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By Terry60


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I like it but not any good for my area from what I've read.

27 Jul, 2009


Lovely pic, Terry60 :o)

27 Jul, 2009


I love it. I was going to try my hand getting a nice aged lantana in standard like this. I just didn't pick one up. I love them.

27 Jul, 2009


I agree with you all - 'tis a very striking plant.

Does anyone know if these berries are "edible"? We often get tourists who walk past and I'm so wary of them picking them, thinking they're a kind of juicy blackberry and then ending up with tummy ache!

28 Jul, 2009


Most things I found say just don't eat them Terry, toxic. But really they are poisonous green and fully ripe it is alright. This dark color is described as fully ripe. But enough risk that maybe better not to try. The leaves are even toxic, can cause skin irritation. Wild.

29 Jul, 2009


In fact Greenthumb, to be on the safe side, I've always told them not to eat them - I wonder if they taste as good as blackberries .... not that I'm going to try !!

29 Jul, 2009


On source said that the plants smells like oil and the berries probably will too..... I always thought they were a wonderful fragrance. I am definately adding one of these to the indoor garden. I wonder how long before I start seeing a more tree like shape.

30 Jul, 2009


that is so pretty, I know it wouldnt grow here in canada

31 May, 2010

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