we have just returned from cumbria, about 10 mls from penrith, the cottage we stayed in had the most 1 acre garden, I did not want to leave it, reall cottagey, I will post some pictures soon, if anyone is looking for a lovely retreat and the foot of cross fell, literally, go to we stayed in shearers, just lovely.
19 Jun, 2010
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Next post: little dove
It was Hywel, BUT, spoilt only by me losing the car keys before we went, had to take the dog wagon, and it cost us 210 pounds for a new key, I wouldnt mind but the key cost more than the 10 year VW is worth, or nearly, anyway. such a waste of hard earned money.!! Oh well,
20 Jun, 2010
lol sorry for laughing but I couldn't help it when you said the key cost more than the VW. What a price though :O
20 Jun, 2010
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Sounds a very nice place for a holiday. I'll look out for your photos.
20 Jun, 2010