AGS Essex Group Show-30.4.16
By pcw
A few of the plants on show locally,here in Essex.
Number of entries were down,due to this years weather,but the quality was still good for a local show.
Best in show
Pleione ‘Piton’
Best in intermediate section
Azalea japonica ‘Amoena’
Best in novice section
Arisaema amurense-mine!
Novice 3 pans
From the winning entry
Gentiana verna
From my 2nd placed entry
Iris babadgica
Intermediate section.Mine is 2nd placed
Novice bulbous in flower
Acis nicaeensis-mine
Also mine,Novice Primula in flower
Pimula macrophylla
A few from around the benches
Allium elburense and Pleione ‘Volanello’
Trillium rivale
Trillium albidum and Trillium flexipes
Cyclamen pseudibericum
3 Erythroniums,front to back
Oreoganum,‘Joanna’ and helenae
Iris sari
2 May, 2016
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Thanks Sheila.I also got 1st in the novice foliage plant with Podophyllum hexandrum.Only small still,in a 1ltr pot but 5 years old from seed.I think I may have sent you one.
2 May, 2016
You did do well. I think you did send me one and having read it was a woodlander I planted it under the laburnum trees. It is hard to spot and I have just been re reading about it apparently it closes its leaves in a very droopy fashion which is probably why 'now I see it now I don't'. I should probably have left it in the pot or potted it on into a bigger pot as it says it can take its time to get going.
I hope it does not get to this size as suggested on
Himalayan Mayapple
"About 14 hundred May Apple stems,
With their parasols up, marched down the hill.
And all the Spring Beauties
turned up their pale, peaked noses
And said, "Don't them May Apples
Think they're somebody
With their bumbershoots up!"
Oh, it was a grand day, a specially grand day."
from "Beautiful Sunday"
by Jake Falstaff, Ohio
2 May, 2016
Congratulations and thankyou for sharing..
2 May, 2016
Nice selection of plants you appear to have done very well.was trying to place your 3 pan entry is it a salix in the front and Anemonella at the back.Also particularly like the Trillium Rivale although do not think that is yours.
2 May, 2016
Very well done in such fierce competition! What a pleasure it must have been walking round all those exhibits.
Can#t pick a favourite.
2 May, 2016
Brian-2 of the 3 came from you.The Anemonella and Cyclamen pseudibericum.The Cyclamen has been in flower since the end of February.The other is Salix reticulata.
The Trillium is on my to get list.
I helped with the judging by taking down the names of the winners and places.This meant I got to talk to our judge,an AGS judge,about the plants and how they were shown.
I don't know if you've had the Primula,but I like it a lot and will see if it will give up some seed.
3 May, 2016
Phil excellent way to see what the judges are looking for especially if they talk to you as they go around.
When i started some of the old time judges were pretty snobbish and you literally walked several steps behind them,guess it was the same way they treated their wives and employees.
in the latter years when I was judging I involved the stewards all the way,
The Primula I have tried in the past it is not very happy in my neck of the woods.
4 May, 2016
It was a good experience.I could ask what I wanted and was told even more.Our bloke is as down to earth as you would want.He would have to be as he comes from Basildon.
5 May, 2016
Well done, Pcw....Is this the Rawreth show ? .....u are obviously very local to me as Rawreth is no more than 6 miles away.
7 May, 2016
Yes,this is Rawreth.I'm 20 mins from Rawreth.
7 May, 2016
We are up in Ashingdon(Rochford) so I go near Rawreth when travelling down to do my customers' gardens in Corrngham where we used to live.
9 May, 2016
Fun, I love to see these shows. Loved the small Iris. Good for you!
8 Jun, 2016
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Congratulations on being so successful with some very nice exhibits. I love the Acis nicaeensis and the Primula macrophylla. The Iris Babadgica is a glorious shade of blue. You will need to start planning for next year now.
2 May, 2016