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Verbena Boniaris

Verbena Boniaris

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What a lovely shot. I have the same Verbena bonariensis this year and my garden is just full of butterflies.

8 Aug, 2009


yes they love it don't they?

8 Aug, 2009


It's amazing just how much they do love it. I'd never had these before, until a friend suggested them when we had the garden landscaped. I just love the fact that these plants self-seed all over the place, are so pretty, and attract all the butterflies!

8 Aug, 2009


Gee sent me some little plants of this and they seem to be thriving very well. so hopefully next year I will have some pictures too!

8 Aug, 2009


One of my favourites - they take up so little room and flower for such a long time. The name's been changed, apparently, to Verbena patagonica, but it still seems to be on sale as bonariensis

9 Aug, 2009


That's interesting that the name has changed. Why is that? They do flower for such a long time, don't they? Great plants!

12 Aug, 2009


The powers that be are always changing plant names - Hebe Carl Teschner is now Hebe Youngii - if ever you see a plant name with brackets after it, like this (syn. ....) the name that follows the syn bit is the varietal name its been known as for a long time, but they've now altered it. Its a right pain when they do it often, but the worst is when they alter what group plants belong to, so you end up with Chrysanths becoming Dendranthema, and Senecio becoming Brachyglottis. Oh deep joy...

12 Aug, 2009


How to confuse gardeners even more!!!!

14 Aug, 2009

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