windy again
Has anybody suffered with the awful wind I have lost a lot of iriese and roses and penstemons, grrrr… have enclosed a couple pics to cheer us all up. enjoy x x
23 May, 2011
Previous post: Hope you like these
Next post: my morning walk with the dogs.
Yes Patricia, I`m keeping the greenhouse doors shut as I dont want to lose the roof, normally only a worry in the winter months, apart from chairs taking flight, my only casualty is my Syringa on the patio, its now half the size, luckily its finished flowering and will hopefully shoot lower down, pleased it hasn`t bashed my Delphiniums, tho goodness knows they manage.....
Thankyou for the pics they are lovely.....
23 May, 2011
Just notice my viburnum has loads of breaks, and the climbing red ivy has blown off the wall. it is soooo strong I dread to think what the gust are.
23 May, 2011
Very windy here too, Lot of leaves and small branches have fallen.playing havoc with my Montana.all the flowers have now been blown off
23 May, 2011
I thought I had wedged the feet of the parasol under the swing-seat so that if it did go over it wouldn't go far. However, when I looked out at the back garden this morning the parasol had toppled over and landed on one of my Father's 30+ year old azaleas. One or two of the azaleas branches have snapped under the weight but the overall shape hasn't been spoiled.
23 May, 2011
calmed down here eventually after a sharp rain shower,the young trees looked awful as they bent double but seem ok, went to the GC yesterday and had to go inside as so many things were blowing over it didn'nt feel safe.....
23 May, 2011
Devastation in my garden too ;'(
I had a beautiful Senetti in a pot at my front door ... the pot and compost is still there tonight but the plant's off at the roots :(
Trees are minus branches.... blossoms gone from the fruit trees.... new perennials taken a hammering, some broken ....bird table broken.... my new trees walloping in the wind like they're made of rubber, hope they survive!
I must admit I thought the wind was going to arrive tonight, so I've not been as prepared as I could have.
On a plus side - two flowers out today on my courgettes in the greenhouse (that's still in tact - TOUCH WOOD!!!).
23 May, 2011
Oh dear! same thing here, branch broken off in the middle of the horse chestnut tree in the middle of the back lawn, everything in pots has been blown over, even though they were all wedged together, a clematis has been blown clean out of it's pot! And I can't find it at all, anywhere!
23 May, 2011
there were small branches with leaves on spiralling over the hedges so it may be anywhere Libet-- gosh its been funny ( peculiar) weather this year.....
23 May, 2011
We had quite a battle to tie up the Wisteria this afternoon. I put pots in against walls, and tied up climbers last night. I was really worried about my new green house!!! It is finally beginning to slow down, but I was frightened to go out today. Terrible weather. Our garden is covered with leaves. Big tidy up tomorrow!!
23 May, 2011
so sorry to hear of all your windy problems, it has subsided a bit, but so much damage, one could cry. Oh well scotland had it worse I suppose, and my friend in canada says it been raining for weeks.!!! good gardening
24 May, 2011
It has been shocking here this Spring, played havoc with many of our trees and plants, sorry to read of all the damage it has caused members, it cannot go on much longer can it? no, it is waiting until we travel on the fast ferry to France knowing our luck!!
31 May, 2011
its bright sunsine here but a cold north westerly thats turning northeasterly later in the week--- I feel the last few years have been windier-- espcially from easterlys, we hadn't used to get so many , when we moved here it was mostly south westerlys except in the winter when it snowed now its regularly, my garden is open to the north & east .......
31 May, 2011
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spot the bee in the poppy, sweet isnt it, its in my cottage garden, I have tried to put things in that bees like. I had a new gate fitted to keep in the dogs, and was left with a patch, so I filled it up with the log and bits. the last one is a revelation those of you who remember my shot hole desease on my laurel well look at it now yipee x
23 May, 2011