Carex comans "Milk Chocolate"
By David

13 Aug, 2009
Comments on this photo
Trust you, to remind me of food! :-)
13 Aug, 2009
You're the one that keeps reminding me of chocolate!
I have some plaques that live in my kitchen, they read as follows:-
The only thing better than a good friend is one with chocolate
Chocolate is the only thing that keepsthe thin woman in me quiet
I want it all, and I want it covered in whipped cream & chocolate!
You see? It's a problem! And you keep making it worse! LOL!
13 Aug, 2009
My Mum gave me a pressy of a wall plaque. It says:-
"I'm very strong-willed!
I can easily give up chocolate!
But, being "strong-willed",
I'm no quitter!"
- HahHaHa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14 Aug, 2009
I love these Carex !
14 Aug, 2009
I like that one!!
My dad tells me that I have plenty of will-pwer, it's wont-power I lack!!
14 Aug, 2009
sorry David to highjack your photo lol the best saying in my kitchen is,,,,,,, many people have eaten in this kitchen and have gone on to lead normal lives lol
14 Aug, 2009
I bought that one for my stepmum,Irish. She's a chef!!
14 Aug, 2009
lol, theres some good ones isnt there Madperth
14 Aug, 2009
Yep! Blog?????????????
14 Aug, 2009
lol i think so . will have to be yours :-)
14 Aug, 2009
Ok, will do it later today! Just done one for Ian!
14 Aug, 2009
cool, ill be looking out for it
14 Aug, 2009
So will I! Remember, I'm really a veggy grower at heart (although you wouldn't remotely think so from this year's pics), and I'd be really interested in the posts under such a topic! :-)
And, Eileen, I don't mind at all anything I post being "hijacked". Something interesting always comes out of it, lol! :-)
14 Aug, 2009
Sorry but you've lost me David! I know I can think laterally, but the veggie bit has confused me! :~{{ (my confused face!)
14 Aug, 2009
Just that, in previous gardens, the kids and I always grew huge amounts of fruit and veggies. I really miss my greenhouse and raised beds. We did have a couple of relevant plaques on the kitchen wall with lovely illustrations. My fave one was of a pheasant perched on the lip of a stock pot, wearing a chef's hat, tasting the liquid with a long wooden spoon in its wing. On Christmas Day, I'd have a pot of water reach the boil, then we'd go out and dig up the parsnips, pick the sprouts etc. Couldn't get any fresher. Also, there's nothing quite like preparing your own "Mediterranean" buffet using homegrownchillis, sweet peppers, aubergines, cucumbers,herbs, etc.,etc.,glass of vino to hand, whilst trying to drown out someone like the late Pavarotti blaring out in the background. I find that I make better food this way! There are some who would leap to my defence, but, sadly, others who would rather leap from the nearest tall structure (mainly due to my singing).
Does this help with your confusion? Probably added to it. :-)
PS. Have added my name to the list for an allotment. :-)
14 Aug, 2009
:~{{{{{{{{ !
No, that sounds great! When we were in Fife, we grew (well I did) all our own veg & a LOT of fruit! I loved it!
I'd like an allotment but where would I find the time? I'm about to get VERY busy!
I'm sure a loy of GoYers will have gardening quotes on their fridge magnets!
14 Aug, 2009
If I could just visit an allotment, plug in my son's modern "ghettoblaster", and burst into some Pavarotti, I'm sure I'd soon get all the space I need, lol!
Get your blog written soon, I'd enjoy reading the "quotes". Could be something to tide us all over the (faster than ever) approaching "quiet" season in our gardens. :-)
14 Aug, 2009
Ok, will do! That one could keep us going for a while, Ive got some crackers & in my pics file too! (i make fridge magnets too, usually with photos, but sometimes just quotes!).
Hmmmmmmm! I'm thinking now, in case you wondered about the noise!
14 Aug, 2009
OMGoodness! You've got your Christmas crackers, already? Haven't seen them on sale - yet!
I never heard any noise - honestly! So, you have a "magnetic attraction" - so to speak! Heehee!
14 Aug, 2009
Ha ha! The wine's out, innit?
No, petal, I have a magnetic personality! Poles apart from most!
14 Aug, 2009
Yes, the wine is defo "out", unfortunately :-(
What's so special about the Poles, then, that you want to "home in" on them?
14 Aug, 2009
Theyre magnetic too!
14 Aug, 2009
greatttttttttttt result for Arsenal today :-)
15 Aug, 2009
15 Aug, 2009
Wasn't it, Eileen? James told me all about it when I 'phoned from work!
Mp - My son has been "seen" on one or two occasions on GOY in one of) his fave team shirts. I never realised Poland was so "attractive".
15 Aug, 2009
lol David will understand
15 Aug, 2009
fantastic start for them , ive just watched the goals :-)
15 Aug, 2009
OMG, you must have been typing this as I wrote my reply, lol! just home from work. Good Evening to you. :-)
15 Aug, 2009
OK, get the footie bit, but as for Poland, I meant the North & South poles, natch!
15 Aug, 2009
Haven't seen anything of it. Is it on now?
15 Aug, 2009
Of course you did, MP. :-)
15 Aug, 2009
the saturday highlights are shown early on irish tv David
15 Aug, 2009
"Match of the Day" on here in 20 mins, may show it. Will keep the TV on in the background. Am doing well, for a bloke. Typing on the laptop, cooking supper, and watching TV - all at the same time (roughly).
15 Aug, 2009
lol wow David
15 Aug, 2009
My god! A man multitasking! What is the world coming to???LOL!
15 Aug, 2009
Sad, really, ladies, isn't it? LOL! But there are some of us who can do so.
15 Aug, 2009
Falls down in amazement!!!!!!!!
15 Aug, 2009
LOL, Mp! Well, I saw the results on the news - James and Eilidh will be pleased. All their teams did well today, Arsenal, Chelsea and Celtic. Now I can switch off the TV, and enjoy an hour or so here. :-)
15 Aug, 2009
I'm having problems with a thing that keeps telling me GoY may be a Trojan! I cant get rid of it, & it doesnt want me to write my blog!!
15 Aug, 2009
??????????? Never heard of this one b4. Best contact P & A via link at bottom of the page. Is this the first time you've had this message?
15 Aug, 2009
Yep, but been happening all day, driving me mad!
15 Aug, 2009
I'd get rid of my firewall, but wouldn't advise you to do so. These used to always play havoc and interfere with what I wanted to do.
15 Aug, 2009
I've tried to get rid of it, but the **$%^^&&**(* thing wont remove!
Ach never mind, I'll see if I can get someone to look at it. Now its saying its found a worm!!
How's your day been?
15 Aug, 2009
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Featured on: grasses ornamental grasses
This photo is of "K. Plants in our "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" garden." in David's garden
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13 Aug, 2009