Blue-belly lizard
By Tasteyg

15 Sep, 2009
I heard the teachers in the next room screaming hysterically and so I go over and ask them what's wrong. They tell me that there's a lizard in the classroom. I tell them to hold on while I get the butterfly cage to catch it. It was fast and it kept hiding under stuff. I eventually cornered him and he climbed into the cage and I zipped it up. The teachers were relieved and I was excited to show our kids. It was just before nap time so I didn't show the children that I caught it. I gave it a few crickets that are there for the frogs. Trying to get the crickets from their container to the lizard's was way freakier than catching the lizard. When I opened their lid they began to escape unto the floor. They were jumping everywhere!!! I lost more than I gave to the lizard. The lizard is tiny, about 2 inches and didn't seem aggressive. He's cute :)
Comments on this photo
I think he is cute too!
15 Sep, 2009
Ha ha ha ...I can imaging those teachers screaming......How can they be scared of something so tiny........Lol
15 Sep, 2009
Same with spiders, worms etc. though Milky.
15 Sep, 2009
However did you manage to get him to pose for you.
15 Sep, 2009
Cracking little fella....:0)-
15 Sep, 2009
TOG- The saucer/spoon-rest that he's in was for his water. When I transferred him to the plastic viewing container he ended up in this dish. The dish is glazed ceramic, so maybe it was too slick for him to get any needed traction for fleeing. I picked up the dish to get a good shot and he didn't try to run away.
Exactly what I was thinking Toto, spiders are even tinier (most of them) and I'll freak out if they crawl on me. I think that it's mostly irrational fears that we have of these small creatures. Being told as a child, don't touch it it'll bite you, etc. I try to be truthful to kids about insects or animals and to show respect for them. Many times I've heard children say something like tigers are bad, because they can kill you. I tell them that they are not bad, but that they are wild animals and they eat meat. I explain to the children that tigers don't have grocery stores like we do. I ask the children if they eat hamburgers and of course most of them say yes. I tell them hamburger used to be a cow and I ask them if they are bad because they eat animals like cows, chickens, fish or pigs. They seem a little confused but most of them will say that they are not bad and I agree with them that they're just hungry and that's why the tiger is not bad either...he's just hungry like us. We also talk about how some people choose not to eat animals.
Thanks Jac :)
Isn't he or she Michaella :)
Thanks OB :)
15 Sep, 2009
Nice pic Tasteyg and lovely explanation to the children I d have probably told them they were bad and should all become vegetarian or made up a few gruesome stories to give them nightmares .. fortunately we have strict rules about allowing people like me into classroom lol
Dont get me wrong I like children the old joke says just couldnt eat a whole one .
17 Sep, 2009
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Well Done Trace lol :)
15 Sep, 2009