Can I share this with you, I bought a beautiful Cayeaux iris in blue and white, I only had one bloom, that was bad enough, BUT some ‘nasty person’ snapped of its head, its in my side piece of garden, I am just praying they dont touch the others and my roses!!!!!!!!!! othrwise I am giving up. sometimes I wish I could move. thanks for your ears.
4 Jun, 2010
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Hi Ladybug,no I cant move them as its a new venture, cottage garden, the side of my house was full of grotty shrubs, 14 years old and had it. so I spent the winter digging and preparing, planting took place from Nov onwards, and these were irises I moved from another part of the garden, except the blue that was a new one. I found the flower by the way lying on the pavement up the road, Grrrrrr...... I was a child once but I dont remember plucking flowers from peoples gardens. rung a few doorbells tho. Oh I get it, its payback time, lol
4 Jun, 2010
No its not payback time Patriciacha, just some horrible cretin - please dont give up hope.
4 Jun, 2010
How horrible some people are.
Are you sure it was a human though ? I have a lily in the garden and I found it on the ground this morning. It couldn't have been a human. It looked like some insect had bitten through the stem.
4 Jun, 2010
What a shame pat ... hope it was an animal & not a human ... animals are more easily forgiven! Don't give up ... next year will bring more? Blooms I mean not cretins hopefully! ;O)
4 Jun, 2010
thankx for all your kind comments, looking at the snap, it does look as tho it was snapped, and it is actually tied to the picket fence to stop it falling over. oh well, compared to whats happened in the news, its now in perpective!! x
5 Jun, 2010
Well said.
5 Jun, 2010
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sorry to hear that pat,can you move them so that they are out of reach,dont you just hate these cretins,have a good shout and moan like i did the other day and then just go back to being the nice person you are,chris
4 Jun, 2010