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What are you doing in there?

What are you doing in there? (Gladiolus)

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that looks fab,i thought it was the centre of the bloom at first,great pic

9 Aug, 2009


Your not on your own with that assuption Sue, I had to look twice and still had to look again. Lol :~))

9 Aug, 2009


Does he think he's a bee? Such a bright sunny yellow.

9 Aug, 2009


Lovely shot.

9 Aug, 2009


He does look good in there! Sure you weren't just "accessorising" Spritz? Lol!

9 Aug, 2009


Great shot.

10 Aug, 2009


ohhhhhhhhhh lol

10 Aug, 2009


Naughty little thing! I shall have to see if he's still there, and what he's been up to -won't I!

10 Aug, 2009


Brill photo

10 Aug, 2009


Nah, I STILL think you put him there! Lol!

10 Aug, 2009


great shot spritz, looks like the centre, ive never seen a snail like that here just the normal ones,

10 Aug, 2009


I did tell you I suffer from snails! Big ones, medium sized, pretty ones, tiny ones, you name it, I have them! LOL. This one was cream with tan spirals - quite attractive, really - but he has eaten part of the flower, of course! :-(

10 Aug, 2009


of course,, never seen a snail climb into a flower like that before, did you send him on his way lol

10 Aug, 2009


Noooooo - but I should have, Sandra! Why I didn't, I don't quite know. Now he's at large and he'll go off and chomp more of my plants, too. :-((

10 Aug, 2009


your just to soft, im the same, it is part of nature after all :o)

10 Aug, 2009


Stupid, more like! LOL. Snails usually go for a swim in the stream....

10 Aug, 2009


lol spritz and here was me thinking i wasnt alone, mind you mine go over the fence when ive had enough,,lol

10 Aug, 2009


If it's the back garden, they go flying into the field behind us. BUT I have been told that snails return 'home' even if it takes them a long, long time - so I shall have to walk down to the stream each time, I reckon.

10 Aug, 2009


it must take a long time, wouldnt think with all that spinning through the air they would know where home was lol

10 Aug, 2009


True - but I DID read it! Snails have a homing instinct! However long it takes, they get there. :-((

My swimmers will take an awful long time - years - to get back from the Atlantic, after they've swum down the Bristol Channel! LOL.

10 Aug, 2009


lol spritz i can just see them in their little boats rowing like mad he he

10 Aug, 2009


LOL. Do I feel sorry for them? NO!!

10 Aug, 2009


lol, didnt think so he he he

10 Aug, 2009



10 Aug, 2009


Yes you DID read it, Spritz - they proved it by painting numbers on their shells. By the way you can carry on feeding them Gladdies for as long as you like.

11 Aug, 2009


This particular snail was being monitored in different areas for the patterns rings and colours of the shell. We get them here. I found one the other day that was almost purple. We have empty shells where the hedgehogs and birds are having a feast.

12 Aug, 2009


they are a genus called cepea nemoralis or banded snails and they were important to Darwin in explaining natural selection. There are many colour forms and banding patterns. there is one that looks like a mint humbug :o)

12 Aug, 2009


Thanks for the info - yes, I've noticed that they all look different.

12 Aug, 2009

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