Bella Rosella..........going out in a blaze of glory!!
By Janey

19 Sep, 2009
These latest blooms are absolutely huge! The last ones, and the one on the right measures 4ins across the that big or what!!!....:o)
Comments on this photo
wow janey, well done have you been giving them steroids lol lovely
19 Sep, 2009
Ive seen the pods Bob.....we usually pull them off and aren't they big! That's an idea to grow from the you think you'd have to dry them out first?
19 Sep, 2009
Ha..ha San, these two were facing the wall.....maybe it was lack of light...Lol!
19 Sep, 2009
well whatever it was they did brilliantly :o)
19 Sep, 2009
I dont think so Janey, not really sure I have just planted three to see what happens and before I pushed them in I squished each one.
19 Sep, 2009
Right....shall give it a go......I wonder how long before they come through?
19 Sep, 2009
Gorgeous blooms and so big!
19 Sep, 2009
19 Sep, 2009
fantastic looking Janey
20 Sep, 2009
Beautiful heads. ;o)
20 Sep, 2009
Really spectacular! :-))
20 Sep, 2009
Wow very nice...
20 Sep, 2009
Beautiful fuchsia Janey.....
20 Sep, 2009
absolutely lovely..............
20 Sep, 2009
It is a blaze of glory. sweet photo.
24 Sep, 2009
i've never seen a fuchsia this big janey congratulations:-)
28 Sep, 2009
thats huge
have nominated this pic for the GOYpedia
its beautiful
well done
x x x
p.s if you do have any seeds id gladly take some, apparently its a bit hit and miss growing from seed, but always exciting to try
x x x
2 Oct, 2009
This is Stunning :)
2 Oct, 2009
Mookins, where and what is goypedia? I've noticed the nominate Goypedia but haven't clicked on it 'cos i don't know what it is, worried it might be like 'flag' which i clicked on once! :-))
2 Oct, 2009
Thank you Mookins!! I've just had a look at the fuchsia and the flowers are still on......when the drop and the seed pod matures, I'll send it on....:o)
If you have a look at Ajays blogs Bornagain.....he explains about Goypedia and what it is.....though I didn't quite get it (durr!) I think its like an encyclopaedia of the different aspects of Goy which will contains photos of say "Cats in the garden" and if you like the pic, you nominate it to be included.
2 Oct, 2009
You won't believe this Janey, but I didn't know Ajay had a blog i.e. was a member just like us! I thought he was some sort of Site Master (whatever that is) Doh 8~/ All is now as clear as mud as my dad used to say;-)) Actually I have now nominated a pic, aren't I clever;-)))
3 Oct, 2009
Well...I only came across it as I thought I was a bit thick...then saw Jacques comment about it....Site O B 1 Kenobi...He..he, you are clever Bornagain and may the force be with you....:o)
3 Oct, 2009
3 Oct, 2009
think Ajay and peter are " site masters" but they also keep in contact with us normal folk.
Janeys right if you click on the Nominate for GOYpedia button it goes into the encyclopedia for Goy, you have a choice of things your chosen pic can go under. Fab idea ive been nominating quite a few recently been having a good nose at various pics
x x x
5 Oct, 2009
Yep like i z b4 its Stunning Janey & itl make a Perfect Addition 2 My Collection XXX
15 Feb, 2010
I'll put it on the reminder Jacque....:o) X
16 Feb, 2010
Thanx so much Janey XXX
16 Feb, 2010
:o) X
16 Feb, 2010
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They are huge Janey, have you had the fruit pods yet? aparently you can eat them but they dont taste of much, and you can grow another plant from them but it may or may not be the same as the plant it came from. But it says you must remove the pods a.s.a.p. as it delays flowering.
19 Sep, 2009