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Scabiosa 'Blue Butterfly'

Scabiosa 'Blue Butterfly' (Scabiosa)

Still flowering away happily!

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Oh - why? Do you know? This has been flowering for months, now - I deadhead it frequently. It likes the sun...

5 Oct, 2009


Thats a lovely colour Spritz......

5 Oct, 2009


Lovely colour...

5 Oct, 2009


I have 'Pink Butterfly' as well - I think I prefer this, though. :-))

5 Oct, 2009


I've just checked in my RHS book - and it says they like neutral to alkaline soil - so they should have thrived there. Was it too damp?

Ooops - poor Henry! I picked up my heavy book and dropped it on him!!! He didn't yelp - but it gave him a shock...:-((

5 Oct, 2009


lol barbara, poor henry , naughty mummy,
love these plants :o)

5 Oct, 2009


I was only trying to help Homebird, Sandra! He's lying down next to me again - so no harm done. :-))

5 Oct, 2009


thats good barbara, think a biscuit may help mum :o)

5 Oct, 2009


Nope - he put on weight while he was away...he's on a diet! Poor Henry.

5 Oct, 2009


thats the trouble they do put the weight on very easerly dont they, poor boy :o(

5 Oct, 2009


I can't understand it, Sandra! The people who looked after him used to train Guide Dogs - so they must know about Labs and their stomachs!

5 Oct, 2009


well you would have thought so babrara, maybe because he wasnt getting the same excercise as at home, think they lay around more while we away, bound to miss you

5 Oct, 2009


We had a letter when he was brought home - they said he'd been out every day for long walks, so it beats me! My conclusion is that he golloped up the other two dogs' food - if they left any!

5 Oct, 2009


was he in with other dogs then barbara, mine was always in on her own and went in the grass play area on her own, i was always worried incase another went for her,she was such a softy :o)

5 Oct, 2009


It's a good system, Sandra. It's a firm who find homes who are like the dog's own - and they collect the dog with his bed, food, toys etc. and deliver him back at the end of our holiday. H. has been to the same place three times - he apparently loves it, and dashes in to greet his 'family!

I hate the thought of kennels for a dog who is so lucky to have a large garden to run about in. He'd be so unhappy!

5 Oct, 2009


what a great idea babrara, i dont know of that here, but probably do have them, its a good few years since i had sheba, i know what you mean about kennels, i must say they were good where i went and the dogs seemed happy and got lots of attention, but what you do is so much better, home from home :o) like you say henry is use to freedom with a large garden

5 Oct, 2009


We went to look at some 'good' kennels - each dog had a concrete area, in a cage, with just room for their bed and not much else! They had 15 minutes of 'exercise' in a tiny field each day. All the dogs were barking, whining or whimpering. I cried! I just couldn't leave H. there. :-(((

5 Oct, 2009


i hate that, it is cruel, i rememeber going to one and the excercise area was so long the poor dogs would have been lost and poop everywhere, the stench made me choke, i drove off and called rspca when i got home, a few weeks later i passed and it had been closed down, i was so pleased, very upsetting, but also what sort of owners leave their beloved pets in these places , same with cats, ive seen awfull places, makes me sick

5 Oct, 2009


Good luck with them! They are certainly worth another 'go'...:-))

6 Oct, 2009

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This photo is of "Scabiosa 'Blue Butterfly'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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