Me in the Himalayas!
By Madperth

4 Sep, 2009
I wish! I'm scared of heights!!
Comments on this photo
Thats much clearer, a pretty lady in a pretty garden.
4 Sep, 2009
Thank you! I prefer the blurry one!!
4 Sep, 2009
Nice to see you what no sherpa! :o))
4 Sep, 2009
He was taking the pic!! Otherwise known as David!
4 Sep, 2009
Lol hope you enjoyed your day :o))
4 Sep, 2009
It was a brilliant day! Have a look at the blog!
4 Sep, 2009
Glad you managed to get a "sherpa" picture ,Lol!
4 Sep, 2009
4 Sep, 2009
What goes with the mad bit! you look nearly normalllllllllllllllllllllll.
As normal as any gardener that is.
5 Sep, 2009
What's normal?????????????
The Mad bit is my initials!!
5 Sep, 2009
Sorry...prefer this one to the blurry !
5 Sep, 2009
Thank you!! I need an id pic for Uni, do you think theyd let me use my avatar????
5 Sep, 2009 could gave it a try !!!
5 Sep, 2009
I just might!!
5 Sep, 2009
Fancy That! My initials are DAM ! Put them together, and you get:-
DAM 'n' MAD !!!
Not that we are, of course!
5 Sep, 2009
LOL!!! Says who???????
5 Sep, 2009
Oh now thats a lot better Madperth....we can see you now.......Hello you.......
6 Sep, 2009
Hello! I STILL prefer the blurry one!!
6 Sep, 2009
Wouldn't mind having a bash at the lolly that was on the other end of the lolly-stick in the ground next to you.......
7 Sep, 2009
LOL!!! EH????????
7 Sep, 2009
how are you dear? you don't look so mad as I thought......!
7 Sep, 2009
I'm madder!!!
I went to uni & forgot my lunch & purse today, was bored witless til I found a wee quiet garden I could sit in, & went down to look at the river. Taking my camera to uni in future!
Whe I got home (after 11&1/2 hours!) I found my purse & my lunch in the fridge!!
7 Sep, 2009
At least you know your purse will stay pretty fresh in the fridge.....
Maybe I was a bit rash in making that comment.....
How is the boring Uni going otherwise?
7 Sep, 2009
LOL! Maybe you were!
They've changed the whole stucture of the course, AND the title!From BA Community Education to BA Hons Community Learning & Development! The honours part is now compulsory & no placements this year! Sounds pretty good tho! One of the modules has us in with social work & teaching students! Should be interesting! In one full day & 2 half days after this week, but what with them having their own botanic gardens , I might be going THERE to study!! Or to take pics!!!
7 Sep, 2009
Can't fault it. Think it's great what you're doing and wish the the best of luck.
Very lucky to have the gardens there. We're hoping to visit the botanical gardens in Carmarthen soon so hope to get some good pics then...
7 Sep, 2009
Sounds good! I miss the Edinburgh ones, so this'll do!
Thanks I think I WILL enjoy it! Got lost loads today, walked miles to the bus stop, only to have it stop 50 feet from where I started! Feet in tatters! But people were VERY helpful & friendly! One guy ran all over the uni to find out where I had to take some paperwork, came back (red in the face & out of puff) & took me right into the office I needed!
7 Sep, 2009
Glad it went well. I managed a few hours outside today.....yes, a day off! Got the decking brushed down and had a little move around witht the pots/tubs for a change. Also went 'shopping' and picked up a load of seeds for planting next March...fingers crossed they work - blog to follow about today but too knacked to do one now!!
7 Sep, 2009
Me tired too! Got lots more pics from flower show, tho David's been nicking my lines again!
I'm DEFINITELY having a fairly early night, I'm Soooooooooo tired! I want to get in about 10 tomorrow ( no tutorials/inducton stuff, but I need to see someone at 1.30) & try to get on thr free trip to Tentsmuir nature reserve! Purse & camera already in bag! (No money, just the purse!) And batteries! Left without THOSE on Sunday! Luckily David had spares!!
7 Sep, 2009
Ali is forgetful as well but constantly reminds me that, that is why I am KNOW where she has put stuff down....see, I have my uses!
Don't forget to put your bag in the fridge before you go to bed either!
7 Sep, 2009
LMAO! Cheeky sod!! Phone's on charge, but its my alarm too, so at least I'll know where it is! I'm off to bed!
Sweet Dreams!
7 Sep, 2009
me to i cant even get in a plane lol xx
16 Sep, 2009
LOL! I love flying, but if I go up a hill, I have to do it barefoot, or I take panic attacks! I got thrown off a hill once & have been phobic ever since!
16 Sep, 2009
if its high then i just cant though the safer the hight seames the higher i can get if that makes any sense lol xx
16 Sep, 2009
It makes sense to me! If I get worried, I sit down & meditate!
16 Sep, 2009
ow cool wear i just freak uncontrolably so anything higher than a large curb i avoid lol mad xx
16 Sep, 2009
i bet you wouldnt of known you were in the himalayas without that wooden sign lol
16 Sep, 2009
Of course I did! The plants told me!!!!!! LOL!
16 Sep, 2009
ofcourse lol xx
19 Sep, 2009
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This photo was taken at Explorers - The Scottish Planthunters' Garden.
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Oh, that's better. :-)
4 Sep, 2009