I am off to cumbria tomorrow, I think at the moment we shall sail up the motorway, got the garden straight yesterday, now its all over the place with the wind and rain, irises are all spoilt, roses have their heads down, and my new cottage garden WELL, oh dear start again in a weeks time!! cu soon.
11 Jun, 2010
Previous post: I AM VERY CROSS
Next post: holiday
Enjoy your holiday.
11 Jun, 2010
Give me a wave as you pass junction 26 (M6) and have a great time. My favourite gardens (South Lakes) to look out for are Holehird, Holker Hall and Levens (Cath's Garden Plants nursery close by). I find The Lakes very restful and always return home eager to get in the garden. Hope the sun shines for you. :-)
11 Jun, 2010
Wishing you a good holiday, forecast is improving by the hour ! All dry down here on the Sussex coast now after dreadful rain through the night and early morning !
11 Jun, 2010
Starting to brighten up here too - Yippee !
11 Jun, 2010
thanks muddy and tulip, its stopped raining, I have repaired as much damage as I can, my new cottage garden looks very sick at the moment, but when I get back, it will be the big purge, as you well know. have a good weekend, I shall give you a shout muddy so keep listening!! the neighbours have their page long instructions too!!
11 Jun, 2010
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Know just how you feel same here now. Have a great break
11 Jun, 2010