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Nerine bowdenii

Nerine bowdenii (Nerine bowdenii)

The only one that's flowered this year!

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very pretty barbara, how many were you expecting to show ?

7 Oct, 2009


I originally planted 12, had 6 the first year, 3 last year, now only one. Sob, sob. I hoped for more! I'll have to order more bulbs for next year....

7 Oct, 2009


How lovely Spritz...........

7 Oct, 2009


dont they last long normally or do you think they rotted or something barbara,maybe plant in pots and put the pot into the ground that way you can bring them in for winter, would that work :o) im no expert lol

7 Oct, 2009


I`ve had mine for years Spritz, they can take a long while before they flower but once started they seem to last for ever.The advice I was given was to neglect them and they`ll reward you and it

7 Oct, 2009


It's very pretty Spritz.

7 Oct, 2009


That's why it's so frustrating - they are lovely! They should be grown in a warm area - so the bulbs bake in the summer, apparently.

I haven't tried to feed them or I suppose that counts as neglect, does it?

7 Oct, 2009


These are a new temptation for me - to which I succumbed this morning on my way to work....walking past the Country Market I spied a pot of nerines and snaffled it up quick!!! Love them ... was told they like full sun and poor soil?

8 Oct, 2009


Yes, spot on! Good luck with them...:-))

8 Oct, 2009


Mine are flowering under a tree, near a small wall, hence heat and poor soil and doing well, but also they have been there over 5 years now.

8 Oct, 2009


I shan't give up....they are such beautiful flowers!

9 Oct, 2009


Had another look today, and yes they are beautiful, spent the last few days trying to add photographs to my garden, has taken me ages, much easier if you could just slide them in off the desktop!! still finding plants I had forgotten as well.

10 Oct, 2009


Stunning most unusual flower pretty colour

11 Oct, 2009


Oh dear, Dd! Is one of them the new avatar??

:-)) Morgana.

11 Oct, 2009


I grew this in the summer and it flowered when we were in France, just fancied a change....!!

11 Oct, 2009


Is it an Ixia??

12 Oct, 2009


No it is a tiger lily, Tigridia, comes in lots of beautiful colours, thought you might like

12 Oct, 2009


this is beautiful. i had 3 flowers last year only one this year, though the leaves came through.

14 Oct, 2009


SeaB do you lift them?

21 Oct, 2009


Ooops - yes, Dd - I do like it! Nerines aren't usually lifted, Dd. They should be hardy.

21 Oct, 2009


hi dottyd2, no they are in a pot and the pot goes into the green house to stop the pot breaking in the frost. so i suppose i do lift them in a way.

23 Oct, 2009


Are you back, Sbg? Did you enjoy your trip?

23 Oct, 2009


oh yes il pm soon.

23 Oct, 2009


OK. :-))

23 Oct, 2009


Spritz, I was asking about lifting tigridia, crossed wires.......

24 Oct, 2009


Ooops again! Yes - tigridias aren't hardy, I agree with Sbg. Lift and store, I'm afraid.

25 Oct, 2009

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