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Drone bee on Myrtle.

Drone bee on Myrtle.

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What a clear picture its lovely, I often wondered what Myrtle looked like now I know tis very pretty, its the plant for Taurus the bull flowers are the poppy.

7 Oct, 2009 your myrtle still in flower Bonkers.....mine seemed to finish so long ago......Arent they beautiful.......

7 Oct, 2009


Lovely photo, BB. Whenever I hear the name Myrtle I think of Moaning Myrtle from the Harry Potter books :)

7 Oct, 2009


A lovely photo BB . :o)

7 Oct, 2009


Beautiful photo BB....

7 Oct, 2009


Thanks Morgana I m a cusp myself think thats what they called me ..

Was doing well Milky till a few days ago high wind stripped most of the blooms but lovely while they lasted... Oh Gee how do you remember all those characters ?

Thanks Amy and Janette.

7 Oct, 2009


Brill photo as always.

7 Oct, 2009


great close-up, lovely flower to :o)

7 Oct, 2009


Thanks Clarice ..aye Sandra tough little evergreen that tolerates a wide range of conditions.

7 Oct, 2009


Great photo again BB, he's certainly a busy Bee, LOL.

7 Oct, 2009


really,, will pop in my favourites ray :o)

7 Oct, 2009


Love Myrtle my friend used to live in Myrtle Cottage and had big bush of it in the garden, well captured with the Bee B.B.

7 Oct, 2009


Thanks DrB lots of bees in this a B by BB C ? Oh thanks for the strawberry tree never knew its proper name and like yours a garden here with one that not flowered for at least 5 years ..this year stunning.

Myrtle Cottage ..can just picture it sounds lovely PP

7 Oct, 2009


lovely photo BB

7 Oct, 2009


Thanks Eileen .. you celebrating the yes vote ?

7 Oct, 2009


heres my answer to that lol ,,,,,,, :-(

7 Oct, 2009


Oh bless you .. did wonder if No during good times and Yes during bad made me wonder how things would be for you all when things improve .

Very shocked by the price of things and we complain here ..

7 Oct, 2009


was a strange one , everyone i know voted No , even folk i dont know have told me they voted No. seems all the middle classes and upper classes came out in droves this time and voted Yes

7 Oct, 2009


Did think of you when result announced as recall you saying how expensive things were for you ..when trying to work for yourself cant increase rates during tough times.Yes Tvs and sofas are cheaper but cant eat them can we ?

Oh should be off to bed Eileen economizing by brewing my own sorry Arthur not as good as yours but at 30p a bottle ..

7 Oct, 2009


Love the Myrtle Bonkers. Shame about the bee though. He'll die very soon now.

8 Oct, 2009


Brilliant shot as always BB!

Clear as day and superb light & shading.....

Always enjoy your pics.

Hope you're both well:0)

8 Oct, 2009


another super pic BB ,there are still a lot of busy Bees about

8 Oct, 2009


fantastic picture BB

8 Oct, 2009


Super and well composed photo.

8 Oct, 2009


Thanks Toto ..yes sad to think but hopefully members like yourself who increase our awareness about them ,will leave wild areas to encourage them...think I might have over done it though ...some queens hibernate over winter do I leave that nest alone or is it finished with now ? I know wasps rebuild each year - thanks to your excellent blog - do bees ?

Thanks OB ..fine thanks hope you keeping well.Pond duty this week end were given something called water buttercup - still think it spearwort ..gone mad with growth almost out the pond so big will have to go as taking over.As for Canadian pond weed .. water crystal clear wonderful oxygenator but grows so thick lol

Thanks Deida ..another avatar Aleyna ..hope hubby fully recovered now ( so does Jane lol ) thanks Tog.

9 Oct, 2009


Good close-up BB...or Jane...Lol. :o)

9 Oct, 2009


Lovely close up.........

10 Oct, 2009


~ I managed to get a little plant(12-15 ins) from one of the local plant sales fairs but hasn't flowered although it looks healthy~does it need to be a certain size before flowering?

10 Oct, 2009


These were certainly no bigger when purchased Arlene and flowered Ok could be just a seasonal thing as we ve had healthy reliable plants not flower this year.

An old climbing hydrangea full of glossy leaf but no flowers this year same with some hardy fuschias.

11 Oct, 2009


This looks lovely. I've never seen a Myrtle flower before.

11 Oct, 2009


Thanks Linda usually a tough little shrub only a couple of years old and flowered both years here .

11 Oct, 2009


Excellent photo BB the wings are brlliant, we have two myrtle one variagated and the ordinary both flowered well this year, love the perfume as well..

11 Oct, 2009


Was wondering if that me DD .. a kind of vanilla fragrance ?

11 Oct, 2009


Yes i would say vanilla BB..

12 Oct, 2009


Wonder do you have a pond DD ? We have water hawthorn and its white blooms fill the garden with vanilla scent on summer evenings really strong and heady and make you real hungry ...

12 Oct, 2009


Beautiful photo the Myrtle nearly as much as the Drone Bee..... stunning for Autumn with the vanilla scent!

14 Oct, 2009

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