Look who has come to stay!
By Pamazon

6 Oct, 2009
Getting off the first bus on my way home from shopping, I found this little mite, wringing wet, cold and thin huddled in the doorway of the Pub where the bus stops. He is only a baby, still has jet black eyes and a beak too big for his face. I couldn't leave him there - why do they always appear where I am!! A nice little Schoolgirl helped my on the bus with my 3 heavy bags as I only had one hand left LOL. So it begins again.................!!!
Comments on this photo
No Sue, he is just a little white baby Pigeon, a Squab as they call them. He has some black blotches. He or (she) is sitting on a heating pad at the moment. I have a little square heating pad for using when puppies are born, I bought it specially for any ill or injured birds I might have. I'm hoping the warmth will get him to start eating. If not, I shall have to feed him on some warm parrot rearing food. I shall see tomorrow if I need to do this. Wish me luck!!
6 Oct, 2009
Fingers, toes and everything else crossed Pam !! xx
6 Oct, 2009
I fed him a little before I went to bed to at least let him have something in his crop and he is a lot more lively this morning, even growled at me when I put some food in for him, there's gratitude for you LOL
7 Oct, 2009
Isn't it just ay ?? At least he's eating, that's the main thing :-))
7 Oct, 2009
Oh Pam you are so kind, he looks a pretty little pigeon!
7 Oct, 2009
He's just a little baby. I will never leave any animal I see hurt, feathered or furry. Just me I guess, a bit daft!
8 Oct, 2009
You're not daft at all Pam !! Just a good, kind natured animal lover !! How is Squabbie today ? :-))
8 Oct, 2009
Well done Pam another one for your menagerie, I wouldn't have been able to leave him either. When my son was young he was always bringing home casualties for me to look after! He looks so sweet, please let us know how he gets on.
8 Oct, 2009
Thanks everyone. He's fine and eating well. Just very scared obviously, when I put my hand in to put his food, he squeezes up the wall as small as he can get and growls, bless him. He will grow and then I can seet him free when I feel that he is well enough. I shall take him up to where I used to work, there is a whole lot of feral pigeons there and he can join their group and learn to live the streets!!
9 Oct, 2009
OR ... he might realise which side his bread's buttered and stay !! lol :-))
9 Oct, 2009
Guess he might, but I don't really have room for another 'Resident' Pigeon, LOL
9 Oct, 2009
What a cute baby pigeon.... he's just gone on Goypedia Pets section.... maybe that's a sign he wants to stay..Lol.
9 Oct, 2009
Thanks Terra, I think he will be too small to cope with the winter, so it looks as if he is here to stay till Spring then he should be carrying more weight to manage. I will fill him up with vitamins and calcium as well, so he should hopefully stand a chance out in the big world.
10 Oct, 2009
It would be nice for him to havew an opportunity to explore the big wide world next springtime.... but if I were a pigeon in Pamland..... I would be staying put... Lol.
What is the name of the pub where you found him ?
Would that help you think of a name for him ? :o)
10 Oct, 2009
I don't think so Terra, it's called the Kings Arms, but known to the locals as The Nob'. I really can't think of a name for him, at the moment, I just say 'Hello Babe' when I go to feed him and talk to him. I would like to put him in with Waif, but she is sitting on another 2 infertile eggs and would probably see him as a threat.
10 Oct, 2009
I've just looked up special events for Oct 6th when you found Baby Pigeon, and the only one I can find is that in 1889 Thomas Edison showed the first motion picture...
How about Ed, or Edison, or Tom ? Lol.
10 Oct, 2009
Glad to hear he's (she's ?) doing Ok Pam :-)))
10 Oct, 2009
Oh Terra LOL, you are good! Do you know what I've called him, Zeus, no idea why, but it fits him somehow. He doesn't look like an Ed, not that I know what an Ed looks like! Zeus just popped into my head for some reason.
Thanks Sue, he's doing fine and I am so pleased he is eating well.
11 Oct, 2009
Zeus is fab !! He'll grow up into a big, strong God ! lol Glad he's doing well :-))
11 Oct, 2009
Just wish he wasn't so scared of my hands Sue, he really squeals when I put his food in. He's fine when I talk to him. It's strange because a lot of my own rescues are scared of hands, but come onto my head. It is sad that they don't realise that hands are part of the person they quite like.
11 Oct, 2009
Maybe it's something to do with the fingers ? Maybe for the best though, for when you release him. There's people out there that are not as nice as you :-)
11 Oct, 2009
Very true. Waif is not a bit afraid of my hands, so I am hoping that if I set her free she will cope, it doesn't take them long to revert to wild birds though.
12 Oct, 2009
What will be will be our kid xx
12 Oct, 2009
That's so true, our kid xx
13 Oct, 2009
Hope Zeus is Ok today Pam. I'm off on my hols for a week from tomorrow, so will check on him when I get back :-))
13 Oct, 2009
Oh Sue, have a great time, are you going somewhere nice? My days of holidays have long gone now since the Zoo expanded. Enjoy.............xxx
13 Oct, 2009
Have a nice trip, Sue...
...don't forget to take your camera :o)xxx
13 Oct, 2009
That goes without saying LOL.......
13 Oct, 2009
It's already packed !! lol Going to Rhodes for a week ... but have looked at the forecast and Thursday, Friday & Saturday rain !!!! :-((((
13 Oct, 2009
Zeus will be safe and dry :o)))
13 Oct, 2009
LOL !! ;-))
13 Oct, 2009
Oh no Sue, it rained when I went to Rhodes in October. I also went to Cyprus in October and it rained every day, the wind was so fierce that it blew all the chairs into the swimming pool! Puerta Pollensa in Majorca next and it was that week when the Cruise ship couldn't get into Palma and we were shut in the Hotel most of the week due to the torrential rain and hurricane type winds. I was with Ron then, and he said he had never met such a Jonah as me where weather was concerned LOL, he was scared to book anything. We even paid extra to get to the most sunny part of Teneriffe and I still have the umbrella I had to buy first day there, it did cheer up after a couple of days though! So much so we went swimming and I was nearly drowned by the under tow pulling me back into the sea, it took Ron and two other men to drag me back from under. There was black sand in my ears, eyes, mouth, anywhere else it could get and my swimming costume was so full of it, it was down to my knees LOL. I think I am safer staying here. I'm sure the weather will cheer up Sue! Have a wonderful time xxx
13 Oct, 2009
Zeus is lovely and warm Terra, he still makes pitiful squeaks when I put his food in and batters my hand with his wing, bless him.
13 Oct, 2009
Don't take this the wrong way Pam, but thank b****y God you're not coming with me !!!!! LOL Speak when I get back our kid ! :-)))
13 Oct, 2009
Pam, you are a star. I do hope wee Zeus will become a braver boy in time, and learn to love the hand that feeds him. You're doing a wonderful job.
13 Oct, 2009
Thanks B, just another freeloader to add to those I already have LOL. come Spring I hope to free Waif and Zeus, Tommy has to stay with me as he has a broken wing sadly and he is getting old now.
14 Oct, 2009
sorry late to this Pamazon.Hope Zeus continues to make good progress,
3 Nov, 2009
3 Nov, 2009
He's fine thanks Carole, being his usual stroppy little self, LOL..
4 Nov, 2009
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They appear where you are 'cause they know you'll look after them Pam. Is it some sort of dove ?
6 Oct, 2009