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little refugee

little refugee

This rather large moth sought shelter near my kitchen door. No idea what it is

Comments on this photo


wow! you could have him as a pet,hes that chunky.great shot.

8 Sep, 2009


wow he is huge

8 Sep, 2009


Good close up pic :o)

9 Sep, 2009


Handsome looking hunk!

12 Sep, 2009


By he has some strong legs there Ba......smashing pic.....could be a Hawk Moth type...they're chunky....:o)

13 Sep, 2009


Of all nature's creatures I'm afraid I find moths difficult to love. but it's a super picture!

15 Sep, 2009


They terrify me if they fly at me, but so do butterflies too, but not as bad as daddy longlegs! :-) In fact I'm rather afraid of insects altogether but I don't hurt them or dislike them. They just make me go all shivery :-(but I'm getting braver:-)

15 Sep, 2009

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