Looking for TV stars
By peter
Hi everyone,
We’ve been contacted by a TV production company looking for an extended family, or 2 families, who have decided to buy a single home and pool resources to buy their property.
They’ve asked if we can help find someone and we thought that land and gardens are one of the most important considerations when buying a house; something you might stretch yourself for. Is the garden of your dreams going to become a reality by buying together? Maybe you’ve decided to leave the rat race and jointly buy a small holding?
Whatever the reason, if you fit the bill and would be interested in taking part in their programme then let us know. If you use the ‘contact us’ link at the bottom of the page, we will send you their contact details.
We’ll soon be replacing Gardeners World :o) With Grenville’s latest appearance in the press supporting The NGS, Four Seasons on TV and Radio at the same time, David on the radio and Jacque on TV, who needs Joe Swift and Carol Klein? Give me GOY members any time :o)
Have a great weekend, and happy gardening!
3 Oct, 2008
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T.T thanks for your kind comments. Our ages are correct! .It's all that west country air and the River Avon's water!
3 Oct, 2008
Along with health benefits and sanctuary, gardening keeps us younger too! :o)
4 Oct, 2008
Absolutely true Peter. We can vouch for that!
4 Oct, 2008
And I'll vouch for Grenville's active mind, with his witticisms on my GoY Wellie Olympics blog ! :o)
4 Oct, 2008
Peter, you didn't mention your own radio interviews!
4 Oct, 2008
Ah yes, David. I can blither on the radio as well bumble in the garden :o)
5 Oct, 2008
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Is there some way, please, we can be sure we don't miss any appearances of GoY members in the media ?
Could information perhaps be added to this blog?
Thanks. :o)
Incidentally the article about Grenville and Alan, recently featured in The Mail on Sunday, is still available to read online. Also one can print it out [ I've just done that ].
Lots of photos and information. Only mistake the author, Martyn Cox, has made is quoting the wrong ages for G&A!
Guys - your photo in the article proves you're much younger than that !
Well done Captain Grenville. :o)
3 Oct, 2008