers plants too and if they them selves cant bring plants I invite local nursery people too. I put the programme together this year and there are so many good speakers who wont travel 100+ miles so like you we too are limited. I have a budget of £2000 for 11 speakers.
I really do like the 3 flowers thing thankyou so much for sharing this :o)
8 Feb, 2013
Recent posts by pamd
- Another lucky win
8 Feb, 2014
- "One thing leads to another"
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- Tulips from Amsterdam ~ Tra ~ La
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- St. Pirans Day March 5th.
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- A snowdrop afternoon in Cornwall
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- New Years Day 2011
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Well done Pam :o)))
7 Feb, 2013