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Cornus Porlock (Strawberry Tree).

Cornus   Porlock  (Strawberry  Tree).

I posted a photo of this tree earlier, it is in full fruit now and the fruit is untouched by birds.

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Do you mean as yet untouched or they never touch it ?

It looks great, if the birds never touch them that's all the better for us to enjoy it !!!!!!

6 Oct, 2009


Beautiful Tree really looks like it is smothered in Strawberrys!!!

6 Oct, 2009


Thank you both, have to say this is the first year this tree has had so many fruits, but the birds have never touched them before.

6 Oct, 2009


Very nice Bob

8 Oct, 2009


How do you do it doctorbob I have tried to grow one twice with no luck?

8 Oct, 2009


Thanks both, well Denise (hope I have got the name right this time), this one came from Wisley, it's a hybrid and is in an ideal spot. I balance feed in March, (Blood, Fish and Bone, super phosphate and sulphate of potash). The tree was bought as an established tree, it is about seven years old, three years ago it was 6ft. tall.

9 Oct, 2009


Thanks for the info Docb mine were very small plants perhaps thats why?

9 Oct, 2009


Wow.... what a lot of fruits ! :o)

16 Oct, 2009


so would i be right in assuming that the fruit is edible? may seem a stupid question but dont know so figured id ask,does look amazing though,if they are edible,strawberry wine sounds good to me lol

18 Oct, 2009


Sorry FG, I have not had so many fruits before and to be honest I have never found out if they are edible.

19 Oct, 2009


oh i see, thankyou

19 Oct, 2009

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