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Asiatic Lily "Golden Joy"


By David

Asiatic Lily "Golden Joy"

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When I found bulbs of this variety back in Spring, my thoughts were on the theme of our garden - "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", and the joy of finding a golden ticket. It has exceeded the joy of finding it :-)

26 Jul, 2009


It's spectacular.

26 Jul, 2009


G'day, Bernie! Wow, just uploaded, and here are you! 11.30pm here. Took the pics of this just 3 hrs ago, glad you like this one, as do we. :-)

26 Jul, 2009


It's a bright sunny Monday morning over here - 8.30 am - and I just logged on and started going through the photos. This one just matches the beautiful winter morning outside - just beautiful.

26 Jul, 2009


It should just encapsulate the height of summer here. But the weather has not behaved well! Also, now strictly, Monday morning here, and have to go to work in 7 hours. Why am I still here???????????? LOL!

26 Jul, 2009


It's terrible isn't it - this site is just too addictive. There's too many great gardens and gardeners here and not enough hours in the day to enjoy their photos and learn from their great advice. It's hard to take a break.

26 Jul, 2009


Absolute TORTURE! LOL! Must go now, though, or will never get up in time. Have a gr8 day, and week! :-)

26 Jul, 2009


This is lovely

27 Jul, 2009


Beautiful colour.

27 Jul, 2009


Many Thanks, Jean and Gee, we love them :-)

28 Jul, 2009


Hi David, I was just wandering around looking at all the flowers and Carol (Mrs. Digs) thought this one was exceptional. She likes gardening but it takes something special to get her to respond like that.
I've just read that back and it sounds proper posh....... :-))

29 Jul, 2009


Posh, Ian? Bought at Homebase in March, actually, lol! Had no idea how they would turn out, but am well chuffed, of course (and I count myself as a veggy gardener, really?!?). I think you should try find some for Carol next Spring. :-)

29 Jul, 2009


I don't think I should, I know that if I don't then I'd better not bother coming home at all Lol

29 Jul, 2009


Do it on the QT then! I'll be looking for more at the right time - will let you know if I find them again, and where to get. :-)

29 Jul, 2009


Cheers David, that will save me an ear bashing Lol

29 Jul, 2009


This is definitely an add to my garden. Beautiful.

31 Jul, 2009


Oh, Dear!

Will post an "ALERT" when I first spot these for retail! :-)

1 Aug, 2009


Please do! Theyre gorgeous!

1 Aug, 2009


Will do - have added all this to my "to do" list. :-)

1 Aug, 2009

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This photo is of "K. Plants in our "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" garden." in David's garden

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