New Look Grows on You
By peter
Hi everyone,
Well Grows on You is growing – literally!
I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that Grows on You is wider than it was allowing us to constantly display some shortcuts on the right hand side for all members (which also act as pointers to new members as to the things they can do on GoY).
Some of the other changes -
- If you have selected “remember me” when you log in we will now really remember you (as opposed to just keeping you logged in for 30 days) as long as you visit GoY from the same computer, don’t select logout and visit at least every 30 days.
- If you’ve been with us for a while you might remember the horizontal tabs on your homepage? Well they’ve returned with a new look and a few changes which we think make your pages look a lot smarter.
- We think Google know a thing or two about search so we’re running a trial of their search on our website in place of our own version.
- We’ve changed the layout on the ‘members’ tab to show a bit more of the blogs and questions that are being posted. It still shows the same as before, just a bit more of it. The idea is to allow you to discover and ‘favourite’ more of the gardeners and gardens you like.
We will let you discover some of the other changes :o)
We are also going to be launching a series of buying guides, sourcing some great discounts and making general improvements to the shop section in the coming weeks too. We have already put up a few changes to the shop section including the ability to upload review photos of a particular retailer e.g. showing others the packaging of your order from Crocus.
As always, send us your feedback using the Contact us link at the bottom of every page.
Happy gardening,
20 Oct, 2008
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Next post: Happy Christmas from Grows on You!
Peter ~
The new look GoY is good.
These changes must have involved you in a lot of work, reorganising everything.
It will be of particular help to new members.
Thank you and well done. ;o)
20 Oct, 2008
Very Nice! well worth the wait Guys ;) Rite im off4a play now lol
20 Oct, 2008
~many thanks Peter!~
20 Oct, 2008
I though my computer had gone haywire " again "
Thanks Peter !
20 Oct, 2008
The new changes are GREAT. I especially like the " wider ". Thanks
20 Oct, 2008
Not too keen on the way the white boxes on the RH side of the screen get overwritten by text sometimes, but otherwise the changes look good
20 Oct, 2008
Hi everyone, glad you like the changes. Sorry for the surprise Spritz :o)
Andrew - Do you have an example page please? Sometimes that's unavoidable, but I'll check in case. Thanks
20 Oct, 2008
I like it, thank you very much Peter!
20 Oct, 2008
Some of my pages over lap2 Guys! the 1s that do it are when im placing a Members Photo in2 the Gardening Encyclopedia Coloumn ?But it only covers the Adverts :) I love how uv now got add photos on all pages not just home page as it means udont have 2 keep going home lol :)
20 Oct, 2008
Well guys you've done it again. I really love the new format! It looks and functions great! Thanks for always being on top of things!!
20 Oct, 2008
Very nice layout guys I was lost at first but I like everyone else thankyou very much.
I so like your site as it is easy to navigate.
20 Oct, 2008
Think the changes will work well Peter - esp like the way photos stay in profile when being edited.
Used to keep double checking to ensure had selected right pic now can see it as do it.Or was that me and always able to do this ?
20 Oct, 2008
Peter - when I'm viewing this page for example!
The list of your previous posts is superimposed on the box of 'Join our friendly community of garden lovers'
20 Oct, 2008
Do you have a widescreen monitor Andrew? As page appears to fill more of screen now but not super - imposed on mine 21 " ( in my dreams ).
20 Oct, 2008
Hi Peter! No probs at my end, Gr8 new layout, thanks!
20 Oct, 2008
hi peter........just like sainsburys, get used to the layout and it changes.....only kidding!!!...........steve
20 Oct, 2008
Thanks guys :o) I hope it doesn't take long to get used to.
Andrew - That's not meant to happen, will send you a PM :o)
21 Oct, 2008
AndrewR - Apologies for the overlapping text. The problem was specific to Internet Explorer 6 which is why some people didn't have a problem.
We've fixed it now so the site should appear fine but please let us know if you spot any more problems.
21 Oct, 2008
Like the new look and functions....Thank You!
No problems in Firefox!
21 Oct, 2008
My text still overlaps on the right hand side, even if I enlarge the screen
21 Oct, 2008
Hi Terry60. Please can you try pressing 'F5' at the top of your keyborad and see if that fixes it?
21 Oct, 2008
Brilliant Peter - it's worked !!
21 Oct, 2008
I hope I can get used to it - I am trying, honestly! At the moment it's just a tad confusng, guys. Strangely, I have to scroll on the PC but it's better on my laptop... ?????
21 Oct, 2008
Me again! I use a laptop, and it is working so well. It looks good, up-to-date, and professional, from my viewpoint. Nothing superimposes anything, I can "fly" around the site and, when I find a plant, can go straight to the shops and buy. There is even blank space either side of the page I'm viewing. Gr8!
On a lighter side, have just found a "must-have" plant for our garden, gone straight to the shops section, and purchased. Ajay and Peter, you may get enough commission to relax in a cafe over a choca mocha or suchlike, but ask for two straws, lol! (or will mail). Am concentrating on the bulbs right now, but the shops are going to be so gr8 for us!
Best Wishes!
22 Oct, 2008
Hello, hard-workers.
As for me, I'm still stuck in the confused stage, but not to worry, it's the first time I've logged on again since changes. Have u seen Noseypotter's suggestion about a top tips section? In questions, I mean.
All the best.
22 Oct, 2008
Like new layout Peter.
22 Oct, 2008
Works fine for me on 3 machines, a 22" widescreen, a 19" standard monitor and a 17" running Linux. I use Firefox as a browser on all 3 machines which can sometimes be problematical but I have found the changes very easy to adapt to. Thanks Peter (I wondered who the admin behind the scenes was).
23 Oct, 2008
Thank you for your ongoing hard work to please us all.
When I log in I am faced with a long blank centre screen, I have to scroll down far before I can see my photos, can you advise what I am doing wrong.
23 Oct, 2008
We love the new format guys.Congratulations.We find it easy to use and navigate.
Alan wants to know when the site will go into High definition!!!. Just imagine the possibilities for fabulous photos.
We've had 'Bluray' Hi definition (H.D) for two years now and its fabulous.....It's bound to come to computers at some stage.
23 Oct, 2008
Hi folks, I hope you're getting used to the new look as we iron out any foibles.
David - You're a star, we might even stretch to a cappuccino :o)
Everyone - If things looks a bit wrong, the first thing to try is pressing 'F5' at the top of your keyboard. This does the same thing on all websites and 'refreshes' the page.
We're happy for feedback/questions so feel free to carry on commenting on this blog. However, if you have a specific problem it's tricky to solve them here in the comments.
If 'F5' doesn't work, please use the 'contact us' link at the bottom of the page to let us know your problem and we'll do our best to solve it :o)
23 Oct, 2008
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- Down Time Today, Fri 25th March
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I was a bit puzzled in the middle of a conversation, Peter - couldn't find my way back to my own page! Glad you explained.
20 Oct, 2008