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Daylily 'Peacock Maiden'


By Simbad

Daylily 'Peacock Maiden' (Hemerocallis)

Only bought this one this year, huge flowers.

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great colour:-)

11 Sep, 2009


It is lovely isn't it, can't tell from picture but has 91/2 inch flowers, this one has had whats called 'proliferations' this year were small plantlets develope up the flower spike, if you plant them will grow into new plant may take a couple of years to flower, don't usually bother potting up as get so many plants from divisions but when its such a lovely one that I can either swap or sell worth it, another one that does this a lot is 'Longstocking' have sold several of that one.

12 Sep, 2009


is it one of the new american ones?

12 Sep, 2009


Would originally have come from America Bornagain, as thats were nearly all of them come from, not a new one though this one was bred in1982.

12 Sep, 2009


It's an amazing bloom:-)

12 Sep, 2009

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This photo is of species Hemerocallis.

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This photo is of "Daylily 'Peacock Maiden'" in Simbad's garden

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