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Winter Squirrel...

Winter Squirrel...

This little critter paid us a visit last winter before the feeder went up. We used to leave a little dish on the balistrade of the decking and each day, he would visit and eat some peanuts and bury some hazelnuts in the garden. We don't know if he is one of the 3 that now visit the garden but they are such fun to watch. Ali loves them and so much so, I bought her a statue of squirrel Nutkin for the garden - pic to follow!

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I like his red face, really cute.

27 Jul, 2009


I agree. We had great fun pre-xmas, watching him come down for his peanuts every day. He was joined, on occasion, by a friend but they disappeared for winter but now we have 3 visiting us. Only one has sussed the squirrel feeder so far so the others just hang desperately from the bird nut feeders!!

Hope to get some new pics of the little un at the squirrel feeder to post....

27 Jul, 2009


Lovely, I have only ever seen one Squirrel in my garden over the years, but my daughter has them every year as she has a large garden with many mature trees. They are very entertaining, she uses feeders for them too, but also leaves a few on the picnic table by her window, so that she can see them close up.

28 Jul, 2009


so cute with the sun on him

28 Jul, 2009


They are cute......Hope Ali is getting better?

28 Jul, 2009

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