A gardeners work is never done (Thank goodness)
By pennyplant
Whilst working away in the greenhouse this morning a ‘non-gardener’ Margo type friend, friend popped in to say hello.
She then asked that awful question “Golly, you’re working in the garden again! When do you think it will be finished?” There’s no sensible answer to that so I did the usual thing – Grinned and said “Hopefully never!”
Such friends will never understand the glorious feel of
‘Black Gold’ falling through our fingers as we check the state of our compost bins or the satisfying ‘click’ as we snip away with our secateurs. Like everyone of us GYO users, I could, and do, wax lyrical for hours about the sheer joy of pottering in rain or sunshine whilst up to our elbows in perfumed blossoms or bags of muck.
mmmmmmmm Heaven!!
7 Jun, 2011
Previous post: More Blooms after the Rain
Next post: Destruction Looms
i know the feeling well as most of my friends don't ever get their hands dirty and look with horror when I say I've been digging in the garden all day.. Good job you've got us that understand the pleasure;)
7 Jun, 2011
7 Jun, 2011
A girl after my own heart. People look at my garden and say ' It must be a lot of work.' They don't understand when I say it's not work if you love it, it's pure pleasure.
7 Jun, 2011
The remark that does my head in is " Whatever do you find to do that takes so long" especially if it comes from someone with a pocket sized garden thats mainly concrete or decking....Or " Don`t you ever get fedup"lol...
7 Jun, 2011
that was a good answer penny ~ i dont understand why they think its something that will get finished ~ dont they understand growing/living things at all??
its like saying when will the dog not need looking after???
7 Jun, 2011
I have been out in the garden for about three hours this afternoon ... a friend of mine says "Oh, I couldn't be doing with dead-heading plants, mine just have to be easy to look after!". Groan in dismay . . .
7 Jun, 2011
oh well, its them that are missing out ~ not us!!
7 Jun, 2011
Partner always says of me that I never look happier than when I'm up to my elbows in compost! And it's such a gentle thing to do - have you ever met a really nasty gardener?!
8 Jun, 2011
I sympathise here Penny, when I`m in the front garden neighbours passing by often make such remarks as "you should get the old man to do that" or I can see your hard at it again you should be taking things easy now.
My stock answer is a smile and "your obviously not a gardener then".
8 Jun, 2011
Ordinary folks just don't understand the joy of caring for a garden, and gentle Nariz, no...I don't think I've ever met a nasty gardener either!
9 Jun, 2011
Recent posts by pennyplant
- Frustrated me but Very Happy Plants
17 Jun, 2011
- Destruction Looms
14 Jun, 2011
- More Blooms after the Rain
29 May, 2011
- Blooms after the Rain
29 May, 2011
- PennyPlants latest Prattle
28 May, 2011
- Thanks to everyone
16 May, 2011
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