Rosie.......for Janey!!
By Pamazon

6 Sep, 2009
Here she is Janey, she was perfect for 6 months in the Pet Shop, nobody bought her as they are very expensive. After a couple of weeks I went in and she was like this, I was horrified, they had no idea why, I think somebody tormented her as she is quite highly strung, so I dug deep into my savings and she came home. Cassie is from the same Shop, but is perfect. I have tried every remedy over the last two years, my Bird Groups are brilliant all over the world and they haven't found any cure yet. None of the Vets know the answer, if I could find it, I would be onto such a winner. She has had every treatment, organic and otherwise and nothing works. Now I just tell her she is beautiful without her clothes!!! She is such a sweet bird with a tiny little talking voice. So you see, nobody can find a cure or a reason. Rosie is Rosie and I love her to bits........
Comments on this photo
shes lucky to have you pam.
6 Sep, 2009
Thanks Sue, I'm lucky to havae her too. She pulls them out Terra, as fast as they start to grow, she pulls them out, sometimes I get so excited as she has quite a few little pin feathers protruding from her chest and next morning nothing. She is a very highly strung little Too as against Cassie who is more laid back and something set her off before I had her and I can't stop her. It is like biting nails, it becomes a habit. I could have her collared, but such is her temperament it would drive her mad. Only if she started mutilating her skin would I have to think about that and I pray I never have to.
6 Sep, 2009
Aw, Rosie........well she is very cute Pam, maybe like Jasper she likes to be this way....I wonder if they are too warm....or maybe like us when we shave our legs, they don't like the stubble...Lol! Yes, I bet its a habit, or maybe she's a bit bored...wonder what she would think to a little rosepink jumper for Winter.......:o)
As you say they are beautiful on the inside........I keep telling Jasper this, she's my little baby....................XX
6 Sep, 2009
She has a huge cage Janey, over 6' high and Cassie is her neighbour, endless toys and things to do. Some of my US friends made wonderful little jumpers for her out of socks and sent them over to me, but she went totally mad when I put one on her, I had to take it right off immediately, if she was a person, she would say she was hysterical, so now it is case of just making sure she doesn't break her skin. She is a happy little bird, so I try not to worry..................I try, but it is hard, she is the first plucked bird I have ever had in over 30 years.
6 Sep, 2009
She's lovely the way she is.
6 Sep, 2009
Oh Pam.........she is a 21st century girl and likes her chest on show! What a character she sounds to be.......she knows she is beautiful just the way she is.....XX
6 Sep, 2009
Hello Rosie ....your still a little cutie.....
6 Sep, 2009
Oh you are all so lovely, thank you. She is a lovely little soul, her favourite saying is 'what's up Rosie?' There is something very vulnerable about her.
7 Sep, 2009
Aww Pam she is lovely, so lucky that you rescued her and being an almost naked lady doesnt seem to bother her, my Mum had a Budgie for years that used to pluck his feathers out and she never found a cure, but he was a happy little chappy too!
8 Sep, 2009
I think perhaps we worry more than they do at times PP. I just would like her to feel settled enough to leave her feathers alone, but I guess she likes showing off her bare little chest!!
8 Sep, 2009
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Rosie is pretty :o)
Does she pull out her feathers, or do they not grow, or is she in permanent moult ?
6 Sep, 2009