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sunflower and my friend jack

sunflower and my friend jack

after starting a garden in the rear of the section i realized that years ago it was used to bury rubbish etc and had not been used as a garden for at least 90 years so with a bit of work i planted some sunflowers they grew to 12 feet high and nearly had to use a chain saw to cut them down.later.

Comments on this photo


Oooh, that's a tall one..Lol
... and what lovely blue sky :o)

7 Sep, 2009


lol great photo

7 Sep, 2009


LOL!!!!! gr8 pic! :-))

7 Sep, 2009


Did Jack throw you down any treasure?

7 Sep, 2009


LOL .beautiful photo.....

7 Sep, 2009


[Did Jack throw you down any treasure?]

the birds got the lot

7 Sep, 2009


wow a big sunflower, bet it took jack a while to climb that lol

27 Sep, 2009


You must either have good seeds or the weather and earth, lovely photo lol about your friend.

28 Sep, 2009


the earth where i planted the flowers had lain un used except for weeds and lawn and when i dug it over there was evidence that some 90 years ago the area was used for family toilet (long drop or outside toilet).
so when i disturbed it it sprang into fertile life and even surprised me at its fertility.

28 Sep, 2009


Well I never I know it works on growing onions over here

28 Sep, 2009

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