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Australian Fuchsia


By Grindle

Australian Fuchsia (Correa 'Marians Marvel')

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That is a wonderful hybrid from two of our native correas - love the pink and yellow on these.

8 Oct, 2009


they are lovely Bernieh, this is the first one I've grown, still a small one, but I'll be looking for another :)

8 Oct, 2009


We see these beauties as hedges over here - spectacular display.

8 Oct, 2009


Ha! 'Marian's Marvel'! I have this - and it survived last winter - I planted a new Correa a few weeks ago. Pale pink bells. Pretty, aren't they!

They must look wonderful as a hedge, Bernie!

21 Oct, 2009


this was a first for me last year and mine sailed through that cold winter, I like the one you have too, will have to look out for another one . I bet they look great as a hedge :)

21 Oct, 2009


I 'tripped' over it - but I had to have it - so pretty! It's a bit hit and miss with NZ and Australian plants, sadly.

21 Oct, 2009


:))) but keep on trying

22 Oct, 2009


Oh yes, definitely! My Coprosmas are all in pots and they'll be in the greenhouse for the winter. I have two Lophomyrtus, and they'll be fleeced, just to be sure. I might fleece the new Correa, but I'll wait for a severe frost warning first.

22 Oct, 2009


my coprosma seemed to survive last winter too, it's in the garden so I hope so, the Lophomyrtus I have seems to be struggling, but I think that's due to it's location, probably a bit too dry for it, I think it might need moving in the spring. The only plant that seemed to suffer last year was Cestrum aurantiacum, which didn't like the frost at all, oh well I'll just have to look for another one and keep it in a container :)

23 Oct, 2009


The only Coprosma that survived last winter outside was 'Beatson's Gold'. So the new ones are definitely going in. I'll have to check out the Cestrum - not a familiar name. Did you fleece it?

23 Oct, 2009


no, I'm embarrased to say, I just let it do it's own thing, silly me

24 Oct, 2009


Ah well - we all learn by mistakes, don't we! I shall fleece 'everything' if we get really hard frosts again! I was upset last year - too many losses. Boo hoo!

24 Oct, 2009


I don't blame you, it's so unusual for us to have those sort of frosts very often, think it lulls us into a false sense of security. I won't be making the same mistake either.

24 Oct, 2009


That is lovely Grindle......will have to look at for these.....

28 Oct, 2009


they are nice plants AA especially as they flower so late in the year :)

29 Oct, 2009


Ooohhh - Alice! Is your garden c-c-c-cold in the winter? Obviously, some gardens have more shelter than others, but Correas would, sadly, turn up their toes in really cold weather! You'd have to keep it in a pot and over-winter it somewhere if you got consistently low temps - or fleece it really cosily!

29 Oct, 2009

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This photo is of species Correa 'Marians Marvel'.

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