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Amanita muscaria

Amanita muscaria

My lane is named after this prolific beauty. I wish I had found a better specimen to show. The classic bright little mushroom, don't be taken in, the white scale is pure arsenic.

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Is this fly garratt

11 Sep, 2009


Love the colors of it anyway..have not seen any real ones before..thank you GT!

11 Sep, 2009


Beautiful for something so lethal Greenthumb.....

11 Sep, 2009


Pretty but deadly, and very interesting.

11 Sep, 2009


I like its name...almost like mine, anita.....hope im not lethal and deadly.....I'd rather be beautiful and interesting lol

12 Sep, 2009


Thanks for the comments. I'm glad you all like. I really wanted to find a better one but no time. :-) It is Fly Agaric Morgana. I think it is one of the most beautiful mushrooms I've ever seen, and really common under the poplar in August. Puts a few people in the hospital every year though seldom death. I'm sure the name similarity doesn't discredit your lovely nature Anita. :-)

13 Sep, 2009


Thank you for your lovely comment Greent....:>)

13 Sep, 2009

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