Flaggable comments on GOY
By peter
Just a quick note this morning folks :o) We now have flaggable comments.
Flagging should be used if you think that something on GOY is inappropriate and should be removed from the site. We will see that you’ve flagged something so we can deal with it but it is done in confidence.
We’re really pleased that we’ve had almost nothing flagged since we added it, but we do like having it there and we thought it should be on comments too.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
5 Sep, 2008
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Hi Terratoonie, sorry I didn't answer that one, it would have been an easy one :o) you can't re-arrange favourites.
You can't undo a flagging but clicking on the 'flag' link takes you to a screen asking your reasons for flagging - you have to re-confirm the flagging before it is registered so accidental clicks shouldn't be a problem.
5 Sep, 2008
Thanks, Peter.
That's all very clear.... thanks ...
you can tell I've never flagged anything, or I would know that !
... and re. the favourite photos, I'll just have to keep my 'mixed-colours' flower border. LOL
5 Sep, 2008
I think that this is an excellent idea, Peter. Thank you. it may never be necessary to use it, but it's there 'just in case'.
BB will have to watch what he says about the Somerset Mafia now, won't he! I can threaten him with 'flagging! LOL.
5 Sep, 2008
Yes, it's a good idea.
Today I noticed there was no flag to click, on two comments of this blog.
Then I realised they were my OWN comments...
...I'm glad Peter doesn't think we need to flag ourselves...
.... on second thoughts, though...... LOL
5 Sep, 2008
Holly Cow Loonytoony ! You mean GOY won't let us co-ordinate our pages?! Oh heavenly shades of organizemania! I guess my pinks will just have to be mixed up with the yellows and so forth! roflol!
5 Sep, 2008
Oh go on then Spritz - Ive flagged you and Grenville dozens of times yet nothing gets done about the pair of you .Disgusted from Yorkshire.
Ps at this point I should add that I havent flagged anyone just a running joke.LOL ( lots of lunatics?)
5 Sep, 2008
Spritz- Have you suffered from flagging syndrome caused by Bonkers? I thought it was due to all the rain we have had recently!
5 Sep, 2008
I think its a good idea.
6 Sep, 2008
I am obviously completely naive, Grenville - I hadn't connected BB's fiendish plans with the outbreak of flag-itis. Have you seen his toad yet? He's on the way! BEWARE!
6 Sep, 2008
Oh no---- Thanks for the warning Spritz.The Somerset and Bristol gardeners Mafia must take evasive action from Bonkers toad- no sign here yet!
6 Sep, 2008
Sorry he got a little distracted by all the attention but should be with you soon . Hes nocturnal so dont expect to see him during the day. Best time to catch him is dead of night when pouring down with rain.
If you could provide pics of hunting for him in the dark when soaking wet I for one would love to see them.xxx
6 Sep, 2008
I can't tell the difference between night and day at the moment - it's pouring all the time. If he comes my way, I'll ask him to pose nicely for a photo.
6 Sep, 2008
BB ~
Currently you have 52 comments on your toad photo ~
and now you're getting yet MORE toad comments
by hijacking Peter's Blog.
Next, that toad will turn up on
David's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road blog ~
I just know it ~
Goodbye Yellow Brick Toad
6 Sep, 2008
Haha Terra! It wouldn't be the first, though. This would've been a great opportunity to post a pic of a toad on the YBR while I was building it. Alas, it is on a disc, all packed away for our iminent house move - pity!
7 Sep, 2008
So, we've discovered the exact location of the toad !
Lurking in one of David's suitcases.
When that elusive toad is unpacked and uploaded, its first port of call is sure to be GoY.
8 Sep, 2008
(Peter, sorry I've pressed a button twice - please delete this second comment....thanks)
8 Sep, 2008
too late loonnietoonie ha!
11 Sep, 2008
too late loonnietoonie ha!
11 Sep, 2008
Pollyannaever ~ please stop using my picture when you accidentally press the button twice. thank you. LOL
11 Sep, 2008
11 Sep, 2008
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Hello Peter.
I've just looked at one of your own photos to see the flag by the comment.
That's quite straightforward.
Easy to understand what is required.
If you flagged something by mistake, can you unflag it?
PS. I asked the 'correct' way (via Contact Us) about whether one can rearrange the favourite photos on one's home page, eg. put all the blue-flower photos in a group together.
I know you get busy, but I didn't receive a reply to that.
I hope therefore it's OK to ask here. Thanks.
5 Sep, 2008