Wagon and Crocosmia
By Greenthumb

8 Sep, 2009
This is my last really nice shot, a few days after the frost. Its been warmer but the frost finished of the crocosmia and pushed the mesembreanthemum over the peak.
Comments on this photo
What a lovely mixture and idea
8 Sep, 2009
love your little wagon GT nearly time to push it indoors
8 Sep, 2009
The frost was hard Arlene, finished the coleus and stopped the dahlia crocosmia and snapdragons completely. It also setback the impatients. It seemed to sweep up the garden steps from my new gate and pool around the lower spots. Strangely the whiskey barrel was hit hardest dahlia petunia and verbena. Others were fine
Thank you Morgana. I love planting the wagon each year.
And thank you Deida, it is about time, so sad. :-)
11 Sep, 2009
OH so sad about the frost. Last night here it was only 5 degrees, we'll be in the same boat in a couple of weeks!
11 Sep, 2009
We're also having a few "cool" nights over here in the UK, too. We have had lows as low as 4º or 5ºC several nights during the last few nights. Not here but in other parts of the UK. Here we have been down to around 8ºC min. Max daytime temps have been as high as the low 20s ºC. The winds are almost non existent, especially after the very high winds of recent weeks.
I was surprised to read about the plants that survived your first frost! Especially the Mesembryanthemum! Being from S.Africa I would have thought they would have died just as quickly as the Dahlias. Also surprised that the snapdragons went under so easily. Here* they have no problem of resisting as much cold as the weather likes to throw at them so a little frost shouldn't bother them! I've grown some on my balcony for the first time this year so it will be interesting to see what happens to them when we get our first frosts, which will probably be in more than a month's time.
*I refer to the wild plants found growing very often on old walls quite often.
11 Sep, 2009
I was surprised too. Mesems in Alaska! I have problems overwintering them in London.
12 Sep, 2009
The frost seemed to come like a stream through the garden, really getting some and leaving some untouched. Strange. The snaps are growing back slowly, the blooming was just halted and the mesems do have to be seeded indoors each year. Summer is soooooo warm and mild here, most things love it. Just don't make it through winter. I should pot one and winter indoors, I'd love seeing them a year old!
13 Sep, 2009
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how severe was the frost GT?
8 Sep, 2009